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diy solar

EVLithium Lithium Iron Batteries DO NOT BUY FROM THEM!!!


New Member
Apr 3, 2020
Hi I'm new this is my first Post. I know a lot about solar. I have installed a 11000 watt grid tie system at my house. Now on to the topic, EVLithium DO NOT PURCHASE FROM THESE GUYS. They are a rip off all the way. This Company just rip me off. I purchase eight 200 amp Winston Cells from them. After 3 Months they send me 8 blue lithium Bats. worth less then half of the money spent. I guess I was lucky just to get that. The Sale Man goes by the name of Tony . I have tried to communicate but now no response. Please save your money and spent it elsewhere. Their web site is
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Evlithium: Winston Battery, CALB, LiFePO4 Battery
How are you charging these batteries? What charge model and manufacturer? I've tested a few without any issue you wouldn't find in any other LiPo4
Hi , I want to share a bad experience with EVLITHIUM company. I ordered litihum batteires from them with delivery to my home. They charged 450 US$ for the shipping. Then upon arrival they notice a delivery to the closest port instead of hime delivery ! Finally the asked for 900 US$ to deliver to my home !!! DO NO TRUST THESE PEOPLE

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diy solar