diy solar

diy solar

Filterguys big announcement


Solar Engineering Consultant - EG4 and Consumers
Nov 26, 2019
Los Gatos CA
A new phase in my solar journey

Anyone who has followed me on the forum knows I have a passion for moving DIY solar forward and for helping people learn. I have had my frustrated rants (for which I apologize) but my intent has always been to be helpful and move the DIY solar space forward in a positive way.

@SignatureSolarJames recently reached out to me and asked if I would like to help EG4 and Signature Solar. I had a face-to-face meeting with James and other members of his team and it became obvious they had similar goals and passions as mine. Most importantly, I saw no indication that they wanted to silence me. I felt they truly wanted to hear my opinions in order to improve what they do. Based on all of that, I have agreed to be a consultant to Signature Solar and EG4. In that role, I hope to fairly represent the needs of you, the DIY community.

Will I be able to make a difference? I think I will, but only time will tell. But if I do make a difference, we all win.

My pledge to the forum is that I will not be a shill for the company. I won’t pretend that this won’t make me think twice about saying something negative, but I will continue to call it like I see it in an effort to be helpful. My role includes being a part of identifying any safety concerns and code support as it arises and I will not fail to post any known threats the day I become aware of them. I certainly won't tell you something I don’t believe to be true.
Best of luck, I'm sure this will be good for them, for you, and for "the community."
And, thanks for putting it right out there.
I actually thought that the announcement was going to be moderator.
Maybe, that's next. ;)

"Politics" isn't everyone's strong suite.

Some of us are better at understanding simple technical things like electromagnetism, nuclear physics, rocket science that the unfathomable such as people, emotions, women.

A new phase in my solar journey

Anyone who has followed me on the forum knows I have a passion for moving DIY solar forward and for helping people learn. I have had my frustrated rants (for which I apologize) but my intent has always been to be helpful and move the DIY solar space forward in a positive way.

@SignatureSolarJames recently reached out to me and asked if I would like to help EG4 and Signature Solar. I had a face-to-face meeting with James and other members of his team and it became obvious they had similar goals and passions as mine. Most importantly, I saw no indication that they wanted to silence me. I felt they truly wanted to hear my opinions in order to improve what they do. Based on all of that, I have agreed to be a consultant to Signature Solar and EG4. In that role, I hope to fairly represent the needs of you, the DIY community.

Will I be able to make a difference? I think I will, but only time will tell. But if I do make a difference, we all win.

My pledge to the forum is that I will not be a shill for the company. I won’t pretend that this won’t make me think twice about saying something negative, but I will continue to call it like I see it in an effort to be helpful. My role includes being a part of identifying any safety concerns and code support as it arises and I will not fail to post any known threats the day I become aware of them. I certainly won't tell you something I don’t believe to be true.
Super excited to get to work with you, Filterguy! Always enjoy your insight and informative posts. Looking forward to things to come.
A new phase in my solar journey

Anyone who has followed me on the forum knows I have a passion for moving DIY solar forward and for helping people learn. I have had my frustrated rants (for which I apologize) but my intent has always been to be helpful and move the DIY solar space forward in a positive way.

@SignatureSolarJames recently reached out to me and asked if I would like to help EG4 and Signature Solar. I had a face-to-face meeting with James and other members of his team and it became obvious they had similar goals and passions as mine. Most importantly, I saw no indication that they wanted to silence me. I felt they truly wanted to hear my opinions in order to improve what they do. Based on all of that, I have agreed to be a consultant to Signature Solar and EG4. In that role, I hope to fairly represent the needs of you, the DIY community.

Will I be able to make a difference? I think I will, but only time will tell. But if I do make a difference, we all win.

My pledge to the forum is that I will not be a shill for the company. I won’t pretend that this won’t make me think twice about saying something negative, but I will continue to call it like I see it in an effort to be helpful. My role includes being a part of identifying any safety concerns and code support as it arises and I will not fail to post any known threats the day I become aware of them. I certainly won't tell you something I don’t believe to be true.
congratulations to both you and ss !
Congratulations! Have enjoyed your help over the years!