diy solar

diy solar

Flash Sale For USA DiySolarForum Users! – from Gobel

If you need more than 20Kw for a pair, then add a third and you have 30Kw which beats a pair of 12Kw, similar to playing poker.
I hear ya, but the space would be best used if two units output 24kW, and leaves me room for a second tall stack of DIY packs - 200kWh.
The EG4 18kpv (12k) would fit, just not keen to pay that much for grid-tie features I won't use or need.
I am sure SRNE will come out with a 12kW output sooner or later...meanwhile I am watching how you guys make out with the new 10kW.
It is easy, just hit the ADD TO CART button.

Pay with Paypal or credit card.

Price for cells includes shipping.......... :ROFLMAO:
I know it is easy.
At the same time, a lot of $ and I don't think the wife would be onboard seeing as I don't have the first battery packs online yet..... :rolleyes: :oops:
In seriousness tho my wife is fully onboard with going solar, even dealing with two extension cords to step over. At least this endeavor has savings and self sufficiency at the end, versus home theater etc.
Well we are kinda that way BUT we want a homestead property (currently in a suburb) so limited to what we can do here. With property prices and interest rates right now it is harder to get things. So her focus is to save more for the eventual property.

Otherwise we really don't need more cells atm. Sigh.
My wife is a prepper, so she feeds my solar addiction. 48 more cells getting ordered today . Life is good.
My wife was (originally) more of a food-prepper but not so much interested in the whole solar power thing - at first.
Then two years ago we had a big April storm = utility power out for four days! (edit: imagine 3 freezers full in this situation).
At the time only our business - next door to our home - was off-grid, so ran a temp cable to feed the house until the utility was restored.
The success of the battery-inverters to support our home during those 4-days lead to a total 'green light' to expand and put the house on solar as well.
This year there was a spring utilty outage and we only knew about it when a neighbour told us.
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I know it is easy.
At the same time, a lot of $ and I don't think the wife would be onboard seeing as I don't have the first battery packs online yet..... :rolleyes: :oops:
You have to play it smart. :)

I told her that with more batteries, she could do laundry or run the dishwasher probably any time she wants after I install them. :ROFLMAO:

As for the latest purchase, she can see the cell balance on the screen 24/7 in the kitchen and know there are 16 that are Grade B and tend not to balance well until the Batrium finishes bypass.
In seriousness tho my wife is fully onboard with going solar, even dealing with two extension cords to step over. At least this endeavor has savings and self sufficiency at the end, versus home theater etc.
Once you get to a certain size system and run the house 24/7 off it, plus hot water and heating/cooling, they come on board pretty quick.

Get rid of the extension cords and get a system tied into the main panel that can run everything.

Don't let her see the checkbook or credit card statement. :ROFLMAO:

We needed a place to put money as we have a problem of having invested since our late 20's in the stock market and having some rental property, (no debt either) that we needed something else to provide a return. When we started down the path, interest on money market was about 1% so this was a better ROI and we get use out of it. Long term it will be there probably until we die supplying our house with electricity plus heating/cooling.
You have to play it smart. :)
Darn it! I read this post too late!
I told her we could expand the battery system since the cells are on a flash sale - so she said "how much would it cost to get enough batteries to charge all summer and Heat the House all Winter"
Like an idiot I answered that question too honestly ! !
I should have just said "about half of what it would've cost a year ago!
Missed my chance to build a 4MW battery, Damn.
Well we are kinda that way BUT we want a homestead property (currently in a suburb) so limited to what we can do here. With property prices and interest rates right now it is harder to get things. So her focus is to save more for the eventual property.

Otherwise we really don't need more cells atm. Sigh.
You might get lucky and pick up something foreclosed in the next few years. People are running out of funds and the cost of living is driving them to bankruptcy.

Cells can always be transported, panels can too. Mounts not so much. Wire the house so you can easily remove the system, usually just adding in a transfer switch so you can yank out your system and it is ready for a generator on the next owner. This gives you the head start when you do move.

Sometimes in life, you have to charge ahead to get ahead. I purchased this property in 2008 after the real estate market crashed. It was a foreclosure. Paid $32K for 4 acres with a house and well on it, I did update the septic after some time. I spent $30K remodeling and adding on to the house, my labor was free.

I added 2 large buildings, one is the shop at 4300 square feet and cold storage is 4800 square feet. I could probably sell today around $1 mil.

But I'm not moving except into a pine box.
I received my DIY kit and MB30 batteries a couple of days ago. I have not yet fully put it together as the lack of instructions has slowed me down a bit. My kit was ordered with the PC200 BMS. I have watched the 2 recent videos from Off-Grid garage. Two questions:
1. In a previous video, Andy said that the kit is the same as the one you can purchase as pre-built. However, I did not get a fuse with my kit. Is this a mistake?
2. My kit included an EK-24S4EB flying super capacitor balancer. I know Andy said that sometimes balancers do more harm than good. Should I install this as the cells I got were carefully matched? Will the BMS itself do any of the balancing?
Darn it! I read this post too late!
I told her we could expand the battery system since the cells are on a flash sale - so she said "how much would it cost to get enough batteries to charge all summer and Heat the House all Winter"
Like an idiot I answered that question too honestly ! !
I should have just said "about half of what it would've cost a year ago!
Missed my chance to build a 4MW battery, Damn.
@OffGridForGood It Looks like you missed this earlier post
Update for Flash Sale : Valid Only till 20th May!, 2024

(Edit) corrected spelling

diy solar

diy solar