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diy solar

Help me Install 3 EG4 Mini Split Solar Heat Pumps

Uh oh. I realized apparently NOBODY checked this , and after 6 months of using one I didn't know the answer either!! Someone please check theirs!! 120W??!! Good news is its of course 0 in Solar only DC mode. And to be clear yes it's OFF -off not fan running or some ish...
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Well now that’s definitely not a +.

I have an Ikea induction cooktop that I left plugged in on the home stove top for a few mos, until one day I started using it with my Bluetti and noticed it had a parasitic standby 120-140w useage even when off!
No other 120vac appliance I’ve plugged in to the Bluetti does that. Not washer, dryer, refrigerator, tool battery chargers, microwave, skil saw, a 120vac cultivator, or various resistance heaters.
There is the seemingly required stupid red indicator light, but seriously that kind of power useage when not functioning should be illegal.
Needless to say it now stays unplugged until in use.

It’s alarming to see this with the EG4 mini split. ?
I'm not sure how the "idle" part is being considered here.

When its off its 0 watts.

When its on heat and not heating its 10 watts

When its on ac which runs the fan all the time but not running the compressors its 40 watts.

That's on my 28,000 btu units.
I'm not sure how the "idle" part is being considered here.

When its off its 0 watts.

When its on heat and not heating its 10 watts

When its on ac which runs the fan all the time but not running the compressors its 40 watts.

That's on my 28,000 btu units.
Why would the fan run all the time when in AC mode?
I have never seen that with any properly operating ac unit.
Why would the fan run all the time when in AC mode?
I have never seen that with any properly operating ac unit.
The mini splits I have keep the fan going all the time in ac mode and I actually very much like it that way. Think about what its like the second a normal central ac type cuts off or even a window unit. When the air stops moving it "feels" hotter. Technically its psychological but it happens and with the mini split keeping the air moving you get a bit of free "ac" from the coil still being cold and the air in the room is "moving". I like it.
Yes and I think it's meant to contribute to drying the indoor condensate pan so it doesn't turn into a science project.

Again, I checked with unit set to come on in scheduled mode, after its shutoff time at night. No fan, display etc - when I thought it was "OFF" but connected to AC (and DC technically) power. I checked it in the evening and then again in the AM before it starts up to verify something wasnt in cooldown or such. I ran the new 240v circuit for this so know it's ONLY connected to mini split, no past owner mid run splices or any funny business. Maybe when @MrM1 climbs off the roof he can check one of his :)
Yes and I think it's meant to contribute to drying the indoor condensate pan so it doesn't turn into a science project.

Again, I checked with unit set to come on in scheduled mode, after its shutoff time at night. No fan, display etc - when I thought it was "OFF" but connected to AC (and DC technically) power. I checked it in the evening and then again in the AM before it starts up to verify something wasnt in cooldown or such. I ran the new 240v circuit for this so know it's ONLY connected to mini split, no past owner mid run splices or any funny business. Maybe when @MrM1 climbs off the roof he can check one of his :)
The one I got the readings I posted off of is on its own circuit run just for it .
When its off it shows 0 watts but since it will wake up with the remote it has to be pulling something but it wasn't measurable via emporia.

I will be moving that circuit to another sub panel shortly and when I do that I can use a real clamp amp meter on it before I close the box up.
This roof is turning into a real project. It was VERY poorly installed (professionally by professionals - which is why I trust my work better on everything).

I'm putting new screws in the whole roof

The AC grid weather head had no boot

Several screws have leaked.

Needed to be done.

So ... I'm finally installing racking today. May be I'll fly my drone up and get some b4 and after video.

Question. It's not super important as I've installed plenty of racking, but curious, with an 80 Inch panel, how far apart should the racking Rails be? How much panel over hangs on each end? Is there some standard or rule of thumb ?
how many watts do they use in standby mode?

Appears we need a NEW thread how many watts in STANDBY??

Well now that’s definitely not a +.

It’s alarming to see this with the EG4 mini split. ?

Maybe when @MrM1 climbs off the roof he can check one of his :)

I'm still on the roof ? , so I can't confirm "Stand-by" power yet, but I am doing plenty of testing with the mini splits on the Grid and on my Inverter.

Here are some things I've learned

There seems to be some pretty large Room Temp Swings with the EG4 units. Like 2-4°F between when the compressor runs and doesn't. So set at 75, it seems to cool down to 73, but then it doesn't come back on until 76-77. @Plum Crazy Rob do you see this?

But other brand mini split owners tell me this is typical

2. It seems when on AC power only, running the AC Limiter Smooths out the first issue. At least it seems to so far in my testing

3. If if you switch to Turbo Fan Mode and you are using the AC Limiter, in Turbo Fan Mode, the Limiter Turns off. But you can run in High Fan Mode and it stays on

I've not tested the idle, but with AC power to all my 3 EG4s (5 tons) keeping my house at 77°F using the EG4 mini splits and just the blower of my 3 ton heat pump in fan circulate mode VS my 3 ton Goodman and 2.5 Ton Bryant 14 seer Heat Pumps (5.5 tons) ... on Grid Power Only, With similar mid 90°F Temps and conditions on Wed and Thurs ...

On Wed I ran just the 3 mini splits and 3 ton heat pump blower. My utility meter read this for the day


On Thur I ran just the 2 heat pumps. My utility meter read this for the day


The Dryer never ran all day. All other appliances where off grid on the Inverter, so this is just essentially the Heat Pumps VS the Mini Splits

I'd say that's a big difference !!
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Why would the fan run all the time when in AC mode?
I have never seen that with any properly operating ac unit.
This is true of conventional ducted AC systems and blower fans, they cycle .

Mini Splits (in my experience) operate differently. The fan blows all the time to keep the air moving and to dry the moisture because mini splits have a slightly different draining system.

But generally the blowers in mini splits are DC. So my 3 ton heat pump blower use 300w just being on. My 2 ton mini split blower uses 40w.
So set at 75, it seems to cool down to 73, but then it doesn't come back on until 76-77. @Plum Crazy Rob do you see this?
Yes. Since I currently have a single unit which is effectively undersized for the space it conditions, it justs runs all the time!! No problemo :LOL:

So I turned the Grid back off after finding the revolting level of parasitic draw...I guess its DC only as much as possible, or those who have plans that it just stays on 24/7 are on the right track.
Yes. Since I currently have a single unit which is effectively undersized for the space it conditions, it justs runs all the time!! No problemo :LOL:

So I turned the Grid back off after finding the revolting level of parasitic draw...I guess its DC only as much as possible, or those who have plans that it just stays on 24/7 are on the right track.
BTW ... I just added a 4th Thing I learned above. About Turbo mode and the AC limiter. See post #413
So ..I guess its DC only as much as possible, or those who have plans that it just stays on 24/7 are on the right track.
Are you saying, When the EG4 is totally off, but connect to the Grid AC power, there is a draw from the grid to the off EG4 of 100 watts. Is that the scenario that is being described?

Oh ... I'll definitely test for that soon
118W actually. I know 100.0% that is happening at my house, have 2 clamp meters that do AC so double checked. ( had to get a NEW one for DC / Solar lol)

As I said ran a new circuit so nothing funky going on interconnections, and as soon as I throw the mini split disconnect, boom 0.00 amps. Curious if 12K draws same (presumably yes same to similar main PCB) or 1/2 as much..
Ok here is the 12k Running, Idle (Unit Off) and Breaker Off (Thanks for getting me side tracked, now its too hot to install racking :ROFLMAO: )

12k Unit Running

01 App Running.jpg
02 Running.jpg

12k Unit Idle NOT ON at the Remote (All head unit lights are off)
- 120v AC x 0.25amps = 30 watts

03 App Off.jpg
04 Breaker On.jpg

Breaker Off
120v x 0.04amps = 4.8 watts

05 Breaker off.jpg
Ok Thx. Unfortunately I was right. WANTED to be WRONG, albeit the 12k is 1/2 of 24k (you don't have to test that one...yet!! ?)

If you had Solar direct up, you could crank it down to a refreshing 61 and sit and cool ? off for awhile before going back out..that's what I do ! :ROFLMAO:

Edit a few months later: We got smarter - what was being measured here was apparent power in VA, not watts. Mini Splits are known to have bad power factor when off. With a Kill-a-watt, was able to measure power factor, .24, and true power 8W

Post in thread 'Help me Install 3 EG4 Mini Split Solar Heat Pumps'
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You have weird math if 25.2 watts is 1/2 of 118 watts ?

My math
30 watts idle
- 4.8 watts breaker off weirdness
= 25.2 watts
Yeah I was just thinking the same <quick save> no really I was ! :LOL:

I'll settle for 1/4 of 24k BTU. Breaker off weirdness = weird ?
Question. It's not super important as I've installed plenty of racking, but curious, with an 80 Inch panel, how far apart should the racking Rails be? How much panel over hangs on each end? Is there some standard or rule of thumb ?
The spec/install info for the panels will tell you exactly where to clamp the panels to achieve their wind load rating.
For example my Panasonic panels say min 13.5, max 17.7 inches from top/bottom of the sides.
You can also get a good clue from mounting holes punched into the frame.
The spec/install info for the panels will tell you exactly where to clamp the panels to achieve their wind load rating.
For example my Panasonic panels say min 13.5, max 17.7 inches from top/bottom of the sides.
You can also get a good clue from mounting holes punched into the frame.
SanTan panels. NEO D6M. Can only find spec sheet. No install data. But I used the hole location
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diy solar