diy solar

diy solar

Inverter says it won't work with LiFeP04 Battery. Why?


New Member
Apr 9, 2020
I'm a total newbie at this, but I'm trying to decide on a 1000W pure sine wave inverter to pair with my LiFeP04 battery for my basic solar system for a van. I found a 1000W pure sine wave inverter that has good reviews and looks awesome, but the manufacturer said "this device would not work with Lithium Iron Phosphate batteries (LiFeP04)." Why wouldn't it work with a LiFeP04 battery? Don't you just hook it up to the battery terminals and go? Why would it work on other batteries and not LiFeP04? Super confused. If anyone has insight, I would love some help! Thanks!

diy solar

diy solar