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diy solar

Liniotech Battery (Strange Charge Behaviour) w/ Sol-Ark


New Member
Sep 8, 2023
Greetings All, I've done some searching, called Sol-Ark customer service, and they've pointed to the battery. My system is 9.6kW set of panels in three strings, going into a Sol-Ark 15K, which is grid-tied (net metering), paired currently with a Liniotech 10Kwh battery wall. The Liniotech is a 200AH, 10.24Kwh, 51.2V setup. This battery was placed in by the installation company, not to agreed spec, etc. We are in the process of getting this returned/credited, however, we are stuck with it until the replacement HomeGrid Stack'd system arrives (with heated modules).

Over the last month or so, I've noticed that each morning, the battery is consuming a lot of charge from the solar, anywhere between 100w and 900w, even though it has not been used overnight. This battery was SUPPOSED to support closed loop comms with the Sol-Ark, but does not. The Sol-Ark is set to currently only use the battery during an outage (as we lose power a lot), so pulling from the grid at night right now, unless we lose grid.

That being said, each morning, I'm seeing this behavior, where the battery seems to be pulling a great deal of charge from the solar, even though it shows fully charged via the Sol-Ark interface, PowerView App, and charged on the Liniotech battery BMS itself. This morning it started pulling about 300W, and even though it shows 100% charge, at float value set, etc., still seems to be pulling 73W.

I've attached a copy of the current setup (as recommended via Liniotech and Sol-Ark) for your review (and now added a snapshot from Powerview this morning).

Input and thoughts welcome! Thanks in advance for this first-time poster.
Screenshot 2023-10-10 105638.png


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Most likely it is a contactor based bms and has a self consuming draw that may be high
Thanks. I just added a picture showing the POWER, seems like every night there is a major dip. Real? Not sure, Battery BMS itself doesn't seem to show it. Likely a self-consuming draw, just seems strange. This didn't happen for about the first 4-5 months, but has showed up in the last couple with no changes made on the Sol-Ark. Appreciate the reply rodrick.
Looking at the specification of the battery vs. the setting in the Sol-Ark, perhaps restart voltage and float are set too high?LiniotechSpecCapture.JPG

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