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diy solar

Losing faith in Victron.

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Oh, someplace along the line it came out that the OP wanted parts from signature solar which they can't order or sell - they offered to RMA the unit and in the meanwhile the OP bought new boards from a repair shop.

SS as the vendor does RMA to turn around bad hardware, the OP wanted internal components and SS checked with Victron which caused a delay and the OP to be pissy about it and write this thread but refuse to answer any questions.

From other threads by the OP the issue might be noisy fans, doesn't seem like that would be a board level repair, but no way to know unless there is a reply by OP or SS
Oh, someplace along the line it came out that the OP wanted parts from signature solar which they can't order or sell - they offered to RMA the unit and in the meanwhile the OP bought new boards from a repair shop.

SS as the vendor does RMA to turn around bad hardware, the OP wanted internal components and SS checked with Victron which caused a delay and the OP to be pissy about it and write this thread but refuse to answer any questions.

From other threads by the OP the issue might be noisy fans, doesn't seem like that would be a board level repair, but no way to know unless there is a reply by OP or SS
Fan noise seem to be the only real problem for this inverter. I have some questions about the DC input temps on the PCB but otherwise the mulitiplus II seems a pretty solid unit. I just started using them and they seem efficient compared to my LF Magna-sine, I'm seeing more overnight battery life. I have had problems with the input mounts getting really hot.
Hi again! The customer expressed concern about the noise level of the fan and was interested in exploring aftermarket options to achieve a quieter operation. Unfortunately, we do not carry the aftermarket part in question, as Victron does not supply us with these parts. While we can request one, this process involves adhering to proper procedures. As mentioned earlier, we reached out to our contact to request the part's shipment to us, but unfortunately, we did not receive a very fast response. Given that this is not a typical request, there was no pre-planned timeframe for its availability. Our efforts were aimed at assisting with this one-time request, and we sincerely apologize for any inconvenience caused. It's important to note that this part does not come with the unit and is simply not something we carry. To provide a relatable analogy, this situation is akin to buying an iPhone from Walmart and then calling Walmart to request an aftermarket Apple phone case that Walmart doesn't sell. In such cases, Walmart does not source this phone case for the customer, the customer will either contact Apple or find another distributor that does sell this case. We want to emphasize that we did make efforts to obtain this part for you. However, it is not as simple for our company to purchase a part that is not in our system as it is for the customer to source it themselves. We appreciate your understanding in this matter and thank you for your patience.
So this topic over a stupid fan .
A systeem that is use speciaal for marine use and later for home use.
A systeem that have to run full trust 24/7 on a boat.
On sea with no help .
In a engine room or electronic room that can easy heat op to 40/50 Celsius and up.
That victron use old tech for a fan .
Its a 2 way wire dan that is use by switch on and of by pulsing the fan .
A old systeem that always have work for years and have the trust that it always works optimal .

That is the reason that fan make that noise
A high and blower fan that have to operate on high temperature.


Sorry i have to #&#&(-?--"+&_€##€_
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Oh, someplace along the line it came out that the OP wanted parts from signature solar which they can't order or sell - they offered to RMA the unit and in the meanwhile the OP bought new boards from a repair shop.

SS as the vendor does RMA to turn around bad hardware, the OP wanted internal components and SS checked with Victron which caused a delay and the OP to be pissy about it and write this thread but refuse to answer any questions.

From other threads by the OP the issue might be noisy fans, doesn't seem like that would be a board level repair, but no way to know unless there is a reply by OP or SS
One of the fixes for noisy fans is adding a control board that modulates the PWM frequency, any dealer can retrofit this board.
One of the fixes for noisy fans is adding a control board that modulates the PWM frequency, any dealer can retrofit this board.
No its a board that have capacitors.
Those are charge up thanks to the volt from the controller.
Only thing it do is between pulse the fan rpm do not go down by use capacitors energy
Reason by full blowing the sound will stay the same (Db)
With or without the mod.

The best fix is really.
To use a other fan with own controller that do not use the victron pwm controller.
Just direct connect on your battery pack .
delete me
delete me
delete the thread
lock the thread
A pc use a 3 way wire pwm .
The 3 wire a on a pwm fan is the rpm of the fan
Victron use a 2 wire systeem and do not know the rpm of the fan.
And the controller is set on a aggressive settings
With update ( i had set a link of the video ) you do not need the extra controller board .
So victron dit adjust it with a software update.
New units have a other controller on board and a fan .

Personal i just look for a good pc fan 3 wires .
Leave the 3 e wire of (cut it)
And a model that have a other fan blade profile.

Wel nobody have heart a delta pc fan .
That is like a jet-engine and dell pc still us them
Hi again! The customer expressed concern about the noise level of the fan and was interested in exploring aftermarket options to achieve a quieter operation. Unfortunately, we do not carry the aftermarket part in question, as Victron does not supply us with these parts. While we can request one, this process involves adhering to proper procedures. As mentioned earlier, we reached out to our contact to request the part's shipment to us, but unfortunately, we did not receive a very fast response. Given that this is not a typical request, there was no pre-planned timeframe for its availability. Our efforts were aimed at assisting with this one-time request, and we sincerely apologize for any inconvenience caused. It's important to note that this part does not come with the unit and is simply not something we carry. To provide a relatable analogy, this situation is akin to buying an iPhone from Walmart and then calling Walmart to request an aftermarket Apple phone case that Walmart doesn't sell. In such cases, Walmart does not source this phone case for the customer, the customer will either contact Apple or find another distributor that does sell this case. We want to emphasize that we did make efforts to obtain this part for you. However, it is not as simple for our company to purchase a part that is not in our system as it is for the customer to source it themselves. We appreciate your understanding in this matter and thank you for your patience.
Good grief all this over the fan noise?!

No wonder it wasn't mentioned earlier, it would have been shot down 4 pages ago.

I agree, SS is not responsible here.
Well, the older MP2s had a fan noise issue that was remedied in later models.
It appears SS is still selling the older models.
Ok, but did Victron recall these? Are they deemed faulty? Where dealers told to not sell them?

There would need to be a date range for manufacturing published, with affected serial numbers. Plus, all the previous units for the last 5 years that are still under warranty would be eligible for replacement. This kind of action needs to come from the top (Victron) before the dealer can be held responsible.

Product improvement doesn't mean you can't sell the previous version.
I suspect it is "works as designed" and they made a design change as an enhancement so there was no original fault. Why do a recall when 99% of users either don't notice it, ignore it if they do, or live with it.

Only the occasional squeaky fan gets the cheese :)
Ok, but did Victron recall these? Are they deemed faulty? Where dealers told to not sell them?

There would need to be a date range for manufacturing published, with affected serial numbers. Plus, all the previous units for the last 5 years that are still under warranty would be eligible for replacement. This kind of action needs to come from the top (Victron) before the dealer can be held responsible.

Product improvement doesn't mean you can't sell the previous version.
You mean this?

Sounds like the OP wanted to reinvent the wheel.
Ok, but did Victron recall these? Are they deemed faulty? Where dealers told to not sell them?

There would need to be a date range for manufacturing published, with affected serial numbers. Plus, all the previous units for the last 5 years that are still under warranty would be eligible for replacement. This kind of action needs to come from the top (Victron) before the dealer can be held responsible.

Product improvement doesn't mean you can't sell the previous version.
Ok, maybe not illegal, but not ideal for consumers. According to the Victron Community website, the issue and it's fix was sent to all dealers in May of last year. SS chose not to act and left it to the customer.
If a dealer is sent an old “non fixed” inverter from victron, is it the dealer able to refuse shipment?

Or do they just turn over product and pass their future problems onto warranty support?

I’d like to think these dealers turn over product in say a year or so.

I don’t see it any different that the Auto industry and technical service bulletins (TSB). They are they’re to guide repair facilities to issues of units past and offer a fix, but doesn’t warrant a full blown recall costing $$$$$$$k.

This is still not calling it a fault, it is just stating as a way to reduce low RPM fan noise.

Like cars - a recall is a fault and a TSB (tech service bulitine) is just something to fix a problem IF and only IF a customer has it. TSB are almost never life threatening and recalls typically are. For both they know the fault exists in some percentage of vehicles up to all of them.

Companies seldom admit fault for the legal liability of it, but they do stuff like this to put oil on the squeeky wheel.
This is still not calling it a fault, it is just stating as a way to reduce low RPM fan noise.

Like cars - a recall is a fault and a TSB (tech service bulitine) is just something to fix a problem IF and only IF a customer has it. TSB are almost never life threatening and recalls typically are. For both they know the fault exists in some percentage of vehicles up to all of them.

Companies seldom admit fault for the legal liability of it, but they do stuff like this to put oil on the squeeky wheel.


Not safety or reliability related means its a product improvement.
If the kit is offered to owners and dealers at no charge, why did the OP say he had to buy it and expects reimbursement?

Is there some kind of aftermarket fix that people are buying.

OP says the fix came from another Victron dealer. That dealer should have also offered the free retrofit kit?

What am i missing here?
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diy solar