diy solar

diy solar

measurement unit consensus.

Should have kept your nuclear power. It doesn't care about clouds.
yeah that happens when you got a democratic government which is only thinking in 4 year intervals and not long term.

I'm not fan of nuclear, but shutting done perfectly working, already existing infrastructure which is producing clean power? That could have waited until we got the renewables running.
yeah that happens when you got a democratic government which is only thinking in 4 year intervals and not long term.

I'm not fan of nuclear, but shutting done perfectly working, already existing infrastructure which is producing clean power? That could have waited until we got the renewables running.
yes that is the only bad thing about the democratic system I can think of now.

hmm give me some minutes.

I can already hear some sound in the background. The gates are opening.

Brace.. ;)

here comes the flood ;)
yeah that happens when you got a democratic government which is only thinking in 4 year intervals and not long term.

I'm not fan of nuclear, but shutting done perfectly working, already existing infrastructure which is producing clean power? That could have waited until we got the renewables running.
I'm also not a particular fan of nuclear either but I see the practical need and did complete my apprenticeship while helping to build a couple of nuclear power plants. They retired permanently a couple of years ago after nearly 40 years of safe and reliable operation. I understand the boiler tubes in both units began to develop cracks due to a design flaw and it was deemed to costly to repair. Units 2&3 S.O.N.G.S. were rated for 1100mW each. I never went back after I turned out but a fella I apprenticed with who came from the same neighborhood, stayed and became the head electrician there for maintenance and made it an entire career. Texas could use about 4 of those right about now.
I look at the USA as my big brother. Someone with more experience than my self and also a thick skin.
I look at the USA as my senile grandfather. Someone who remembers the good ol' days, but can't remember yesterday and has no idea of tomorrow.
Maybe that's just their government. Joking of course, I'm fully aware that I'm in a glass house throwing stones.
Units 2&3 S.O.N.G.S. were rated for 1100mW each.

"Measurement unit consensus"?

Maybe that's just their government. Joking of course, I'm fully aware that I'm in a glass house throwing stones.

We may have our power plant problems while you're happily grinding grain with windmills.
But you have a sea-level rise problem, unlike anything we'll ever face. ;)
The U.S. will have a problem with rising seas lapping at their sandy beaches.
In Holland, when high tide breaches the dikes, 60% of the population will be inundated.
"Measurement unit consensus"?

We may have our power plant problems while you're happily grinding grain with windmills.
But you have a sea-level rise problem, unlike anything we'll ever face. ;)
Where's do you think Aussies live? I'm 1,000 mtrs above sea level in Australia.
Ashamed to say, we grind our grain with dirty old king coal.
Worded my post wrong, I meant brandnewbie who you replied to. He's the one in the Netherlands.
Both regarding traditional windmills and deliberately living below sea level, soon to be under the sea.

But how about you guys? Why don't the oceans flow down and cover your half of the earth?
Is it just Earth's rotation drawing water to the equator?
Also, do Whirling Dervishes and Tasmanian Devils both spin in the opposite direction down under?
In Australia we are pretty high and dry in most places (very dry).
We are located in the centre of a tectonic plate too, so no volcanic dramas.
Only things we really lack down here is fresh water and sensible government.
I look at the USA as my senile grandfather. Someone who remembers the good ol' days, but can't remember yesterday and has no idea of tomorrow.
Maybe that's just their government. Joking of course, I'm fully aware that I'm in a glass house throwing stones.
I think I know what you are missing here in this picture.

It's not the president in power that really really calls the shots for 100% Sure lets call it 95% or what ever number we give it that sounds reasonable. But 100% is just not reasonable.

I''ll grant that Joe does tend to sleep a lot or stumble. By the same token (and please remember I am not partisan as an outside viewer) President Trump also had some 'funny' moments.

The fact that we are focusing on that right now, or at least I am, shows that we should not.
No, our efforts, just like NASA's or ESA's and many others, even Russians. Are more important than anything else.

From my stance now we have 2 ways of seeing things;
* we either are already prepped and sit back and let the show happen. Once the curtain falls then we'll simply submit to what ever it is that the winning side thinks is important. (now I am of a strong believe that when ever the US goes full out it gonna be game over quite soon to our adversaries)
* Or if you are not prepared and perhaps also not algined yet a then now is your time.
Sensible government is lacking everywhere.
agreed, but the US, I suspect, have got like soo many top secret programs going on. That when s&*t does hits the fan the world is going to be surprised on what modern warfare looks like.

And now I derailed this thread. I realize just now. My apologies.

Just know as my final joke here that all these top secret projects are done using metric units ;)
I''ll grant that Joe does tend to sleep a lot or stumble. By the same token (and please remember I am not partisan as an outside viewer) President Trump also had some 'funny' moments.
Most people don't even know that Franklin Roosevelt had leg damage Polio and could not walk. He asked the press to never show him in a wheelchair or looking handicapped, and they complied.

These days if a President asked the press to not show negative moments (after all, everybody has them), they would mock him and immediately show everything they had. Our media outlets are no longer unbiased news agencies; they are politically slanted machines trying to gain power for their side.
Most people don't even know that Franklin Roosevelt had leg damage Polio and could not walk. He asked the press to never show him in a wheelchair or looking handicapped, and they complied.

These days if a President asked the press to not show negative moments (after all, everybody has them), they would mock him and immediately show everything they had. Our media outlets are no longer unbiased news agencies; they are politically slanted machines trying to gain power for their side.
yesss. I tend to agree. we are starting to see the same here over in the NL
Yes, they still use miles (for roads) and pints (for drinks) in Britain. But then, they don't really need converting or dividing much.
I know now why that is. Because while drinking and driving one can spend less time doing basic math while trying to stay on the road with one eye closed.

WARNING: don't try this at home! I feel lke this forum should be mature enough for me to not having to point out the obvious jokes. But in case there might be any legal ramiifications for the site owner I will just add these disclaimers.
agreed, but the US, I suspect, have got like soo many top secret programs going on. That when s&*t does hits the fan the world is going to be surprised on what modern warfare looks like.
B51 raider an7yone? I did suspect it !!

rest assured though. This is only what they are willing to unveil now. I am just so much already speculating what is still in the works.
hey gang, I suspected it because I have short lines to Joe and other top tiered people at US.

I can't say more about how, else risk termination, but I can say that this B51 Raider I saw coming from like years ago. ;)
let's not forget that the SR 71 blackbird, is probably now already unmanned and taking pictures, at greater speed, greater heights and greater stealth, of Putin picking his nose and rubbing his hair in terror.
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that is why I am blessed with Joe telling me NASA will cover my turbine. I mean the damned thing does not need to be stealth but some sweet science and funding is always a kick up to the cause.
I'm also not a particular fan of nuclear either but I see the practical need and did complete my apprenticeship while helping to build a couple of nuclear power plants.
really impressive. And in the spirit of keeping the topic.. well on topic.. Did you use metric or exotic units?
ANyway. Is not it by now that we have nuke plants that are next generation that need to actiivly kept online? as such to prevent run away scenarios of the past?

diy solar

diy solar