diy solar

diy solar

measurement unit consensus.

please give me your source. I could use a good smoke by now ;)
Sure. If you drive south (uphill from your place) to -3m elevation there's a town named Heber. There you will find an air conditioned 5,000sqft. lounge that I'm fairly certain will satisfy your needs. I haven't been been there or even by that way that way in almost a decade but I'm told it's the fastest growing lowdown city in America. :cool:
Plain and simple.
Americans aren't interested in the metric system.
We like doing our own thing. We are leaders, not followers.
(Even if it doesn't make sense to anyone else)
Ya darn tootin .. we don’t need any advice on how to live our life …or count our achievements .!
I respect and love this site.

I get to ramble, which I excel at.

I know that many of us have better intuitive feeling with weird units like elbows, tows, thumbs and what have we? feet?

Given the highly scientific nature of this forum I suggest we move to metric.

Ohh my ohh my how those French rule the world. Other than the fact that all of them speak well English yet refuse to in their own country. I have nothing bad to say about them. In fact I have quite some more good things to say.
Well pal we got measurements in the USA that your metric system can’t convert over or match…Anyone that ever worked with a crew building somthing knows what the terms mean and how to understand them .. a couple of the colorful terms I can not say here, Haa. but can you give me the metric conversion of “ tiny bit “or a “smidgin” or a “ tat “ ..?
no good reason to change what worked enough to save the whole world 2 times …thousands of MILES across the ocean…that’s many FEET deep and is sorta freezing at 32 “degrees F”.
Well, the UK has been mostly metric since the '80s (changed money units in the early '70s) and there's not many people nearly as conservative as the British.
Or as malleable socially in the last 60 years either…..just because you agree to change doesn’t mean it was smart…
Common core math, gender uncertainty, and woke philosophy sure are what sets America apart.
Just a phase we’re going thru.. we will fix the problem as we always do…growing is always painful to the participants.
I really hope so Jim.
I am watching all this from a very safe distance, and still wondering WTF is really going on over your way.
Well,said politely , sometimes a fool has to act out enough so as everyone realizes they are really a fool ..then the pendulum always swings back. Don’t trust everything you hear on most of the Pop-media and only half of what you see’s starting to come around over here..people are getting tired of this foolishness… will see …this year…
Well,said politely , sometimes a fool has to act out enough so as everyone realizes they are really a fool ..then the pendulum always swings back. Don’t trust everything you hear on most of the Pop-media and only half of what you see’s starting to come around over here..people are getting tired of this foolishness… will see …this year…
That comes very close to my own theory about all this nonsense.
I hope and pray you are right, and the tide is indeed turning.
Its becoming more and more difficult to sift out what is true from what is fake.
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It makes me laugh when the rest of the English speaking world think that US cars are thirsty gas guzzlers They often don't realise that US miles per gal is different to imperial miles per gal. We in Australia of certain age used the imp gallon up until 1974 and think of a gallon as 4.5 litres, but your gallon is a bit under 3.8 litres. In the 60's we learnt that you always check if the manual you were reading was American or not.