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diy solar

My 44kW vertical and bifacial set in Finland.

How far away is your property from the nearest neighbor? I'd be worried about neighbors children pelting my panels for sh*t and giggles
It's a very small village and everyone knows each other, so not worried about neighbors or their kids at all. It's the "main" road going through my property which could bring some uninvited assholes around, but then my current array is 100m down the field and assholes usually don't have any stamina.

New onesided panels are going to be roof mounted on a shed, perpendicular to my current array so I can harvest summer afternoons/evenings better. They will suck at winter though. For winter I'm trying to find cheap bifacials that I can hang on those shed walls.
Did spot prices come back down to affordability? Big profit time over?
Last summer I predicted there will be some cold winter days when spot will go over 1e/kWh for few hours and went for solid price. Spot hasn't been that bad compared to my fixed agreement (20c last year/13c this year all included), but then comes along last Friday with those ridiculous prices. Yes, they went down again, but there's plenty of winter still left. Usually coldest weather is around February.
108kWh today. It is slowly getting better. Last year, in the beginning of April daily yield was close to 340kWh, so a month or two and production should be quite nice again.

0,75MWh already this month. Nothing spectacular, but compered to Nov, Dec, it is already almost twice that and 20 days still left.
Things are getting better. 135kWh with high clouds, so maybe 150-160kWh on a perfect day at this time of year from my 44kWp array. Over 1,1MWh production this month and there's still few days left. PVWatts predicted only 0,4MWh for the whole month so over 2,5 times that already. I did try to design my setup towards winter with my vertical bifacials, but now I realize that it's all about sun. No sun and I get only 2-5kWh/day at this time of year. It really doesn't matter how good, big or efficient your system is if there's no sun to be seen.
Vertical is great for winter if the sun shines. If it's overcast flat is better, but then you have to sweep every time it snows.
Vertical is great for winter if the sun shines. If it's overcast flat is better, but then you have to sweep every time it snows.
1,25MWh January so over three times what PVWatts predicted. Still had to buy 4,5MWh to get through.

Total yield so far 39,5MWh so pretty confident to break my original yearly target of 40MWh as there's two whole months still to go.
Was your location somewhere nearby Vaasa?
European Science hub solar tool gives 0,7MWh for January that seems closer than PVWatts.

And above all I also think that January has been bit more sunny than usual.
Was your location somewhere nearby Vaasa?
European Science hub solar tool gives 0,7MWh for January that seems closer than PVWatts.

And above all I also think that January has been bit more sunny than usual.
Not quite as high up as Vaasa.

It must be me, but can't get any reasonable calculation using JRC. And it doesn't have bifacials as an option.
Vertical is great for winter if the sun shines. If it's overcast flat is better, but then you have to sweep every time it snows.
Not sure about that when using bifacial panels. Even if true, I'd loose a ton of production due to snowing all the time and I'm way too busy/lazy to clean them. I mean I have to clear snow 2-3 times every week from my yard which is 1ha (2,5ac) in size so I don't want to spent my time clearing panels too.

I think the most surprising thing about my vertical bifacials is how good they work in blizzards or heavy fog. In situations when I even can't see my array 100m (330ft) away, there's still decent (15-20%) production. I think summer is when my array is loosing most due to close to vertical angle.
Braking 40MWh target before Tuesday?
Not going to happen. I think I jinxed it myself as just after writing it forecast changed completely.

Not sure about that when using bifacial panels. Even if true, I'd loose a ton of production due to snowing all the time and I'm way too busy/lazy to clean them. I mean I have to clear snow 2-3 times every week from my yard which is 1ha (2,5ac) in size so I don't want to spent my time clearing panels too.

I think the most surprising thing about my vertical bifacials is how good they work in blizzards or heavy fog. In situations when I even can't see my array 100m (330ft) away, there's still decent (15-20%) production. I think summer is when my array is loosing most due to close to vertical angle.
You really have me thinking about having at least some vertical panels as strings in my systems (current one and house we're building). I have more power than I can use in summer (although adding mini-splits to current system will increase that load). But winter is just a bear here in Maine US, and clearing the snow from 26-degree panels is a pain. Really appreciate your posts. Thanks for keeping us updated.
Not sure about that when using bifacial panels. Even if true, I'd loose a ton of production due to snowing all the time and I'm way too busy/lazy to clean them. I mean I have to clear snow 2-3 times every week from my yard which is 1ha (2,5ac) in size so I don't want to spent my time clearing panels too.
You should look into generating electricity from snow.

diy solar

diy solar