diy solar

diy solar

New no battery pure sine wave solar power system with smart switchers.

Project Systems back in operation and better than ever.?

Lots of testing ahead. Could easily put two more power boards in that case 16,000 watt capable, as it sits 6,000 watt combo unit on 15Amp PV and 10amp secondary seamless ISO power backup.

Like I said easy squeezee.

Second Picture the magic is back for real ✨
Mini-split is blowing cold air.

Cabinet door almost closes just need two more holes for 120VAC cords to pass.

Only took a couple days, everything back to solar.?


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For overall stability (Flicker on LED bulbs) the 4 Mosfet 40N65 board is superior in every way to any of the 8 FETs versions.

Testing progressing well.

4 boards 40N65 MOSFETs 2,000 watts each for 8,000 watts of pure clean AC power nice fit for this case.

More soon
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Hopefully I’ll have my board up and running soon. Have my panels temporarily set out in the yard. Waiting for my iso to show up. Can’t wait. Will upload pics
Hopefully I’ll have my board up and running soon. Have my panels temporarily set out in the yard. Waiting for my iso to show up. Can’t wait. Will upload pics
Take your time, I am in the middle of addressing several issues with the new inverter that will eventually become the next big steps forward.

Will be testing blocking diodes, boost/filter capacitors, new FETs VS older FETs in different loading conditions, also the natural power blender is external on the newest unit and can be reconfigured easily.

Have a noticeable voltage surge situation in the new unit that must be solved, Unfortunately a shorted air conditioning compressor is going to drag me back to Michigan in less than a week for a few days.

Hope to make some some progress today, need full sun conditions to improve the MPPT boost functionality, may take a few weeks to make the next big leap forward,

Have a perfect testing situation except it is also one of the main power systems for the home.

More soon, back to chasing the rabbit again next big improvement is just around the corner.

Just stick with the recommendations till new information is available, current issues are small but solving them will provide important information for stable operations and maximum performance.

Best wishes to all

Just added 2,000 Mfd capacitor 250 volt to the DC output of the ISO transformer as a filter/boost and temporarily shut down the 8FET board CPU already a noticeable improvement.

Early indications is the 8FET board is fighting itself with sync issues on the FETs causing the voltage to surge and LED bulbs to flicker once again the 4 FETs 40N65 MOSFETs boards are far superior to any other!

Confirmation, opposing FETs are conflicting with each other over timing issues with the 8FET unit causing a rotating load/error in the phasing, can be seen on the "O" scope.

Have seen this same behavior in another 8 FET board, avoid 8FET configurations unstable in my opinion.

Finally got some sun?

The 4 FETs board is running everything smoothly 40N65 ?
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To Do list won't be done till after my trip to Michigan.

#1 Remove the 8 FETs 40N60 and replacement with just 4 of the 40N65 MOSFETs, remove unnecessary support components.

#2 install 2,000 Mfd 250 volt capacitor inside the big case.

#3 Install the single 20 Amp blocking diode and wiring to the inside of the case on the positive side of the power board.

#4 move the natural power blender inside the case

Today was mostly cloudy but the few sunny moments told me I am on the right track for making another step forward.

Picture unit running in night mode, 1.64 amps grid usage, 123 system AC volts.

Piece of cardboard is temporary to improve ventilator cooling, more upgrades incoming ?

More soon


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Pushing the limits and adding additional loads on a partly cloudy day something different occurred than ever before mostly feel it was a CPU control event.

Lights went off for 15 seconds and unit did a soft start and run sequence, mean time I had switched off a couple things and the system automatically recovered nicely ?

Normally takes a manual CPU reset to restore from a CPU trip.

76 degrees Fahrenheit inside VS 101 outdoors, mini split setpoint 72 still amazing how it works three quarters ton mini split to cool the four largest rooms of the home.

Looking forward to blue sky days, works great ?
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Original unit headed back to operation and the big unit headed back to the bench for several upgrades waiting for 40N65 MOSFETs to arrive

Original unit has several small changes including the removal of the negative side blocking PV diode.

Believe this statement to be true the DY002 CPU requires a manual reset on CPU trip, the DY002-2 CPU will automatically reset from a simple overload (×2 now)

The 2,000 watt 40N65 FETs kit board has the DY002-2 CPU and will be the leading output to the main output ISO transformer from now on the project system.?

Just getting better every time I push the limits, learning something new every time I push the limits. Blue sky days forecast ahead ?

Recently have been locking out the Hi 136 ISO mode secondary 830 watts seamless, running the secondary ISO on normal/Factory 117volt mode 550watts seamless power, big loads are only added when full sun is detected. Advantages less overall grid usage and natural power blender makes the very most of a partly cloudy day squeezing out every drop of solar energy. Using switcher units for dumping large loads to grid, 550 watts seamless powers lights,fans, computers, cameras and more 24/7.?

Can be run in many different configurations but I found the one that maximizes the efficiency and operates the things I run daily, The mini split can just be simply turned off when sun conditions are too little, unit will automatically resume on full sun conditions.❤️

More soon


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Original unit back in operation, with several changes. Ready for sun up in the morning.

Dual 2,000 watt new FETs boards, DY002-2 CPU running on the primary output.

First Picture project system restored before sunrise this morning.

Better than ever results, no matter what I do the thing bounces back and goes again. Outstanding!

Second Picture full sun unit loaded to 70% but most importantly it is running everything I normally need it to run including the main Mini-split air conditioning. Relatively small system with room to spare and do more.

8.5 amps PV 180VDC running the normal stuff have seen 14.2 amps PV system draw, maximum is 15Amps glass fused.?

0.05 amp grid power usage in sun shine, Just telling you 550watts of secondary power is available, 10amp fused ISO transformer. Wow look again!

With the DY002-2 CPU it has started to automatically recover from simple overloads (demand exceeding inputs)

More secondary power is available in different configurations, Normal 550 watts,with 26 additional turns on the ISO 830watts, 1200+ watts 63 additional turns on a 15Amp ISO transformer.
System high voltage warning going past 26 additional turns 18 volts ⚠️

Have 830watts secondary availability but prefer the awesome efficiency of the standard 550watts seamless secondary, only adding additional loads when full sun is detected, you can just dump the loads or with a switcher unit transfer from solar to grid.

Best wishes, Unit is running rock solid, tomorrow is expected to be a blue sky day.

More soon


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Ditched the 3 year old $99 hard starting mini fridge for a new $209 Energy Star product. (Highly recommend but it lacks an interior light)

Put the new fridge, bug zapper and outlets on the secondary power board of the project system and now it works exactly as it should, will likely run a quartz tube heater in winter and recharge Li-Ion battery packs.

System is in full automatic and performing wonderfully. ?


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Need help spreading the word about this project power system.

✅ Direct drive high efficiency solar.
✅ Direct drive secondary power.
✅ Seamless transfer of power.
✅ Impossible to back feed the grid.
✅ 15Amp PV 180VDC (14.2 in testing)
✅ Car charging.
✅ Three quarter ton Mini-Split operation.
✅ Sensitive electronics pure sine power.
✅ Automatic operation
✅ Low Heat/No heat designs.
✅ High efficiency power blender saves$
✅ No battery maintenance/replacement
✅ Unique injection MPPT PV boost.

I could add more features, DIY cost 3,000 to $4,000.

Relatively small and simple but comes with Mains voltages and capacitor discharge warnings ⚠️

Entire system is under 200 volts and limited to 15Amps per system.

Please tell others, Best wishes
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Enjoying an almost perfect solar day, have started removing components from the 8FET board in preparation for the 40N65 MOSFETs upgrade with only 4 FETs and yes it will be an upgrade compared to how the board was preforming during it's last test run.

The slim inverter combo unit has taken the lead in a couple categories and will be the lead project system for daily usages.

Love the auto recovery features of the DY002-2 CPU icing on the cake.?

More detail on this statement the switcher units with any loss of power will cause mandatory delays before a large load can resume, when the CPU auto resumes it will be with less loads to restart, almost perfect in the short term.

I will soon update the main project drawings but officially you can omit the negative side blocking diode, safety is maintained by the positive side diode and the MPPT boost depends on age,type and build of the solar panels, recommend new mono crystal panels for the most in full sun power boost.?

More soon

3:30 PM on a perfect blue sky day, Project system has ran almost continuously at 80% full PV, Inverter was warm to the touch and performing perfectly.

75 degrees Fahrenheit inside 95 degrees outside, Mini-Split is providing a constant flow of condensate water outside, everything is running smooth and beyond expectations.

Once again it really works well.?
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Going out of town for several days to fix an air conditioning problem and water heater issue on a three year old unit.

The 8FET board has been made ready for the new 40N65 MOSFETs, unnecessary support components were removed and circuit board FET holes have been cleared of solder and old FET leads, so far so good ?

Have dotted the "i s" and crossed the ""t s" on the project system it is ready for prime time, Project system has performed flawlessly the past two days.

Just a few passing clouds today and the system did exactly what it is supposed to do full automatic and already for the next days ahead.

System will be fully operational while out of town but will turn off the mini split until my return.

Best wishes to all

More soon
Found a low cost cube liner actuator that is made for pushing on/off buttons and has phone app to control.

Soon I may purchase a few of them in hopes of building a less complex switcher unit and baby steps in automation of the entire project power system.

Best wishes

More later
Have a friend of the family that really wants to try the new no batteries 15 Amp PV project power system, he was quoted $25,000 for a battery system and was amazed at the $4,000 DIY price tag and the prospects of running air conditioning off the solar panels with no battery maintenance.

Now that the recipe for the project system is complete it only takes a couple weeks to have it working once you get the parts, unfortunately the power boards and CPUs are from China with about 3 weeks in shipping delays.

Successfully restored air conditioning and water heater in Michigan heading back home soon.

More soon
Back home safely, about one more week on the bulk order of 40N65 MOSFETs and upgrades on the big combo inverter.

Project system ran perfectly unsupervised once again, Highly recommended system ask questions, makes for an excellent no battery expansion to an existing system that runs from batteries or easy to switch to PV only operation, secondary support can be powered several different ways.

Simple as this PV solar directly feeds the power board as primary, secondary input directly feeds the power board for seamless 24/7 operations, ISO transformers handle all protection and corrections for gold standard pure sine power.?
Natural high efficiency voltage controlled power blender keeps the money in your pocket, it works very well 180VDC solar VS 115VDC secondary, solar has a high priority in the blend, Full solar shuts down secondary usage in most cases only full loads or lack of sunlight cause secondary usage.

Win Win ?

MOSFETS are one of main innovations in electronics that changed everything, The project power system is a prime example of directly driven 40N65 New FETs in action to provide mains power for your every day needs, close as you will ever get to real magic.?
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Please read the final statement in the previous post and consider this it took 5 years of brutal trial and error testing to make this concept run stable, largest steps forward have been since December 2022.

Mother nature/ the matrix or what ever you want to call it doesn't want this power production system to exist, only ISO transformers and Directly driven FETs allow it to run rock solid stable, the system wide voltage boost for full sun MPPT effect is amazing.

Although I have achieved the success I was looking for much more remains to be discovered about this power production method, passing the torch to others.?

The current design is durable almost bullet proof runs extremely stable and with the additional glass fuses it is as safe as any other electronic device for power production.

Best wishes
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Crappy rainy day, unit running 5 LED bulbs, two ceiling fans, two monitors, two stick computers, and 3 security cams. About 250 watts and it is actually raining outside today. Unit works every single day to run your stuff and save.

If system detected full sun it would add in the mini-split, mini fridge, bug zapper and several rechargeable appliances.

Second Picture: Sun shining again, every thing running smooth, Quarter amp of grid to stabilize operations?. Top meter is PV 20 amps full scale 9.99 and bottom is secondary 10 amp full scale 9.99 decimal point needs shifting to the left.
Fused max on PV is 15Amps that would be 7.50 or 75.0 on the display

Still a win win situation ?


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I like the way things are operating now, will allow you to skip additional windings on the secondary ISO transformer and get the maximum benefit on any conditions solar day.

Using one or more solar triggered voltage controlled DC relays to add or shed loads or transfer to grid power/Aux power.

Three quarter ton Mini-Split auto resumes from power loss easy to power off till sun power resumes also a switcher unit can transfer to grid or Aux power for 24/7, far superior to forcing the secondary ISO to run the air conditioner 24/7.

Here is how you do it full Project system minus the extra coils of wire on the secondary ISO transformer and the 12VDC relay needs to switch the secondary ISO transformer on/off.

This will allow 500-550 watts 24/7 for lights,ceiling fans, electronics,computers, Internet etc.
Additional loads added or removed by the solar controlled relays, Brilliant and efficient also immediately solved the heat issues with the secondary ISO transformer running the mini split 24/7.

Solving real world problems here with $11 DC voltage controlled relays, this works well for load management and PV storage to batteries.?

Second Picture in previous post is loads automatically added to the project power system. Air conditioning running cold, Sun powered goodness ❤️

Can be configured to your needs but this concept delivers maximum efficiency and automatic operation. Easy-to-use day after day ?
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MOSFETS have arrived and upgrades are in progress on the big inverter.

73 degrees Fahrenheit indoors at noon, system running smooth, Picture.

Initial testing looking good for both power boards, DY002-2 board has the lead output to the main output ISO transformer on the terminal strip.

A few more upgrades before full load and voltage testing on the unit and putting the cover on.

More soon


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867 kWh last year 2022
631 kWh this year 2023
236 kWh savings this month ?
Unfortunately they still managed to charge me $75 bucks was hoping for $40.

Blame overcast smoke/clouds and high heat for not doing better, mini split was left on grid power during our absence, always next month.?

Neighbor just got a $210 electric bill, this stuff works well.

More soon
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Right now getting good sun PV power and will wait til sun set tonight to swap the inverters.

What I am attempting is having two identical units fully tested and one always ready to backup the home usage.

Also already proven but (X4) going to (X5) For project specifications 40N65 FETs working power boards, proving you can repeatedly build units and get the same output power results every time.?

Not one thing in the home is on grid power right now except the one quarter to one third amp of grid power to stabilize the new power system A/C, lights,fans,TVs,computers and lots more all solar power driven right now.

No battery initial cost, no battery maintenance, no battery replacement cost, no MPPT charge controller, no wasted space in your home. Except for keeping the solar panels clean and clear no maintenance at all.

In case of grid down the system can be switched to PV only operation or a secondary battery power unit or generator can backup the entire system.?

More soon
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Wow! just occurred to me if full sun is detected no need to power the secondary ISO transformer at all.

OK game on full automatic solar PV operation in the next few days, Secondary ISO automatically switches off upon full sun conditions/detection and older system running 120 VAC through the door bell transformer will power the power board CPUs 24/7.

Absolutely zero secondary power/grid usage in full sun ?

Already know it will work, may drop the system voltage 1 or 2 volts max, More soon on this testing, some interesting pictures in the next couple days promise.?

Tested at 4PM ISO transformer is switched off Picture, New all time amp draw for solar PV 14.68 amp draw, maximum is 15Amps 75.0 on the display, it really works 100% PV solar operation.

System voltage 101 VAC pure sine, Awesome:)

Once again making forward progress in efficiency and getting more than ever from the solar panels.?

More soon

Full automatic PV only operation in the next few days, 12VDC relay in the secondary ISO case will be retasked into turning the transformer on/off, 15Amp relay contacts switching the 10amp transformer on and off.

It will be amazing and a big step forward in saving more bucks, just keeps getting better and better. Efficiency is now exceeding 90% for PV usages (Big improvement from 84% previously)

I will put a manual switch in for ISO transformer voltage selection 117/136 volts operation and like I said the relay will be retasked to switching the ISO transformer on/off, likely will change the 10amp fuse to slow blow glass fuse if starting surge is a problem.

I can not wait to see this work for real ? Starting upgrades now!


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Secondary ISO transformer reconfigured and has passed bench testing, should be ready for sun up in the morning.

For continuity in testing I want to see a repeated test exactly like the 4PM test with the reconfigured secondary ISO transformer under the full sun detector control, going to use the slim combo inverter for this retest.

Secondary ISO will be powered down when full sun is detected in the future.

Large boost/filter capacitor should smooth out the transition to secondary feed.

Every few weeks I manage to make steps forward on the power project, This time no grid or secondary power usage during full sun conditions and 90%+ solar PV efficiency. Air conditioner performed wonderfully today on 100% solar PV this afternoon.

More tomorrow
7 AM system restored to a new approach in savings and efficient PV operation, during full sun nothing and I mean nothing will use grid/secondary power ?

Real world testing starts this morning 9AM, I know most people have stopped looking at this thread but you must understand this is the first summer to actually run solar main Air conditioning in the largest 4 rooms of the home and because the overhead lights are on the new system as well I am hyper aware of it's operation and have continued to improve general operations.

Another huge step forward and today's realtime operations will confirm yesterday's 4PM testing, should have tried this long ago but my thoughts were to bridge the operation between solar and grid, Truth is during full sun conditions you don't need a bridge at all?

Some will regret not getting started sooner on the project system, simple configuration change means automatic full solar and no grid/secondary usage when conditions are sunny ?

Took away the grid powered crutch and the PV system responds by working harder and surprisingly 90% in efficiency.

12 noon pictures, Notice ISO transformer is not on, 12VDC relay has cut input power just before the glass fuse, works perfectly smooth, cool and crisp on the inside nasty hot and humid outside.❤️

System voltage better than yesterday's testing 106VAC, Amazed at how well everything works.

Only negative so far is motor starts are a bit more noticeable on the overhead lights, everything is running great.?

You need one works Perfect?


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5:15 PM end of solar day due to clouds, using one of the DC voltage controlled relays for pilot control of several 12VDC 15Amp relays.

Project system operating on a whole new level since the configuration change. 14.68 Amps PV 101VAC system output pure sine.

Not a perfect solar day but system operations were perfect in response to the changing cloud conditions.?

Went from sun sensor Hi136/Low117 voltage control of the secondary ISO to switching the transformer off in full sun conditions, simple configuration change that changes everything.
Secondary is off or in the normal/Factory 117volt mode 24/7 simple to do/build.

The 136volts mode provides 830watts of after hours secondary power VS 550 watts 117volt factory ISO transformer.

Take another look,ask questions, best thing since sliced bread. Honestly!

Green lawn equipment recharge station at back door mower and weed wacker. Just mowed the front half of the yard 100% project green powered.

In round numbers 3,000 to $4,000 for the project DIY 15Amp power system, $1,000 for the three quarter ton Mini-Split. Solar panels will last twenty years and you will get a pay back every day the sun shines.

Another hot day on tap but three quarter ton Mini-Split has run 2 hours so far on 100% pure solar power and it is 71 cool/dry degrees Fahrenheit inside right now ?


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diy solar

diy solar