diy solar

diy solar


I'm wishing I had a spare $50K laying about to drill a 700' deep well in AZ.
I’m wishing mine had only been $50k, it was that much just to drill the hole in NW AZ, had to go to 1,500 foot, it’ll be another $15k for the pump, wire, pipe etc. I’d have begged for 700’ ?
I’m wishing mine had only been $50k, it was that much just to drill the hole in NW AZ, had to go to 1,500 foot, it’ll be another $15k for the pump, wire, pipe etc. I’d have begged for 700’ ?
You could’ve just bought the drilling equipment for that much.
That would have gotten me a drill rig but I'd still need to drill for the water, too much iron in drill rigs for tomatoes. LOL
Yeah, but you could’ve been the most popular neighbor in your area. Probably get all the free tomatoes you want.
Glad i live in the UK. :)
Glad I live in Missouri. No zoning, no code inspections, no permits, no “planning permission,” no archeological surveys, no bull shit. At least not in rural areas. Cities and urban counties do have it to varying extent.
Maybe not since Prop 13 got eviscerated. On inheritance, it will be reappraised for tax purposes at current market value.
There is an exception regarding use as principle residence. By you? By your heirs? Maybe if you lived there and they move in to live there, will get to keep your low tax basis.

From my understanding the Prop 13 changes only affect heirs that want to rent the house out or keep it as a second home. If they live in it full time OR sell it they are not affected by the property tax increase. I am going through this now with a house in Silicon Valley and the sale will fund my small off-grid house build here in Georgia so I took looked all that up.

diy solar

diy solar