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diy solar

Pictures: Look What a Few Punishing Minutes of Baseball-Sized Hail Did to Massive Nebraska Solar Farm

You don’t think that just because people are becoming less tolerant?
People are now less tolerant to any kind of discomfort.
The difference between now and then was that AC was not a must have item to survive. I never heard of old people being rushed to AC Shelters because people were dying.

We had fans in our house too but it was still 80s at night.
sometimes it was but typically it was in the 70s.
Would still sweat. We would just have a breeze and sweat.

We didn’t know about AC because nobody had it except the really big department stores we saw once a year.
We went into those stores a lot as kids it was fun but it never felt like it does today when Your briskly walking out of your car and that 110 deg hits you and the only thing you can focus on is the stores front door and the AC inside.
The difference between now and then was that AC was not a must have item to survive. I never heard of old people being rushed to AC Shelters because people were dying.
You don’t remember 1976 in Britain?
Hottest Summer in 350 years or something.

People have always been rushed to the Hospital for heat even in the 50s,60s, 70s., Ect

Difference is you didn’t have a pocket propaganda device spewing nonsense at you 24/7 then.

You got the news at 6 and 11 and it was local unless something big happened.
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You don’t remember 1976 in Britain?
Hottest Summer in 350 years or something.

People have always been rushed to the Hospital for heat even in the 50s,60s, 70s., Ect

Difference is you didn’t have a pocket propaganda device spewing nonsense at you 24/7 then.

You got the news at 6 and 11 and it was local unless something big happened.
Ppl don’t remember anything when they blame everything on Climate Change to promote their Agenda 2030.

Sweden has already tossed that nonsense in trash can. They were once the hall mark post card of Socialism ….. mass immigrants changed that

Ppl really need read Agenda 2030 it explains why borders are open and whole lot of other crap.
You don’t remember 1976 in Britain?
Hottest Summer in 350 years or something.

People have always been rushed to the Hospital for heat even in the 50s,60s, 70s., Ect

Difference is you didn’t have a pocket propaganda device spewing nonsense at you 24/7 then.

You got the news at 6 and 11 and it was local unless something big happened.
1976 would be a one off event, those are Weather events and are not the same thing as Climate events. Climate changes are patterns that go on for long periods of time. Current climate change across the Globe are real measurable event. On average the summers keep on getting hotter and hotter every year. You don't need a scientist to tell you this, I am sure most of you have already noticed it on your own.
1976 would be a one off event, those are Weather events and are not the same thing as Climate events. Climate changes are patterns that go on for long periods of time. Current climate change across the Globe are real measurable event. On average the summers keep on getting hotter and hotter every year. You don't need a scientist to tell you this, I am sure most of you have already noticed it on your own.
You are blaming weather condition about “golf ball sized hail on climate change“ make up your mind. yet you claim “1976 weather event is not climate change”. Stop the insanity.
If you compare the current environmental impacts of Canada's wildfires, previous volcanic eruptions, the intentional Nord Stream pipeline fiasco and add that to what China (who ignores the climate regulations) alone outputs annually to run their economy, killing off western economies and small private farms makes little sense since we contribute very little to this whole alleged climate "pattern". It appears to be all about control of the little people and more grift for the elites. When Gates, Schwab and Soros all start taking economy seats on their daily international public airline flights, I'll start to pay closer attention to their propaganda...
1976 would be a one off event, those are Weather events and are not the same thing as Climate events. Climate changes are patterns that go on for long periods of time. Current climate change across the Globe are real measurable event. On average the summers keep on getting hotter and hotter every year. You don't need a scientist to tell you this, I am sure most of you have already noticed it on your own.
The mean temperature Globally even with these wonky measurements shows a 2 degree F increase in mean temperature over the last 100 years.

The earth warms and cools. If the human race lives that long they will see another ice age.

When the glaciers started melting the first time there wasn’t anyone producing anything bigger than a campfire.
If you compare the current environmental impacts of Canada's wildfires, previous volcanic eruptions, the intentional Nord Stream pipeline fiasco and add that to what China (who ignores the climate regulations) alone outputs annually to run their economy, killing off western economies and small private farms makes little sense since we contribute very little to this whole alleged climate "pattern". It appears to be all about control of the little people and more grift for the elites. When Gates, Schwab and Soros all start taking economy seats on their daily international public airline flights, I'll start to pay closer attention to their propaganda...
Exactly and when mass media put the climate change wood land arsons on front page then their poop is exposed. There are groups around the World advancing their goals by doing stuff on purpose Arsons are the easiest to prove catch.
If you compare the current environmental impacts of Canada's wildfires,
Not much anyone can do about that. It's a symptom of the increased heat levels that we have already created.
previous volcanic eruptions,
Volcanic eruptions actually lower the earths temperature.
the intentional Nord Stream pipeline fiasco and add that to what China (who ignores the climate regulations) alone outputs annually to run their economy,
China is actually one of the leading countries trying to move off of Fossil fuels and onto Green Energy.
killing off western economies and small private farms makes little sense since we contribute very little to this whole alleged climate "pattern".
Who said anything about that?
It appears to be all about control of the little people and more grift for the elites. When Gates, Schwab and Soros all start taking economy seats on their daily international public airline flights, I'll start to pay closer attention to their propaganda...
And watching what those people do is going to help us how? They already know whats happening just like all the rich people do. That is why they all have bought Houses and opened up bank accounts in countries across the Globe. Much like Ted Cruzes Cancun vacation most of them will be Jetting out of the Heat when things get unbearable and leaving people like us behind.
The mean temperature Globally even with these wonky measurements shows a 2 degree F increase in mean temperature over the last 100 years.

The earth warms and cools. If the human race lives that long they will see another ice age.

When the glaciers started melting the first time there wasn’t anyone producing anything bigger than a campfire.
Absent a catastrophic event like a super volcano or space rock, there has never been a time in Earth's history were the mean temperature has moved 2 degrees (ether way) in under 100 years.

It takes tens of thousands of years for normal natural processes to make that happen. Mankind has done it in just a few decades.

We will eventually reach a runaway condition where we won't be able to stop it, at which time, our planet will become more like Venus and humans won't be able to live here.
Absent a catastrophic event like a super volcano or space rock, there has never been a time in Earth's history were the mean temperature has moved 2 degrees (ether way) in under 100 years.

It takes tens of thousands of years for normal natural processes to make that happen. Mankind has done it in just a few decades.

We will eventually reach a runaway condition where we won't be able to stop it, at which time, our planet will become more like Venus and humans won't be able to live here.
Tell me about it. And then there is that Nasty problem of all the Methane that is lurking in the Permafrost and in the Ocean. It is now thawing out in Siberia (Yeah I guess the Russian Scientist are also in on the Liberal conspiracy) Siberia is now starting to release Methane into the Atmosphere. If we reach the threshold for the Deep ocean Methane to be released it's just about game over.
Absent a catastrophic event like a super volcano or space rock, there has never been a time in Earth's history were the mean temperature has moved 2 degrees (ether way) in under 100 years.

It takes tens of thousands of years for normal natural processes to make that happen. Mankind has done it in just a few decades.

We will eventually reach a runaway condition where we won't be able to stop it, at which time, our planet will become more like Venus and humans won't be able to live here.
Sounds Hot!! Let’s do it!!

Even if it’s true.
Throwing money at it won’t fix it.
Carbon tax is just the latest way to fleece people out of their money.

How are they going to fight it?
What are they gonna make with all that money that will fix it?

There is no way, no matter how much money you throw at it will soak up all this Methane CO2, Etc to you guys seemed to think it coming.

Thinking giving Trillions to The EU is going to fix anything is asinine.

If it’s as bad as you say it is then it’s to late and you might as well kiss your butt goodbye.
Sounds Hot!! Let’s do it!!

Even if it’s true.
Throwing money at it won’t fix it.
Carbon tax is just the latest way to fleece people out of their money.
While I would agree that a carbon tax isn't going to fix the problem, throwing money at the problem will fix it.

How are they going to fight it?
What are they gonna make with all that money that will fix it?
An operational fusion reactor would fix all our global warming problems pretty much overnight. In the mean time, technological advancements in renewables and energy storage can push us in the right direction.

There is no way, no matter how much money you throw at it will soak up all this Methane CO2, Etc to you guys seemed to think it coming.
Methane, while 20x more potent as a greenhouse gas, isn't the problem. Methane degrades in the atmosphere, which is why we look for methane when we examine the atmospheres of exoplanets in other star systems. There are some non-organic sources of methane, but the amount they produce is small when compared to methane produced by living organisms. When an exoplanet passes in front of its star and we can see the star light filtering through the planet's atmosphere, we can use spectroscopy to record the light we see and that spectroscopy tells us which molecules are absorbing or emitting photons, which gives us the chemical makeup of the atmosphere the light is shining through.

Any planet with a high concentration of methane would get the full attention of every astronomer in the world.

Methane must be constantly replenished because sunlight destroys it in a chain of upper atmospheric chemical reactions. Release a methane molecule with a fart, and it has the life expectancy of a dog.. Well, for our atmosphere anyhow.

CO2 is a whole different animal. The bond's between carbon and oxygen are strong and they don't break down. CO2 will stay in the atmosphere and the only practical way to remove it is to let natural processes suck it up and store it, and those processes take a very long time.

Thinking giving Trillions to The EU is going to fix anything is asinine.

If it’s as bad as you say it is then it’s to late and you might as well kiss your butt goodbye.
The problem can be fixed if we act now, which is what we're doing.. Unfortunately, we have a bunch of ignorant morons running around in society that are easy to manipulate so that's exactly what anyone who profits from hydrocarbons (oil) does..
Real simple where the blame lays it is with the ppl humping and making so many babies. Stop being afraid to talk about the real problem. The more ppl the more consumerisms and the more negative results. Hahaha white ppl are mostly judgmental cowards.


We in USA have been very responsible with our population. We are only 5% world population….. you have sucked lady liberties titties dry …. The other 95% are going to have to curve their population which is the real problem Don’t be afraid to be called a racist by putting back in their laps. If they stop breeding like cockroaches then where would we be …. The Native American Indians only had x amount of resources - they fought over it to preserve the winning tribes. When the other 95% decide to fight you then remember they have 30 days of starvation before will die and can only go 3 days with no water. So…. Stop feeding them. …. before they start showing up to come across the southern border. Lot are Military age men. Keep being stupid. keep being afraid to be called a racist. No where to run no where to hide. The perfect storm is a wave that rolls in and takes you. Nancy Pelosi and Obama don’t want them on their door steps… the law and military will protect insulate them just like in all 3rd world shit holes.

Easiest way to control white ppl is call them racist. A group of white ppl will trip ovrr themselves running in opposite directions fear and terror all over their faces. Want to kill a white person and make them suicide call them Anti-Semitic. Right now latest word to use is transgenderphobia. Mere Words turn grown men into nurtured sheep. All your RIGHTS are going away. THERE IS NO EQUALITY… the 95% has learned to control the 5% now pay up suckers.

Aren’t you glad we fought CW and freed Slaves Fought in WW2 and saved the Jews. We also fought and saved communism by proxy in WW2 both Russia and China were our allies. Suckers. Hahaha never ever underestimate the power of stupid. We went into middle east under Bush and wasted around $26 trillion dollars Yes sir …. we in USA are stupid. We killed millions and millions of ppl but still not enough. 9-11 should have been surgical Special Ops. Just what SF was designed for just as any sensible ppl - country would have done. Our debt is arouns $32 trillion it was less then $5 trillion before Bush went us over there ….

Carl Sagan told ppl how to save the planet….”nuclear winter”. Not an option that I like. Get Biden - democrats out of White House.

EQUALITY means you lay the race cards on the table and shred them. Means ppl take responsibility. Means ppl say honest words vs feelings. Like a man can never be a woman. That is proven mental illness and if you subscribe are a mental cripple too. You become part of the problem.
You do not see all this queer stuff going on in Africa India and China. They are having sex with a man and woman making babies. Consumers. Beggars “We are the World” candidates.



India is a country size of Texas soooooo


So let me see if I have this straight.. This guy is a psychologist with an education in political science (which isn't really a science by the way), he's a full grown adult, and he thinks magical invisible sky fairies are real...

F*cking Priceless!

If you listen to a psychologist for climate change information, does that mean you call your plumber when you need medical attention?
That is a very good video. Watched most of it a while back few months. Most ppl will not have the time nor take it to watch: almost ~ 2 hours.

Murphy has passed judgement:

"Science" has been corrupted by corporate greed. Same as every other system we have. One look at the pandemic response validates this observation. We are being deceived, censored, propagandized and robbed in so many different ways it is difficult to understand what the end game is. But as this thread has shown, as long as they keep us divided and fighting amongst ourselves, those who are pushing the world in a specific direction will continue with very little resistance (or even awareness) from the general population.

Keep playing into their hand, and their agenda becomes reality.
So let me see if I have this straight.. This guy is a psychologist with an education in political science (which isn't really a science by the way), he's a full grown adult, and he thinks magical invisible sky fairies are real...

F*cking Priceless!

If you listen to a psychologist for climate change information, does that mean you call your plumber when you need medical attention?
Sounds like a video someone forwarded to me the Yesterday about the Drug Companies secret conspiracy to withhold the Seven Frequencies that "God" gave us to cure all sickness and live super long lives. Evidently Adam, Moses, Methuselah and the rest had access to these exact Frequencies either by God Whispering in their air or they Time Traveled in some Signal Generators and Headphones from the 20th century. Anyway that is why they lived to be 900 years old!
The video is full of expert Doctors with PhD's all endorsing the theory with proof that listening to these Frequencies has cured Cancer and every other ailment.
I have a great idea...let's pick the most deranged example of lunacy and apply that illogic to anyone who disagrees with us on a completely different subject. This will surely improve the dialog dramatically.

"Science" has been corrupted by corporate greed. Same as every other system we have.
Corporate greed has corrupted Politics exponential more than it has corrupted Science.
Anyone can run off their mouth in Politics but in the Scientific community you will be challenged.

One look at the pandemic response validates this observation. We are being deceived, censored, propagandized and robbed in so many different ways it is difficult to understand what the end game is.
The end Game has never changed. It has always been to get as much money from the Masses and putting it into the Hands of the Very Wealthy. In the Old days you Taxed the Farmers. Today it's a lot more complicated but the result is the same.

But as this thread has shown, as long as they keep us divided and fighting amongst ourselves, those who are pushing the world in a specific direction will continue with very little resistance (or even awareness) from the general population.
Stop hurting your head thinking about it, your just a Pawn fighting against other Pawns while the main game gets played on without interruption.
Keep playing into their hand, and their agenda becomes reality.
The Agenda has always been reality. The ratio of Wealthy to middle class and poor has not changed by all that much over the centuries. It's just that in the last 40 years everyone got a few more Zeros added to their money. Sadly the Wealthy got severel of them added while the middle class and poor only got one or two.
I don't need the science to tell me something is horribly wrong, the science just confirms my own experience.
I am old enough to remember when Fans in the Bedroom where the most you needed to get through the Summer and it was a very rare day in the summer when it was hot enough that people would even mention the heat much less be dying from it.

But yeah they can keep on thinking it's all some plot to get their tax dollars.
When I watched the Movie "Don't look up" I thought it was stupid, then I started to realize what a great Satire it is for the current condition in America.
Any honest geologist can show you by digging dow through the earths surface that this warming trend is not new. The earth goes through warming and cooling cycles. We just happen to be in a warming cycle. Those same people shouting climate change are the ones who said Covid was a pandemic. So you know the numbets were fudged to mske it look like one. Ask any medical coder.

diy solar

diy solar