diy solar

diy solar

Pink Energy made the news.

There are a lot of Jasons here who make claims to others and like to spend OPM (other people's money). I worked for a place and I swear they changed the group's name after every failed project. I used to tell people that I never made anything that actually worked. You would think that those paying would want a little more. That was the job, to push technology to its limits. Everyone was happy. I even bought part of one of my projects at scrap for a few bucks. I had written the purchase orders for the stuff for well over $100K. Never used it, it had sentimental value.
They're dead.

Thanks for sharing that. Are they gone gone? Or just rebranding themselves... again? It sure sounds like they are gone.

They've left a mess behind for sure. It's not just customers they've hurt, you can be pretty sure there's a mess of suppliers who they are into for bunch of money that will never get paid.
Based on that article they're shuttering the place leaving people, often your least solar savvy, hanging high and dry. I feel bad for these people. Every time I had a solar door salesman walk up before I got my own system I let them give me their speech and I am shocked that anyone in their right mind would buy from these snake oil salesmen who are giving solar a bad name.