diy solar

diy solar

Possibly the most frightening DIY video you will see

As somebody with a daughter of similar age, I can't help but think.... "Where is her Dad?" Her dad should be helping her with these things. At least I would be if it were my daughter. Things like.

Don't go dangling that HOT battery lead. Yikes that makes me nervous. Disconnect the ground of the battery first. Or here, use this crimping tool.

I absolutely have to give her credit for a "can do attitude". But the work certainly is a little sketchy. Proof that ignorance can be bliss.

Perhaps she comes from a family that emasculates men.:(
? ,,, ?

I am wondering what the % of the DIYer Van Builders fall into this category?

I admire her “get it done” attitude, but it needs to be backed with safety & knowledge.
According to on-line speculation, she is doing quite well for herself.

Could afford her own EH&S department, and a production staff (although maybe needs to maintain the cellphone video style.)

Consider the British "Safety Necktie" guy who has a film crew, but probably no EH&S.