diy solar

diy solar

Possibly the most frightening DIY video you will see

I especially liked the part where she takes a LIVE cable from the starter battery and just pushes it around...
Although she didn't strip the other end yet, but if some of the exposed wire touched the grounded frame, well, that would be interesting!

Could someone please invite this girl to the forum ?
Looks like she's very capable but doesn't have a good understanding of the basics...
As somebody with a daughter of similar age, I can't help but think.... "Where is her Dad?" Her dad should be helping her with these things. At least I would be if it were my daughter. Things like.

Don't go dangling that HOT battery lead. Yikes that makes me nervous. Disconnect the ground of the battery first. Or here, use this crimping tool.

I absolutely have to give her credit for a "can do attitude". But the work certainly is a little sketchy. Proof that ignorance can be bliss.
I would have posted in the “Humor Section” however there is nothing funny about the video.

With an introduction like that, I was afraid we would see a battery blow up.

What do I see wrong? Let me count the ways ...

FLA battery, tipped on its side.
No safety glasses.
Hot lead, as a couple others of you noted. At least it appeared to be square cut at that point.
(Simply removing negative lead from battery would have made it safe.)
Wearing a metal ring.

Was glad to see "Smart Solenoid"; based on earlier description, expected it to drain main battery.
(Didn't have to, it already was.)

Grounded to sheet metal? Might work for the charging current. I think inverter went straight to house battery, so the high current isn't in the poorly grounded structure.
I saw nuts holding cables from smart solenoid and sheet metal ground. Couldn't tell, did inverter cables stack on top of those nuts?

No sparks while connection were being made. I like to check with DMM before connecting. Unexpected continuity, or red/black wires on wrong terminals of starter battery.

When I get around to putting a 12V inverter in my pickup, won't be that different. Behind the seat and wired to starter batteries. But I want to put lithium and DC/DC behind that as larger reservoir. BMS will disable inverter so as to not to over-drain starting battery.
I held my breath for so long I passed out while she was running that positive cable.

I haven't had the courage to go back to finish the video. So she and the van survived it?
So, who hasn't worked with a hot lead on occasion? If this was some male redneck we would just all shake our heads and go oh well. But let a pretty girl do something sketchy and we get all excited. Not a great job, but whats really wrong with the end product given the loads?
Yes ... only issue was starter battery was dead. After using a battery charger she was able to try out the system.
But she only turned on the inverter no-load, so we don't know if there are any poor connections.

... but whats really wrong with the end product given the loads?

We don't know for sure, yet.

I can't believe nobody has mentioned the vice grip crimpers and electrical tape.
Wish I could find a woman with that kind of ambition and independence...
I can't believe nobody has mentioned the vice grip crimpers and electrical tape.
Wish I could find a woman with that kind of ambition and independence...

Or here, use this crimping tool.

Electrical tape is acceptable. At least over self-vulcanizing rubber tape.

I forgot another thing - she used a drill to make a hole through floor of the van. Just big enough to slip the red wire through?
Expect it to cut through and short out some day; no grommet.
But let a pretty girl do something sketchy and we get all excited.
My first reaction was to really trash her but in this hyper-sensitive world I held back because of fear of being called sexist.
What I wanted to say was that she should not be allowed to plug in her hair dryer, let alone wire an inverter. Perhaps I should not succumb to the fear of the cancel culture.

So, it is correct that the reaction was different than a red-neck with a wife beater shirt would get..... but the reason was very different than what this post implies
I held my breath for so long I passed out while she was running that positive cable.

I haven't had the courage to go back to finish the video. So she and the van survived it?
They survived, but in another video she had the alternator fail and replaced.
I suspected that charging the deep cycle straight off the alternator circuit will put stress on the alternator, especially at low RPMs.
So, who hasn't worked with a hot lead on occasion? If this was some male redneck we would just all shake our heads and go oh well. But let a pretty girl do something sketchy and we get all excited. Not a great job, but whats really wrong with the end product given the loads?
Hot leads a scary, when I parallel batteries I take of my ring, put on thin leather gloves, put on safety Googles, have clear exit path and make dam sure that they are very close in charge level.

Nothing wrong with the end product, just some people with even less knowledge will try to minik those on the internet and someone will get hurt
She had natural hair color, no concertina wire in her face nor inked all over. She gets a ? from me.
Me too. I read a few of the comments in her videos and she's inspired numerous people to take charge of thier lives and be happy in spite of bad situations or thier own doing or not. Of course they might burn thier van down but they'll be happy and there's something to be said for that.