diy solar

diy solar

redesignating wire


Nov 18, 2019
In a DC system, is it appropriate/allowed to redesignate a black wire as red by wrapping electrical tape on both ends of the wire?

I’m particularly interested in whether this is OK when wiring together a group of rack, batteries, and between the rack batteries and the inverter or bus bar.

I have lots of black wire.

If there’s a beginner friendly resource to review, I’d be happy to do the research.

I believe in a ac system you can phase tape 2/0 or larger wire but on a dc system I haven’t heard of a restriction maybe timselectric will chime in because the last nec book I bought was about 2014
In a DC system, is it appropriate/allowed to redesignate a black wire as red by wrapping electrical tape on both ends of the wire?

I’m particularly interested in whether this is OK when wiring together a group of rack, batteries, and between the rack batteries and the inverter or bus bar.

I have lots of black wire.

If there’s a beginner friendly resource to review, I’d be happy to do the research.

Not sure in DC.

You can phase tape AC 2/0 and up I believe.

Saying that I have done exactly what you are asking.

I had more 4/0 of one color than the other and phase taped it.

Will that pass an inspection? Not sure..
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My 4/0 DC wiring passed inspection with 2 black wires. I have lugs at both ends, so I color coded with red and black heat shrink.

The only restrictions I'm aware of is that you can't re-designate white or green insulation or smaller wires. I think the cut off for smaller stuff is #6
These days the inspectors prefer heat shrink of the right colour rather than tape.
Cheap crappy tape can dry out unwind and fall off.
But as long as what you can see is the correct colour, it will pass.
I don't know of any restrictions for re identifying DC conductors. I do it all of the time. And have never had an inspector question it.