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diy solar

RS-485 Porn on Junteks Monitors

I just had a look at the board picture and it looks like bluetooth can be a separate chip.
So the question will be what soft there is needed to talk to the phone app... I will rather go with the esp web server than trying to reverse engineering this solution.
Hello everyone, I just came across this forum as well. I've already posted on another site that I am currently planning a software gateway solution between Junctek and Home Assistant, or developing my own Windows application. The goal is to make the Junctek data remotely accessible with at least 1-minute updates. I also plan to implement custom values such as the accumulated Ampere-hours for withdrawals and deposits, but I'm open to any ideas you may have. If the software proves to be useful, I'll be happy to share it with you.
Hello everyone, I just came across this forum as well. I've already posted on another site that I am currently planning a software gateway solution between Junctek and Home Assistant, or developing my own Windows application. The goal is to make the Junctek data remotely accessible with at least 1-minute updates. I also plan to implement custom values such as the accumulated Ampere-hours for withdrawals and deposits, but I'm open to any ideas you may have. If the software proves to be useful, I'll be happy to share it with you.
the protocol is easy, there is a need for rs485 dongle/hardware if used arduino
my code to read data using arduino is here:
Hello everyone, I just came across this forum as well. I've already posted on another site that I am currently planning a software gateway solution between Junctek and Home Assistant, or developing my own Windows application. The goal is to make the Junctek data remotely accessible with at least 1-minute updates. I also plan to implement custom values such as the accumulated Ampere-hours for withdrawals and deposits, but I'm open to any ideas you may have. If the software proves to be useful, I'll be happy to share it with you.
Hi Greenhess, I have a Junctek KH140 installed in my caravan and pretty pleased with it. I would love a copy of your Windows app when you are ready to share it with the wider world.
Thanks very much
Hi Greenhess, I have a Junctek KH140 installed in my caravan and pretty pleased with it. I would love a copy of your Windows app when you are ready to share it with the wider world.
Thanks very much
Hi Mike! I will write it step-by-step soon and share the program with you if you want to test it.
Hi Greenhess, I have a Junctek KH140 installed in my caravan and pretty pleased with it. I would love a copy of your Windows app when you are ready to share it with the wider world.
Thanks very much
Hi Mike! I will describe it step by step.

You will need an rs485 cable, but it is important that it is a programming or data cable and not a TTL cable! I am attaching some pictures of how it works for me.

- Download the zip file I attached and extract it to the "C:\fhtml_server" folder.
- I don't know what kind of windows you have, so I copied a VB6 Runtime Plus exe file into the zip, which installs the basic components. I recommend installing this (you need a little patience).
- Start the "fhtmlserv.exe" file and when it starts, click the "Start" button.
- Open a browser and type in the address: ""

If you want to access this image remotely, you must do the following if you have a router.
- Set your IP4 or IP6 address (the one you use) permanently so that it does not receive the IP address via DHCP. You can do this in the Windows network settings. Make a note of this internal IP address, from now on your machine will be available on the internal network at this address.
- You need to open port "9127" on the Windows firewall.
- Enter the menu of your router and look for the port forwarding menu. Here you have to redirect requests from the external port to your own internal IP (in the case above) "9127".

Software Download:


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Junctek KL-F Series Battery Monitoring on Raspberry PI4/Debian Linux software



This software for Junctek KL-F series devices enables users to monitor and analyze battery statuses in real-time. Developed under Debian Linux, it has been tested on Raspberry Pi4 OS and Debian systems.

Key Features​

  • Serial Port Settings: Automatically lists available serial ports, allowing users to select the appropriate connection.
  • Update Interval: Users can set how frequently the data refreshes from the Junctek RS485 port (5 seconds, 10 seconds, 30 seconds, 1 minute, 5 minutes).
  • PO Settings: Choose between the default setting 1 or 2, which can be configured in the installed mobile application.
  • Battery Full Capacity: Manually input the connected battery's capacity in ampere-hours (Ah), which the software uses to calculate the estimated remaining running time.
  • JSON Output: Data is saved in JSON format at a user-specified path, which can be used to create remotely accessible graphs through a web server.

User Guide​

  • Automatic Start: Data collection starts automatically upon launching the software if the option is checked on the startup screen.
  • Manual Start and Stop: Data collection can be initiated with the Start button and halted with the Stop button.
  • Save Settings: Settings can be saved to the /tmp/JUNSerial.ini file using the Save button, ensuring they are preserved for future sessions.
  • Exit: The program can be closed using the Quit button.
More information:


    1 MB · Views: 5

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diy solar