diy solar

diy solar

Run on Timer Switch


Micro Inverter Enthusiast
Jun 27, 2021
Canning Highway Attadale Western Australia
I made some 0- 99 minute run-on (delay?) timer switches for USD $12.
I cannot find any , to suit me, that run for long times that are a reasonable price.
A number of devices I accidentally leave on & they chew my spare power so this is my first design to combat the issue.
I hope to fit one in an air conditioner, I leave on accidentally, later on.
(Getting too old)
I have used 2" or 50mm plumbing tube with end caps.
To reset - turn switch off then back on.
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I love the canister idea

I have things in my shed running on wifi smart plugs (from bunnings), if I forget to turn them off, they turn off automatically at sunset.
I was looking at something similar for a 2nd inverter. It will only be used for the clothes dryer but the idle consumption is wasteful. Using an esp32 with relay I can set a max run time and then the inverter is switched off. Luckily it has a physical on/off switch.

At the same time I was converting some Arlec plugs to Home Assistant so all the data is available. For your use case it would be easy to turn the plug off based on whatever parameters you choose.
I was looking at something similar for a 2nd inverter. It will only be used for the clothes dryer but the idle consumption is wasteful. Using an esp32 with relay I can set a max run time and then the inverter is switched off. Luckily it has a physical on/off switch.

At the same time I was converting some Arlec plugs to Home Assistant so all the data is available. For your use case it would be easy to turn the plug off based on whatever parameters you choose.
I think this may end up similar to pollenface's. (turns off once a day at sunset)
On the Wi-Fi Smart Plugs you can permanently Schedule them to turn off a number of times a day.
Say 00AM - 06 -12 -18 - 24PM
So - if you do turn them on they will turn off at the nearest Scheduled time.
Say turn on @ 11.50 then it will turn off at 12PM
In my case if I turn the clothes dryer on I want to be certain the fan exhausts for 90 minutes.
Using your setup & various others give a lot more options to save power.
Thanks kundip
Using the esp was just a low voltage/logic solution. The inverter idles at 50W. If I have it in standby mode then it won't stay on as the drier load cycles on and off. It worked great with an old fridge and its manual thermostat. So the only way to control the inverter is throught its on/off switch and using a set timer. After playing with the smart plugs I could use one on the inverter output to monitor power and then turn off after a certain duration of no power draw.

I was originally looking at the smart plugs to use with a small gti inverter. These can back feed through my LF inverters but I have no control of the gti. With the smart plug I can monitor my overall system SOC and turn the plug off if it's high. The plug is obviously on the gti feed in so it gives me control. After playing with smart plugs and HA I can think of lots of control uses in a solar system plus battery pack.

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diy solar