diy solar

diy solar

RV Battery: Lessons learned?


New Member
Apr 28, 2020
I'm in the final stages of installing my diy 280 ah 12 volt battery (plus associated equipment: inverter, solar charger, etc.). My battery is in a universal group 27 case. I was hoping others might share any lessons learned from doing a similar installation. Things I'm thinking about: how frequently do you check terminal post connections? Things to watch out for regarding individual cell voltages? Thanks for sharing.
I chose to not use a battery case. Mainly because of the compression frame and secondarily because I need to insulate the batteries in the winter.

I checked my terminals at about 6 months. They were still nice and tight. When looking at the BMS app, if you see a cell consistently out of whack with the other cells, check that cell for a connection issue first, before you start to worry about it being a "bad" cell.

All wires/cables need to be secured and supported. Never hang a cable off the side of battery without it being supported so there is no stress on the terminal.
Great questions, as I am also close to completion on my first of several 280 AH batteries for my RV.

I too used a group 27-1 case for the battery, and soon I will be posting pictures of my final build, just gotta get things tightened up...

I am using additional products like inox to try and prevent oxidation on the Al terminals, as well as lock washers and such to reduce the need for terminal tightening. Looking forward to more replies from experienced folks. Loved HRTKD's comment about hanging cables off the side, excellent point.

Did you share pictures of your final build? I used a plywood and pipe clamp compression rig that allows me to still fit the whole thing in a box.