diy solar

diy solar

Signature Solar Customer Support and EG4 6000EX inverter issues

It has now been a month since I originally contacted Signature Solar about my issue with my inverter. I have had multiple issues, one of which was resolved with their latest firmware update, so that won't be discussed. The biggest issue anyway is the charge controller failing to produce what it should be. Every day, as the sun rises, so does the wattage from the panels, as it should. But then for whatever reason, it drops into almost a float charge and stays there. The only way to fix it is to go outside and flip the PV breaker off and back on. It immediately rights itself. Unless of course a cloud happens to pass by. In which case it drops back to a float state and stays there until I go back out and reset the PV breaker. I have reset the breaker 7 times in an hour before because of spotty clouds. I finally installed a Raspberry Pi with Solar Assistant to graph the exact issue. It shows no change in base load at the time the CC fails. Then the drop to 0 as I reset the breaker and the power curve lands exactly where it should have been without the failure.

Saying that dealing with their customer support is atrocious is an understatement. Stuck in tier 1 emails for a week. Then sent to tier 2 and stuck there for weeks again. Emails get you nowhere and calls aren't much better. I hate getting mad, but it seems you have to get mad on the phone to get any results. At one point I was told that I was #30 in line for tier 2 support. 2 weeks later I call and find out that I still have 15 tickets ahead of me! That is when I got ugly and a couple days later they were trying to help me. All that was done was a check to see if my firmware was up to date and check that my settings were correct. Once they found that I had everything correct, it was radio silence for a couple days. Then sent to a Resolution Specialist. A few more days and now I get an email that they want me to return the inverter so they can look it over and then they will send me another one. So, based on the fact that it took almost 2 weeks to get the inverter in the first place, I should expect to be without power for about 3 weeks? I don't think so.
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I run a business installing RV solar systems and decided that after 3 years of perfect performance living off grid from my own personal install, I would make my system larger and test out a new company's product to see if it is a viable option for us to recommend to our customers. Aside from the CC issue which makes it so I can't leave before 8:30 any day or if there is a potential for any clouds (as I would be getting about 500w all day instead of up to 4000w) the product works well. What is Making me never recommend any EG4 product is the customer service from Signature Solar.

I can provide the email string for confirmation of dates and happenings but it is veeeeerryy long being a month worth of conversations

These are the settings that I sent in and were confirmed to be correct
7-LFE (the "F" I am placing here is a symbol that is missing the top cross of an F)
8-TFE ( same for this "F")
I am assuming you are using a third party LiFeP04 battery. I had a similar problem with the 6000ex. I had to do two things to get the behavior I was looking for.
#1. In the morning, or when the batteries are fully charged, physically disconnect sore power. Easy for me because I run the shore power through an autotransformer. I just flip the breaker on the auto transformer.
#2. I set the float voltage to equal the bulk voltage. LiFeP04 batteries do not need to float.
While it is not the right fix, it works.

diy solar

diy solar