diy solar

diy solar

Signature Solar Honest Customer Service Experience

You're native German? Put it in your profile for when you "accidentally" offend us. Then it's just a cute cultural thing. :ROFLMAO:
Not native. The bloodline has been diluted a little since 1860. However, I did get some Bohemian blood on my mother's side.(her mother immigrated in 1907).

You should see her put German's to shame if you get her riled up. :ROFLMAO:
I have two MagnaSine inverters, 12 and 6 y/o.. both work flawlessly. Using one to power a pump/remote 'powershed' and the other pumps, freezers, etc in barn. No problems.

I will never buy anything from Signature, they remind me of the dot-com marketers. Asked a couple questions, weeks went by to only get a sales pitch on their product line, not surge capabilities. Took 4 weeks to get another non-answer about Veterans discount when I replied rudely I finally got an answer (which was not that unusual a response for documentation) just to confirm what Signature required.

I have a local MagnaSine distributor who still puts them in lot's of installations where the HF inverters fail.