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diy solar


ken, just an observation on my part, but when you find yourself in need of going after
the messenger, not the message, you may need to reevaluates your stand on an issues.

ken, how many votes would you needed "kick him off the island"

ken, sometimes you need to put your big boys pants on, take responsibility for your our action.

I don't think your one of the street people in LA shitting on the sidewalk while screaming at the passersby.
but I do see you both using the same justifications for your attitude.

grizzzman, when it's time to change the law
As I have already stated the laws are already on the books. They just need to be used.
It is abundantly clear that all you are attempting to is "stir the pot".
Go ahead you see I do not answer for your benefit ( although that would be a nice result if it worked )
I do it for all the " lurkers"
It is abundantly clear that all you are attempting to is "stir the pot".
when is the right time to "stir the pot" , IMO when we start declaring war on humans to weak
to fight that war. I get what your saying, but for me the problem come in when you can't tell who
the enemy just by looking at them. you or I can't tell who is illegal or not.

if makes it very hard to know which way to strike, it could even make wrong to strike.

I did not invoke your name, and I'll respect your right to be left alone.
Nobodybusiness, America has been doing it a very long time.

they invited my grandparents in 1920

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Are you trying to conflate the founding of our country with zero rules and now with absolutely rules in place and not being enforced?

You can’t complete a frigid thought.
How in the world you can’t see the difference between Illegal entry and Legal entry.

The immigration that happened in the 1800s was legal and the people wanted to integrate.

They didn’t get any free housing or food or anything.

Did you grandparents say” Fuck it , I’m not standing in line at Ellis island”
Did they just walk in here and not tell all anyone or did they go through the process at the time?

Illegally entering this country and guess what?
You are getting kicked out.

The illegals coming here now don’t give a shit about this country.
They just want free shit and do what they want.

I sincerely cannot believe anyone could be so ignorant as you.
when is the right time to "stir the pot" , IMO when we start declaring war on humans to weak
to fight that war. I get what your saying, but for me the problem come in when you can't tell who
the enemy just by looking at them. you or I can't tell who is illegal or not.

if makes it very hard to know which way to strike, it could even make wrong to strike.

I did not invoke your name, and I'll respect your right to be left alone.
And the manipulations continue.........
I only feel the right to respond when quoted, or invoked my name

as you can see with ken, he pulled up a chair, but I only responded to him when
he invoked my name.
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D71, I think the term your looking for is undocumented

No, that is a label the left created to put lipstick on a pig and soften reality - the correct term is illegal. They [democrats] excel at creative labelling as in "Affordable Care Act" and "Inflation Reduction Act", etc., etc. where the label is typically the opposite of the nature of the item.
So every serious problem has almost always been created by government. And yet almost everyone always votes for more government.
Klystron, as you can see my writing skills are not up to most tasks.

I'll start by taking the easy road.

View attachment 199113

You need to stop parroting the leftist lies...


Title 8 of the U.S. Code identifies federal criminal offenses pertaining to immigration and nationality, including the following two entry-related offenses:

  • “Illegal Entry”/8 U.S.C. § 1325 makes it a crime to unlawfully enter the United States. It applies to people who do not enter with proper inspection at a port of entry, such as those who enter between ports of entry, avoid examination or inspection, or who make false statements while entering or attempting to enter. A first offense is a misdemeanor punishable by a fine, up to six months in prison, or both.
If a person is charged with “illegal reentry” (a felony), the prosecutor often will add a charge of “illegal entry” (a misdemeanor) to the indictment. The prosecutor can then pressure the migrant to plead guilty to the lesser offense (“illegal entry”) in exchange for a shorter sentence—perhaps even time served.

You need to stop parroting the leftist lies...
Klystron, I stand corrected

Title 8 of the U.S. Code identifies federal criminal offenses pertaining to immigration and nationality, including the following two entry-related offenses:

  • “Illegal Entry”/8 U.S.C. § 1325 makes it a crime to unlawfully enter the United States. It applies to people who do not enter with proper inspection at a port of entry, such as those who enter between ports of entry, avoid examination or inspection, or who make false statements while entering or attempting to enter. A first offense is a misdemeanor punishable by a fine, up to six months in prison, or both.
  • “Illegal Re-Entry”/8 U.S.C. § 1326 makes it a crime to unlawfully reenter, attempt to unlawfully reenter, or to be found in the United States after having been deported, ordered removed, or denied admission. This crime is punishable as a felony with a maximum sentence of two years in prison. Higher penalties apply if the person was previously removed after having been convicted of certain crimes: up to 10 years for a single felony conviction (other than an aggravated felony conviction) or three misdemeanor convictions involving drugs or crimes against a person, and up to 20 years for an aggravated felony conviction.

and if one of the items on my list is false, it would change my thinking.

diy solar

diy solar