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diy solar


Apparently it still works that way, old racist people living on stolen land bitching about immigrants. No one in my generation bitches about immigrants, its all you old farts.

Still got your green card.


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Apparently it still works that way, old racist people living on stolen land bitching about immigrants. No one in my generation bitches about immigrants, its all you old farts.

Oh, you will. It will happen just as soon as it affects you, and it is sure to affect you because you and your offspring will be paying for it all for most of your lives.
"Donald Trump is a deeply, deeply stupid man. History’s greatest dumbass. Trump amassed great wealth and power as an unhappy accident, the byproduct of an inherently corrupt nation designed to prop up his ilk at the expense of normal, cool people. He then used that wealth and power to brainwash our dimmest citizens into believing that he was a new messiah, with big strong ideas and even bigger, stronger pectoral muscles. He was the take-no-guff rich guy that his voters imagined they themselves could one day be."

Sums up this section of the forum fantastically
Yet another example of Marxism at work. Thank you Ryujin for yet another shining example of Marxism brain washing of the young.
"Donald Trump is a deeply, deeply stupid man. History’s greatest dumbass. Trump amassed great wealth and power as an unhappy accident, the byproduct of an inherently corrupt nation designed to prop up his ilk at the expense of normal, cool people. He then used that wealth and power to brainwash our dimmest citizens into believing that he was a new messiah, with big strong ideas and even bigger, stronger pectoral muscles. He was the take-no-guff rich guy that his voters imagined they themselves could one day be."

Sums up this section of the forum fantastically
if you dislike it so much why keep coming back? are you into self flagellation or some other form of self issued punishment?
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Apparently it still works that way, old racist people living on stolen land bitching about immigrants. No one in my generation bitches about immigrants, its all you old farts.
This one still bugs me.
I have no issues with those who immigrate legally. It's the illegal immigrants that are ruining the country I have a serious issue with.
Ps I'm in my mid 30s, my younger brothers gf in her late 20s recently got her CCP... She felt defenseless, out running, against an attack from some illegal piece of shit that shouldn't be here...
Pss lead brass and powder are much cheaper than transportation back home.

If I had to guess you're barely old enough to drink, legally, and think you have it all figured out. Don't forget to wear your knee pads.
I have no issues with those who immigrate legally. It's the illegal immigrants that are ruining the country I have a serious issue with.
Cool. Make it possible to immigrate legally. They do cheap labor and pay taxes. Win win.
Cool. Make it possible to immigrate legally. They do cheap labor and pay taxes. Win win.
You don’t even live in the USA just hush Eat more pop corn.

We already have rotational immigrants that come to pick - harvest foods. Most return home and invest in their country - Mexico take all monies with them been like that for years. Called Migrant workers.
Cool. Make it possible to immigrate legally. They do cheap labor and pay taxes. Win win.

From the link:

Using the National Academies’ estimate of immigrants’ net fiscal impact by education level, we estimate that the lifetime fiscal drain (taxes paid minus costs) for each illegal immigrant is about $68,000

Illegal immigrants make extensive use of welfare. Based on government data, we estimate that 59 percent of households headed by illegal immigrants use one or more major welfare programs, compared to 39 percent of households headed by the U.S.-born

In addition to consuming welfare, illegal immigration makes significant use of public education. Based on average costs per student, the estimated 4 million children of illegal immigrants in public schools created $68.1 billion in costs in 2019

Use of emergency medical services is another area in which illegal immigrants create significant fiscal costs. Prior research indicates that there are 5.8 million uninsured illegal immigrants in the country in 2019, accounting for a little over one-fifth of the total population without health insurance. The costs of providing care to them likely totals some $7 billion annually


From the link:

Using the National Academies’ estimate of immigrants’ net fiscal impact by education level, we estimate that the lifetime fiscal drain (taxes paid minus costs) for each illegal immigrant is about $68,000

Illegal immigrants make extensive use of welfare. Based on government data, we estimate that 59 percent of households headed by illegal immigrants use one or more major welfare programs, compared to 39 percent of households headed by the U.S.-born

In addition to consuming welfare, illegal immigration makes significant use of public education. Based on average costs per student, the estimated 4 million children of illegal immigrants in public schools created $68.1 billion in costs in 2019

Use of emergency medical services is another area in which illegal immigrants create significant fiscal costs. Prior research indicates that there are 5.8 million uninsured illegal immigrants in the country in 2019, accounting for a little over one-fifth of the total population without health insurance. The costs of providing care to them likely totals some $7 billion annually

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Good point. keep in mind that there are other large costs, as an example crime.
Klystron, I'm not going that far yet. if you think my commutations skill are bad, my
judging and jury skill are even worse.

I think you are confusing committing a crime vs being convicted of committing a crime. You appear to say that if you break the law but are not caught and convicted then you haven't committed a crime - I hope you're not teaching your children or grandchildren that.

In the case of illegal migrants, we know that they committed a crime because we watch them crossing the border illegally by crossing at other than a port of entry. While it is probably true that most of them have not been convicted of having done so yet [and maybe never will be] that doesn't change the fact that they broke our laws and therefore committed a crime.

They crossed the border illegally. Therefore, they are illegal migrants. Calling them something else will never change that simple fact.
You appear to say that if you break the law but are not caught and convicted then you haven't committed a crime
Klystron, isn't that why trump is on the ticket? there was a time when being suspected
of a crime could get you hung. I do get it LOCK THEM UP sounds so right in so many ears.

the people you are talking about don't have any charges yet.
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I think you are confusing committing a crime vs being convicted of committing a crime. You appear to say that if you break the law but are not caught and convicted then you haven't committed a crime - I hope you're not teaching your children or grandchildren that.
I kinda hope he is... there is more than one way to clean up the DNA pool... some of it is self inflicted. Oorah!
Does that mean that they haven't committed a crime?
No, it means, you and me don't get to pick and choose.

they put in a system so you don't need a pitchfork.

and if you use a pitchfork, you would be a suspected killer.

I hope you're not teaching your children or grandchildren that.
Klystron, by three grade they got that.
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No, it means, you and me don't get to pick and choose.

they put in a system so you don't need a pitchfork.
sorry dude... sometimes you do need a pitchfork, and this is one of them. every day new stories about US citizens being killed by these less then stellar individuals. Trump was right, they are not sending us their best and brightest... and by pitchfork, my favorite is .308 followed by 30-30 or 30.06.

there is going to be a massacre sooner or later there will be a town or city where they get tired of their children getting killed and raped, when that happens blood will run in the streets.

the fed will attempt to use it as an excuse to curtail weapon ownership. at that time people will need to decide.. should we shoot the local LEO's or not.. it will go downhill in a shitty slide very soon after that.

Brandon needs to be hung for treason till his feet stop twitching, (after a legal trial of course) same for Mayokas and the laughing Hyena.
No, it means, you and me don't get to pick and choose.

they put in a system so you don't need a pitchfork.

and if you use a pitchfork, you would be a suspected killer.
what is your real name? which account did you stop using due to inaction? you are obviously a troll or a member of the DOJ... I live overseas... come and visit sometime.
what is your real name? which account did you stop using due to inaction?
ken, I mean no disrespect, but WTF

one of my hobbies is hang gliding, we learned on very good days we could get
over 10000ft high and the air gets thin, and we start doing stupid shit the can get
us killed, to keep that from happening we carry air in a tank, ken get some air!
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No, it means, you and me don't get to pick and choose.

they put in a system so you don't need a pitchfork.

and if you use a pitchfork, you would be a suspected killer.

Klystron, by three grade they got that.

I am trying desperately to understand your position, but I think I have been unsuccessful because we have different definitions for certain terms.

Because of that, there can be no meaningful discussion.

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diy solar