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diy solar


I am trying desperately to understand your position,
Klystron, I don't have the word skills needed for some of these issues

so I'll google it.

The term "innocent until proven guilty" is not in the U.S. Constitution. The presumption of innocence is recognized as a due process right under the Fifth Amendment. The prosecutor has the burden of proof to show you are guilty beyond a reasonable doubt.
if you dislike it so much why keep coming back? are you into self flagellation or some other form of self issued punishment?
Nah. He’s just a child who hates himself because he’s done nothing with his life but mooch and bitch.

I truly wish some days the country would just stop.
No more food, water, fuel, medical, nothing just to watch all these little butt sniffers alternate reality implode.

Of course most of them would run home to mommy and daddy if they don’t already live in their basement.
If mommy and daddy also lived in alternate reality then it would just be that much more entertaining.

Millions of them screaming “ Why isn’t the government helping me?”

Then they start bringing their entitled asses around to the parts of the country who are self sufficient telling those people “ You have to take care of me”.

You can imagine the greeting they would get.

Pain and suffering is a great teacher of truths.
Deny it all you want but it doesn’t change the facts.
Klystron, lets use ken as an example

say ken is a cop in my city, he's driving around town and see a Mexican looking
person walking on the sidewalk, if he stops and puts the guy in the back seat then
drives to the US boarder and chucks the guy over the fence, ken would get jail time
only if someone seen him do it.

seen or unseen ken is a dick, but only gets jail time when seen and judged guilty
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even today in the US you can live in your own little world, and play by your own rules.
if someone steps into your world, you can still just bury them behind the pig pen nobody
would even know. all makes perfect sense in your world, gets more complicated when
you step outside your world and play my your rules only. or when the body sniffing dogs
show up in your world.
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Klystron, lets use ken as an example

say ken is a cop in my city, he's driving around town and see a Mexican looking
person walking on the sidewalk, if he stops and puts the guy in the back seat then
drives to the US boarder and chucks the guy over the fence, ken would get jail time
only if someone seen him do it.

seen or unseen ken is a dick, but only gets jail time when seen and judged guilty

If nobody sees Ken do this, has he committed a crime? That is a yes/no question but I suspect you will have trouble answering it.
but I suspect you will have trouble answering it.
Klystron, that is correct because it's not on me to judge ken. I can only judge my actions.

if I seen ken do it, so I hit him with a baseball bat, I hope I would not be surprised if I woke up in jail.

if the question was do I think ken is a criminal, the answer would change

I'm having lunch down town, out the window I see three young guys using a coat hanger
to get into a car, I could think they are criminals trying to steal a car. are they criminals?
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Klystron, I don't have the word skills needed for some of these issues

so I'll google it.

The term "innocent until proven guilty" is not in the U.S. Constitution. The presumption of innocence is recognized as a due process right under the Fifth Amendment. The prosecutor has the burden of proof to show you are guilty beyond a reasonable doubt.
The 5th Amendment applies to citizens NOT to Illegal Aliens. This is a wonderful example of Marxiust thought process.
even today in the US you can live in your own little world, and play by your own rules.
if someone steps into your world, you can still just bury them behind the pig pen nobody
would even know. all makes perfect sense in your world, gets more complicated when
you step outside your world and play my your rules only. or when the body sniffing dogs
show up in your world.
Wooow..... VERY serious criminal thinking going on here......
The 5th Amendment applies to citizens NOT to Illegal Aliens.
grizzzman, IMO it applies in the united states of America, not you or me.
it was given to you and me, because we're in America. once you step out of
America things change.

equal application of the laws and rights, are common to all US territories.
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grizzzman, IMO it applies in the united states of America, not you or me.
it was given to you and me, because we're in America. once you step out of
America things change.

equal application of the law, is common to all US territories.
Are you on drugs? because you are all over the map.
Klystron, that is correct because it's not on me to judge ken.

You are not judging Ken - this is a legal question. You are confused about the process and the difference between committing a crime and being convicted of having committed a crime.

Until you understand that difference there is nothing further for us to discuss.

In your world [as you have explained it] you can murder someone and it is not a crime unless you are convicted of having done so. In my world, if I see you commit the murder I know you have committed a crime even if the state is unable or unwilling to convict you of it.

The "unwilling" part is in bold because that is how illegal crossings are being approached under the current administration. Hopefully that will change when the current morons in charge are replaced.
if I see you commit the murder I know you have committed a crime even if the state is unable or unwilling to convict you of it.
Klystron, justice is different then crime, in your example there was a crime but no justice. very sad.

our system is set up for crime then justice, sadly it doesn't always work that way.

Klystron, I too feel that sadness when justice is missing, because I lost an 8 year old grandson
and I still cry and feel justice was missing, he would be 27 now.
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Klystron, justice is different then crime, in your example there was a crime but no justice. very sad.

our system is set up for crime then justice, sadly it doesn't always work that way.

Klystron, I too feel that sadness when justice is missing, because I lost an 8 year old grandson
and I still cry and feel justice was missing, he would be 27 now.
this happens every day that a illegal alien commits a crime and then runs away to a sanctuary city. your attempts at baiting me are pathetic... try again special needs citizen.
Klystron, that is correct because it's not on me to judge ken. I can only judge my actions.
if I seen ken do it, so I hit him with a baseball bat, I hope I would not be surprised if I woke up in jail.
if the question was do I think ken is a criminal, the answer would change
I'm having lunch down town, out the window I see three young guys using a coat hanger
to get into a car, I could think they are criminals trying to steal a car. are they criminals?
It is your car. Dream on
Nah. He’s just a child who hates himself because he’s done nothing with his life but mooch and bitch.

I truly wish some days the country would just stop.
No more food, water, fuel, medical, nothing just to watch all these little butt sniffers alternate reality implode.

Of course most of them would run home to mommy and daddy if they don’t already live in their basement.
If mommy and daddy also lived in alternate reality then it would just be that much more entertaining.

Millions of them screaming “ Why isn’t the government helping me?”

Then they start bringing their entitled asses around to the parts of the country who are self sufficient telling those people “ You have to take care of me”.

You can imagine the greeting they would get.

Pain and suffering is a great teacher of truths.
Deny it all you want but it doesn’t change the facts.
this would be painful and yet oh so satisfying to watch. painful as why has America sunk so low... satisfying as I would be fat and happy while the useless DNA starved.
this would be painful and yet oh so satisfying to watch. painful as why has America sunk so low... satisfying as I would be fat and happy while the useless DNA starved.
They will eat one another already seen it over seas

They don’t talk about it but ppl still eat ppl

diy solar

diy solar