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diy solar


D71, the second video you posted also shows that shortsightedness.

if mr trump did not bring onboard mr flynn and all his baggage would there have been wiretaps of mr trump?
D71, the second video you posted also shows that shortsightedness.

if mr trump did not bring onboard mr flynn and all his baggage would there have been wiretaps of mr trump?
Tommy why skip over the fact Gen Flynn was a working democrat that swapped over and tried to work with republicans. You shoot yourself in both feet at every opportunity. No doubt Obama was angry that he did not purge flynn like the rest of the republican brass. Obama purged the fbi too and left loyalist to him. Same as he left loyalist in military. Trump needs throw your kids out of the military.

Flynn was a democrat
D71, sweet visual aids.

IMO that's a battle for a different day, today we have an immigration issue that is causing American's
to poke sticks at other American's, we have a misinformation campaign that caused 1000 American's
to go to jail. all caused by our shortsightedness. (IMO)
Why are you intent on bringing the immigration issue back to this thread .... Doesn't it have one of it's own?
As to the character of those trying to prosecute Trump .... Fani and her band need to be held accountable. There is proof that Fani, Wade, and Wade's former associate have all lied under oath.
If there is any justice left in the justice system these 3 should all be facing serious consequences in and outside the trial.

This guy is the latest to join in on lying under oath. He totally reversed his previous statements .... suddenly couldn't remember a LOT of stuff ... and claimed he hadn't me with Wade for over 2 years.
.... In comes a waiter who says he waited on the 2 around 5 weeks ago .....

As I recall, EVEN Bill Clinton was disbarred for lying under oath.

According to Jeff Childer, who is a practicing lawyer, there is evidence of witness tampering. That is a worse crime than perjury.

☕️ REVIVAL ☙ Saturday, March 2nd, 2024 ☙ C&C NEWS 🦠
But there’s an even bigger problem. The Wade-Bradley lunch happened after Bradley texted attorney Merchant with one version of his testimony, and before Bradley changed to a new story at trial. It seems to me this evidences classic witness tampering — a very serious crime, much more serious even than perjury.
Our entire judicial system rests on the notion that witnesses may not be influenced, bribed, or threatened before they testify. Absent that rule, the whole system fails.
If Nathan Wade even had a shred of the prosecutorial experience he claims to have, he should’ve kept far from Terrance. Farther away than he’d have kept from a maskless, covid-positive person on an airplane. With an uncontrollable cough. At the very least, Nathan should never have met with Terrance in public. What a maroon.
Witness tampering is a serious problem and provides a second avenue for the defendants to re-open an adverse ruling by Judge MaCafee. The lunch meeting, combined with Terrance’s testimonial reversal, could easily be enough to turn the S.S. Fani Willis into an environmentally-friendly artificial reef.​
Sodom and Gomorrah was destroyed over bad judicial justice as much as it was destroyed over gayness. Most christians only recite gayness.-queer.

Most ppl don’t realize the Bible covers this too. The jewish talmud goes into even more depth. The old Rabbi maintained written events from Sodom and Gomorrah that explains the UNJUST judicial punishments in Sodom and Gomorrah.

I was going to skip the moral depravity part ..... but, since you posted that article.

I was going to skip the moral depravity part ..... but, since you posted that article.

The moral part child molesters are democrat pardoned. The tranny in scholls were complained about in school boards by parents. The democrats responded by sic the fbi on the concerned emotional parents that were rightly justified.

Trump and real Republicans point these things out.

Democrats promote, ruin, and destroy anything they do not like from ppl that won’t make queer cakes to the 4 years of Trump’s presidency. Obuma Biden have no moral high ground. Rainbow flag shined on white house. Biden Obuma going after Trump when he announced running for President again.
They did every illegal trick in the book and used every trick to invent crimes they were guilty of in most cases. Justice now equal scales out of balance.

That is evil.
As to the character of those trying to prosecute Trump
Bob, in an effort to keep on topic.

all of trump's Intelligence Agency told him hunter's laptop was a Russian op, what did trump
do with that information "Fake Stream Media" & "lock him up" how much time did congress
waste on that crap.
Bob, in an effort to keep on topic.

all of trump's Intelligence Agency told him hunter's laptop was a Russian op, what did trump
do with that information "Fake Stream Media" & "lock him up" how much time did congress
waste on that crap.
Tommy did you miss where Hunter and his Lawyer stated the laptop and the contents were his. The lawyer was even claiming the contents should not have been shared….compromised hunter. The Lead Intel was working to get Biden elected and bragged he did it - lie on purpose. Did you miss those revelations? Conspiracy became known facts FBI charge ppl with conspiracy all the time and Prosecutors must prove the conspiracy. In the case of the laptop it is proven. It is proven 50+ intel agents lied. What would happen if the role was reversed and this was done to obama or biden or hillary? What would have happened in this 2 tier justice system? If Trump had done the things they have done then Trump would be swinging from a rope … instead since he decided to run again the Left are trying to lynch him with every TRUMPED UP CHARGE they can muster.

Trump had a copy of the hunter biden laptop hard drive in the hands his own lawyer - former mayor of nyc which presented it and the computer shop owner to the FBI which sat on it. The entire corrupt DOJ sat on it too. Just as they never allowed presented 2020 election fraud. The news agency and democrats therefore called it baseless. It is not baseless and it is being shown here and there as truth with enough time. Crime often takes years to be exposed and allowed. The democrats cried election fraud from 2000 until Obuma and Biden then most secure elections ever. Btw that guy is in trouble now too…”most secure election ever” proven liar with foia

The big deal with hunter biden laptop is the Big Guy connection and crimes involved in that manner. No one seems care that there were pictures showing hunter with a young under age girl while snorting coke according to claims . MTG tried to post some pictures from the hard drive at the congress investigation and ppl lost their shit on all sides. Not that hunter biden had done bad things but because mtg was outting him in public. If Biden’s are never brought to trial than ppl will know what they got away with.

Lying about the laptop is one thing they got away with along with other 2 tier justice infractions.
Maybe you have missed it but Reps are suppose vote the way their electors intend based as a Representative….
D71, again I'm reminded of the street people in LA that set up a tent in the middle of a sidewalk
think it's theirs's not ours(everybody's) , we send our Representative to work with congress do
do the people's work. IMO the sidewalk is not owned by the street person and congress is not
owned by one parties. if it is to function.
D71, again I'm reminded of the street people in LA that set up a tent in the middle of a sidewalk
think it's theirs's not ours(everybody's) , we send our Representative to work with congress do
do the people's work. IMO the sidewalk is not owned by the street person and congress is not
owned by one parties. if it is to function.
So why do we have elected represented parties.

Your argument won’t carry water or the mail or clean up the poop on the side walk.

We elect officials to hire ppl to clean up the sidewalks so we can walk down them without stepping in poop. If the reps are out pooping on the side walks too then they are not working for our desired results.
So why do we have elected represented parties.
D71, to work in congress for our benefit, ms green's approach is for her benefit not ours's

but, if congress log jammed is in your could be right.

to get back on topic. mr trump's approach ("Fake Stream Media" & "lock him up" & "stop the steal") benefits him, but IMO not us.

you do have to give it to him thou, 500 million and counting, not going to cost him a dime, and gets him votes

capitalism at it's finest
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D71, to work in congress for our benefit
Represented bodies are bias and reps are elected to be bias per their majority voter base. Nature of the democrat party and republican party…. The results of the dumpster fire under Biden are obvious. What did he do for ppl on the Right to gain unity? It is no amazement that he did nothing to hear out republicans because it is typical democrats in action. Me me me me and when Trump was in Office it was “Fuck Trump”

Would you be happier under King’s decree.? Or maybe Communism? Trump would make a good King and could rule by decree.

The lop-sideness of the super edge of the democratic party may end in ways they do not like. Live by the sword die by the sword. Almost for last 8 years the Left have tried to murder the Right with death by a 1000 small tiny cuts. They enjoy the misery and pain of others. Why they created asphalt city plantations that produced nothing good. Those days are probably going to be remembered as them claiming to be the victims in the end. 🤡
Almost for last 8 years the Left have tried to murder the Right with death by a 1000 small tiny cuts.
D71, to some them are shoots to the foot by the right, it started when they used Q, I'm sure
that will work out real good.:rolleyes:
D71, to some them are shoots to the foot by the right, it started when they used Q, I'm sure
that will work out real good.:rolleyes:

If You had only 2 options:




Which one are you going to vote for in 2024? Reality those are the only choices be 1 or the other when the voting is done.

I highly doubt you will answer:
Which one Tommy?
If You had only 2 options:
D71, I would write in Nikki
in 2016 I had to write ted because I didn't think turning Bill Nye The Science Guy into the enemy
was going to work out for us.

work on my down ballot
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Do you like Romney?
grizzzman, yes
here I would be a Rino

I would vote for him
I wish corker had more ambition

I criticize the right's plan, but feel we gave you the tools, we had our phobia's also
unions, we seen them as our deep state, that could have caused globalization to become
a dirty word
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D71, I would write in Nikki

work on my down ballot

grizzzman, yes

I would vote for him

I knew you were not capable of a public 2 choice selection….. between Trump or Biden. 🥷🏻 That is okay. She - Niki will not win unless something drastic happens to Trump and MAGA goes to Niki… she is only running to split the vote too.
She can’t beat Biden without MAGA but I could be wrong. Most MAGA knows Niki is scum = no support.
I suspect MAGA will simply not vote if the only choices are Niki and Joe.
Think Joe will win in land slide like never seen before against Niki Haley.
Niki will have worked just as her democrat backers desired and wanted for final results. You will have voted for Biden one way or the other. Potato Joe for another 4. That is my crystal ball.

My gut feeling tells me in a 2 choice only of: Trump or Biden that you would vote for Biden over Trump but are obviously afraid to admit it here. Be brave Be honest.




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diy solar