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diy solar


D71, I get that, just last week I found myself wandering around a big parking lot in chicago looking for my car.


She describes what they will do then cries that ppl will blame them. Haha she has permanent victim status after she announces will be assaulting ppl. She said Europe and she meant USA too. Ppl either start figuring this out for public direct announcements or not.

The public announcements are intentional. They are declarations which means if you allow them then the terms are accepted.
Biden did his fraud vote scheme team assembly announcement the same way. No one did anything so his terms stood then and now. Fraud 2020. Again these various groups on the left are telling you up front that way by inaction = you agree. 😀🤣 it really is that simple.

When Americans allowed foreigners to get access to rule our govt we had lost.

I doubt you or some other ppl will get this so…. Mayorkas should never have been put in charge that is on biden
D71, what make you think opposing Israeli nationalism is anti-Semitic? I fixed it for you.

if you want me to fix the other half, let me know
D71, what make you think opposing Israeli nationalism is anti-Semitic? I fixed it for you.
You can’t fix anything for me . Sling blade now make post after post while you heart flutters.

Why is white nationalism opposed why are ppl in the white raise being attacked and discriminated against. The white race is more tolerant and talkative then most other races for trying to come up with a solution. Call that bs.

Why is white nationalism opposed
D71, I guess I do need to.

white is not a nation. you can't have nationalism without a nation(country):rolleyes:

you can have supremacy but not nationalism

IMO you can't have supremacy either, that ship sailed long ago.
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its the jeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeews!!!!!!!!!!! @D71 🤡🤡🤡
Barbara lerner spectre said what bardara lerner spectre said. What did you hear her-say? Did you listen to her? What happened after her speech did mass immigration occur? Now put your small hat on and kiss their ass some more. They said what they said…. 😀🤡

Is corbett jewish. He looks jewish snicker snicker…send him some more of your money to think for you…. all they got to do is stay in their small percent of their lane instead of exploding and taking over command and control of most everything then bragging about what they are doing. Who are the banksters you always mention who runs blackrock? You know but you are to much of a coward to address them by name. That in itself is mental illness. You might as well suck a pickle and call it a puss
D71, I guess I do need to.

white is not a nation. you can't have nationalism without a nation(country):rolleyes:

you can have supremacy but not nationalism
Tommy think out the post before hitting “post reply”
I know your heart is fluttering and your vision is whiting out and you are as emotional as a small child but you are on an 18 and older website deemed for adults only so take a moment and read your post. Beat multple edits.

its the jeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeews!!!!!!!!!!! @D71 🤡🤡🤡
See we agree
D71, I tried it your way, just added space, no one here would even see or understand my words
so less space seems better.
You got that right.

Go back watch that barbara lerner spectre video. Take time to sample all the kool aid at the Jim Jones Picnic. Learn the flavors.

Hmmm bad kool aid. You are trying to drink all the kool aid. Leave some for the rest of us. We are going to need it on our current path. Ppl here have let the wrong ppl outsiders lead them astray. Happened from inside out by allowing foreign influencers access to write and change our laws..
D71, I did see the video, I don't have any skin in any of her opinions.
No skin means what? Skin means you live where they are sending the illegal invaders that will if allowed be out on conditional parole where they are bound by legal agreement. What some ppl want is open borders …. I think you are dumb enough to be in that crowd. You don’t mind working until you die and giving everything you own away in weird version of book Animal Farm based on communism. Tommy how did you get so fucked up in the head.? Did the drill sergeant kick you 1 to many times when you acted or talked like a communist? 1970 era drill sergeant would have stomped your ass.

“She is saying the jews will lead the charge of immigrant invaders she then says ppl will blame the jews because the jews are leading the charge of the illegal invaders.” Barbara Lerner Spectre
D71, her wants are for the UK.
See you didn’t watch her video that she took the time to make and present to the public as a declaration notice. Biden made a declaration about his voter fraud team too. Joe Biden picked Mayorkas to be the USA version of Barbara Lerner Spectre. Surely you can see that … you just don’t want to. You’d rather blah blah blah for hours on end.

Our usa declaration of independence was written and presented in public in a like wise manner. Ppl just can’t understand how simple that method is for claims. 🤡 the British objected to declaration of independence for the USA. 🤣😀🤡 in the end they beat us with the financial system but we had this piece of paper called bill of rights that has kept them at bay. When enough foreigners get here they won’t know or care and majority will rule. ~50 million illegals here. That is significant.

Tommy did the drill sgt shine his boots with your ass.?
D71, the other day I was working on a machine, while chatting with the machine operator
in passing I asked him trump or bidin.

the problems with the US are politicians that have no term limits and no controls over their actions.
ken, you are entitled to your opinions, but they may not be shared by all.

IMO the problems with the US is politicians forced to not work with of other side, nothing gets done.

we have a lot of places in the world with tragic conditions that created a immigration problem for us today
but because of government grid lock that we caused, it can't be fixed.

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ken, you are entitled to your opinions, but they may not be shared by all.

IMO the problems with the US is politicians forced to not work with of other side, nothing gets done.

we have a lot of places in the world with tragic conditions that created a immigration problem for us today
but because of government grid lock that we caused, it can't be fixed.

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Maybe you have missed it but Reps are suppose vote the way their electors intend based as a Representative…. We elected politicians to represent us. They are not suppose to get to Washington and do what they want after elected. Whatever they do is suppose to be in our best interest and along lines of their majority vote as reps.

Got it?

That means if the majority that elected that Rep says No the Rep is suppose to cote no. If the majority says yes the Rep is suppose to vote Yes.
Again they are elected by the People to Represent not to do what the fuck they want to do once there. When a Republician does what the fuck they want to do vs what they were elected to do then they get called a RINO.

Do you not remember a thing from Civics Class? For some ppll they learned about how govt works on saturday morning cartoons many years ago Cartoon form
Maybe you have missed it but Reps are suppose vote the way their electors intend
D71, IMO you characterized it the way I would have, but I think we added a new dimension
"work with the other side your gone"(that's on us)

our government was formed with two parties that come together to address the issues we face
through compromise.

if we make compromise a dirty word, a then complain about issues like immigration we would be nothing but bitches.(IMO)

when we get to a one parties system, my opinion would change.
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These type cartoons used to teach kids in cartoon form on Saturdays..

The whole point of winning congress approval as an elected official is to represent your electors. If you ran. If you fail then get voted out. Problem is ppl don’t vet politicians they are fucking lazy and kept putting the same one in over and over. Or the representatives are selected.

Trump supporters were called Deplorables because we voted for Trump to represent. The Left did not get their Hillary selection. So they fought a duly elected preseident for the whole 4 years he was in office. Started with Obuma spying on him.

Illegal wire tapping from and by Obuma on Trump election

Hmmmm remember Nixon…. Obuma did 10x worse and went even further… so…. Would you prefer obama shoved up your ass or would prefer to shove yourself up obamas ass? Started before Trump was elected and went on for 4 years attacking a duly elected President. Then for the whole 4 years of Biden going after Trump most noticable when Trump announced would run again. You seem tohave a problem with current events and the score card it is willful ignorance or you simply watch to much porn.

Tommy the only way to solve campaign fraud and elected officials from gaining their permanent god status where they get elected and then tell us how they will vote is missed on you.

Again elected officials are suppose to follow the majority for their desire in a matter. Not vote how the masses want them to vote. They vote in accordance with the ppl that elected them to office. Otherwise we shit can all of them and we go to the polls ourselvesall the time to vote on everything. No elected official needed.

When it comes to congress voting their own benefits immunities that should be a public vote from each State by the party that elected them with super majority. Solve a lot of problems. Congress voting their own immunities and pay raises is bs. That should be a public vote. Representatives getting to Washington and representing themselves is bs. The Reps are again suppose to represent us as a super vote. Means republicians go along with republicans wishes that elected them. That is how and why they got elected. The republicians did not fight to win a congressional seat to watch that seat vote democrat.
D71, sweet visual aids.
Tommy the only way to solve campaign fraud and elected officials from gaining their permanent god status
IMO that's a battle for a different day, today we have an immigration issue that is causing American's
to poke sticks at other American's, we have a misinformation campaign that caused 1000 American's
to go to jail. all caused by our shortsightedness. (IMO)
D71, sweet visual aids.

IMO that's a battle for a different day, today we have an immigration issue that is causing American's
to poke sticks at other American's, we have a misinformation campaign that caused 1000 American's
to go to jail. all caused by our shortsightedness. (IMO)
You are in wrong post for immigration why made one just for you. This is Trump post.

Trump was elected to represent and he did

diy solar

diy solar