diy solar

diy solar

Vertical strut mount winter array


Superstrut Strut
Nov 19, 2019
This was my most ambitious mounting of pv yet. I wanted a winter array I could clear snow off from the ground. I did not want to deal with a ground mount for a few reasons like pouring cement in winter is no good & I like the option to move stuff down the road.

If you buy Strut for a project, at Lowes the cheep finish is the lowest price. But if you buy from Home Depot & buy 10, you can get the nice finish for a few cents more. Thats really the best value in my option. As far as the fasteners are concerned, eBay was super cheep compaied to anything local.

I used all 1/2" stuff when mounting the racks. 3/8" on all the PV mounts.

I put the pv up today, wiring tomorrow.

Check out the video
I am a fan of super strut! (I get 10% off at both stores all the time though)
My home is called the "Strut Hut". I'm going crazy with the Strut. Building my bed next.

10% on just Strut or everything? How?
Well I got the array wired yesterday & holy cow do I get a lot of power now. 9am where I am & I am getting 1400w, the bottom 2 are shaded. Unfortunately the battery dipped to 40v & that cuts the inverter off until it gets to 46v. Cloudy day, might have to go rent a generator to get up to 46v today. I've got the video of the pv mounting & wiring but no power to export. Ah the irony.
Mounting & wiring of the array that racks for.
