diy solar

diy solar

Whatever happened to sodium-ion batteries?

It seems to always go in hype cycles. Been happening for over 10 years now.
Aren’t they supposedly ramping up at scale for domestic EVs in China?

I don’t know that I’ve heard the “matches LFP” in many places. They’re being paired with LFP in those EVs. If they actually were a drop-in performance match with LFP they would just displace them.
I have 39 Aquion sodium ion 48V batteries now. They were given to me by two different friends who were upgrading to Li-ion (Simpliphi) batteries. They spent about $1k/kWh on the Simpliphi batteries. The one batch of 21 had been sitting for 2 years under a tarp, getting wet because the tarp leaked. The others sat under the same leaky tarp for several months before I got a shed built to house them all. They are about 36" tall and about 12"x12" footprint. And 260 lbs. each. Thankfully I have a tractor with a front end loader and could set them into place without straining my back. Except that I had to scoot them around to get them all crammed into a 12'x12' shed.

They were rated at 2.2kWh each - so I had a potential 85kWh of storage there. For free. I culled out 11 of them - wouldn't hold a charge, so the remaining 28 I connected to a dozen PV panels and a Sol-Ark 12k system. They worked well for a couple years, but now they are good for maybe 5kWh, so I wake up and my system is off, waiting for the sun to shine.

I never found out a whole lot about the batteries, Aquion went bankrupt, reformed and wouldn't have anything to do with the old batteries. They have pretty hi internal resistance now.

I am trying to charge them with an EG4 5kW Chargeverter now, but the max voltage output of the Chargeverter is 57.0V, and I can only get the charger to push about 2kW into the batteries, but that decreases in a few minutes to average about 1kWh/hr into the batteries.
So you're now only getting 5 kWh out of like 60? That's...not great.
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Yes, I think the Aquion's have met their end of life. They are not serviceable, and I've never tried to disassemble one, but I may do that and post photos and what I find here (may have to wait until I run out of things to do - ha!).

and my generator is running right now feeding my EG4 Chargeverter (sun is just coming up, big cloud bank in the way). Our power went off at 5am this morning. I don't have a meter on my usage (not sure why Sol-Ark wouldn't have a meter display on the front panel of my 12k), but since I'm thinking about it, here's my loads overnight:

a 28 cu.ft. new refrigerator (I put a meter on it, runs about 1kWh a day, so 42W average, a 15 cu.ft. chest freezer - forgot for sure, but seems like it was about what the frig was, so 42W there, 40W continuous UV water sterilizer, and a Starlink system (about 100W average I think) all running overnight. Plus we probably have 50W of lights on until we go to bed. Sunset is now 6:45 pm and there's Maunakea making it a little earlier), so 50W of light for 4 hours = 200Wh there. I'll figure we are using batteries about 12 hours a day. So that's (42+42+40+100)*12 + 200 = 2,888Wh, so maybe only 3kWh. Oh, forgot the water pump - a ¾ hp pumping out of a catchment tank - it probably runs for no more than 10 minutes at less than 1000W = 167 Wh so just over 3 kWh of storage. Pretty bad!
Maybe they’re waiting for perovskite solar panels to charge them ?.

Similar story, and hype, for years now.