This thread/forum title got me to wondering what ever happened to the farmers and "the right to repair"
So I just searched it and "Earlier this month, an Australian hacker did a live
jailbreak of a John Deere tractor display to play Doom on it. The hacker, who goes by Sick.Codes, wasn’t out to prove that a six-ton, $35,000 machine makes for a good video game console. Rather, he wanted to show how farmers could hack into their tractors to fix them instead of relying on licensed dealers."
This news was published today
Be nice if I could have 'jailbreaked' a solar charge controller so I could use a voltage outside multiples of 12 for my 32 volt battery bank instead of having to play games like messing with vbatt calibration and turning down all the 36v limited settings.
IMO existence of the slang 'jail break' in the first place is an indicator something is wrong.