diy solar

diy solar

Will, go in depth on your flexable solar panels


New Member
Jul 12, 2020
Will, could you please do an update on your flexable solar panels. Specifically what apears to be a Lensun 100 watt panel that put out 104 watts (cold) with 5bb, and the Rich Solar 80 watt CIGS panel. You said you would do an update video on both, but never got around to it. A more in depth video showing total watt hours over a period of a day or week would be greatly appreciated. Thank you for help and keep up the great work.

Every panel is flexable.
Take a good Flex angle grinder and you can chop it in pieces in a breeze

Flexible panels is something everyone with a piece of common sense would avoid.
A more in depth video showing total watt hours over a period of a day or week
When new and working they will perform as specification. A good guess is 6 sun hours at panel watts per day as a maximum, 600 watt hours for a 100 watt panel.
Will is accurate with his comments, unless you pay $$$$$$$, your flexible panels will degrade/fail within a short time.

On a years average, no way!
note the word in bold, maximum
just trying to be optimistic!
since the query was for a flexible panel perhaps zero watt hours would have been a better reply.

The difference between a 100w and 104w (or for that matter an 80w vs 100w panel) won't mean a hill of beans if the consumer doesn't have the knowledge of how to measure their power needs or solar-insolation hours.

Instead, Will's inbox may be filled with requests to test product A vs product B, and become some sort of "influencer" who merely bench-races silly differences in specs that mean nothing if the application isn't taken into account.

With experience, you'll find Will is right - the flexible panels are not - and never were - designed for long-term use like a rigid panel.

GunsAblazin - help us out. Do you have an actual application in mind?
I know a YouTuber who just installed a flexible panel on her mini-van. She used VHB tape all around the circumference as well as several stripes of tape full length between the edges. She was worried about the wind taking it off. I would be more worried about EVER being able to get it off the roof of her van.