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diy solar

Dr Strangetroll : or how I learned to stop arguing and be amused by the intransigence

See how the libs just throw insults
The fact that you use "libs" as an attempted insult only shows you need to open a dictionary. I don't think open minded is a negative.
when it's revealed they don't have an answer ?

You have been corrected many times, your lies exposed.
"TALK TO YOU DOCTOR" ? I have, and they prescribe a whole list of treatments.
Yeah, was a horse dewormer prescribed by your doctor?

Dr Fauci is the PT Barnum of science (A sucker is born every minute).

So we should take your word, the word of an exposed liar, over an expert?
See how the libs just throw insults
The fact that you use "libs" as an attempted insult only shows you need to open a dictionary. I don't think open minded is a negative.
when it's revealed they don't have an answer ?

You have been corrected many times, your lies exposed.
"TALK TO YOU DOCTOR" ? I have, and they prescribe a whole list of treatments.
Yeah, was a horse dewormer prescribed by your doctor?

Dr Fauci is the PT Barnum of science (A sucker is born every minute).

So we should take your word, the word of an exposed liar, over an expert? And if you want to claim that calling you a liar is an insult, you would be mistaken, you were caught red handed.
Yeah, was a horse dewormer prescribed by your doctor?

Just because MurphyGuy lies about ivermectin doesn't mean I will let you lie about it too.

Rumble — Joe Rogan asks Dr Sanjay Gupta if it bothers him that CNN lied
about Rogan taking horse dewormer to recover from COVID ?


ohnson : So we should take your word, the word of an exposed liar, over an expert (Dr Fauci)? And if you want to claim that calling you a liar is an insult, you would be mistaken, you were caught red handed.

Here is a list of errors, contradictory statements and dangerous gaffes by NIAID Director Dr. Anthony Fauci:

1.) Dr. Fauci says he warned Trump in January that the US was in real trouble but that is not what he said publicly.

In January Dr. Anthony Fauci told Newsmax TV that the United States “did not have to worry” about the coronavirus and that it was “not a major threat.”

Dr. Fauci warned of an apocalyptic coronavirus pandemic — then just weeks later he compared the coronavirus to a bad flu.

3.) Dr. Fauci based all of his predictions on the garbage IHME models that were OFF BY MILLIONS and then later told reporters, “You can’t really rely on models.”

4.) On March 20th Dr. Fauci jumped in and “corrected” the president during a press briefing on hydroxychloroquine treatment for coronavirus saying, “You got to be careful when you say ‘fairly effective.’ It was never done in a clinical trial… It was given to individuals and felt that maybe it worked.”

Exactly two weeks later hydroxychloroquine was deemed the most highly rated treatment for the novel coronavirus in an international poll of more than 6,000 doctors.

5.) Dr. Fauci pushed these garbage models every step of the way.

A month ago Dr. Fauci claimed 1 million to 2 million Americans would die from coronavirus. Then he said 100,000 to 200,000 Americans will die from the virus. Three weeks ago he agreed 81,766 Americans would die from the coronavirus. Then by that Wednesday the experts cut the number of deaths to 60,415 projected deaths.

6.) On Easter Dr. Fauci suggested President Trump should have shut down the economy in February… When the number of known cases in the US was around 100. Fauci later walked back his attacks.

7.) Dr. Fauci said cruises were OK on March 9th. That was a huge error.

8.) Dr. Fauci said malls, movies and gyms were OK on February 29th. That was another huge mistake.

9.) Dr. Fauci was wrong about the first coronavirus deaths in the country. Dr. Fauci, Dr. Birx and the CDC were off by nearly a month. California officials revealed in April that a patient in Santa Clara died from coronavirus on February 6th not February 29th.

10.) Dr. Fauci and the CDC missed the millions and millions of US citizens who had already contracted the coronavirus before the draconian lockdowns took place. Knowing this could have prevented the economic calamity.

11.) On April 15, 2020, Fauci endorses Tinder hookups, unbelievably. Then said Americans should never shake hands again.

12.) Dr. Fauci relied on corrupt W.H.O rules to lock down the United States and destroy the US economy. Meanwhile, this delays the herd immunity that is needed to prevent a future outbreak of this deadly virus.

13.) Dr. Fauci and Dr. Birx used the Imperial College Model to persuade President Trump to lock down the entire US economy. The Imperial model has since been confirmed as A COMPLETE FRAUD.

Dr. Fauci warned that Georgia would see a surge in coronavirus cases and deaths by opening their economy too early.

He was wrong again – In fact the opposite happened.

15.) And on Tuesday during testimony Dr. Fauci told Dr. Rand Paul that opening the schools would not be a good idea.

Last week The Netherlands and Switzerland reopened their schools after finding children are not at risk from coronavirus and are not carriers of the virus.

Dr. Fauci continues to be wrong day after day.
Yet, US Senators and the media treat him like a wise king.
The doctor put over 20 million Americans out of work based on bogus models.
And yet this man — after all of his devastation — still has a job.

Fauci’s mistakes will take years to correct.
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BMcl declared the pandemic over two weeks ago. Today he is talking about his special Covid protocol. The guy is right about EVERYTHING!!!!!!!!!! Genius.
How long would you like the pamdemic to last? Correct me if Im wrong but arent most of the new cases the new less dangerous variant?
Is every variant going to extend the original covid 19 pandemic no matter what the actual health threat really is?
The current case numbers are high but testing is far more routine now, we arent having lockdowns, businesses and schools are open so transmission rates are quite low for the original strain. Most people that are gonna get it have probably already done so.
The US is at over 60 million cases but thats not an accurate figure as it doesnt include all those who showed few to no symptoms, and didnt or couldnt get tested toward the beginning. (I was one, had covid in late may 2020 when you couldnt get tested unless you were high risk.)
I got vaxxed anyway, 10 months later, and that was 9months ago!
So I have to agree with him, as far as Im concerned the pandemic was over LONG ago. What should I be worried about?
How long would you like the pamdemic to last? Correct me if Im wrong but arent most of the new cases the new less dangerous variant?
Is every variant going to extend the original covid 19 pandemic no matter what the actual health threat really is?
The current case numbers are high but testing is far more routine now, we arent having lockdowns, businesses and schools are open so transmission rates are quite low for the original strain. Most people that are gonna get it have probably already done so.
The US is at over 60 million cases but thats not an accurate figure as it doesnt include all those who showed few to no symptoms, and didnt or couldnt get tested toward the beginning. (I was one, had covid in late may 2020 when you couldnt get tested unless you were high risk.)
I got vaxxed anyway, 10 months later, and that was 9months ago!
So I have to agree with him, as far as Im concerned the pandemic was over LONG ago. What should I be worried about?
Over 2000 dead today. Hospitalizations at all time high. Cases at all time high.
The fact that you use "libs" as an attempted insult only shows you need to open a dictionary. I don't think open minded is a negative.

You have been corrected many times, your lies exposed.

Yeah, was a horse dewormer prescribed by your doctor?

So we should take your word, the word of an exposed liar, over an expert? And if you want to claim that calling you a liar is an insult, you would be mistaken, you were caught red handed.
There are a lot of "experts" that could be found touting the benefits of those treatments. They may be and are likely to be wrong, but if a user here believed in that information and still does, even in the face of disputing studies done since, Im not sure that its fair to characterize them as a liar.
You can say theyre wrong. You can call what they post misinformation. But they arent lies if some information existed that supported it and they arent lying if they still believe it.
Dont mistake this for me agreeing with the issue, I wouldnt pursue those treatments myself.
However when covid was initially spreading and people just helplessly watched loved ones dying, I could sympathize with attempts with these treatments if they showed promise.
The issue became politically polarized when it was used to attack President Trump so Im not going to be so quick to grasp information that supports that agenda. These are the people who used Trumps response and the death toll to justify voting him out of office yet we have him to thank in part for speedy vaccines and not only has Biden done little different, the death toll in the same time period with him in office has been much higher.
I know being reasonable does get in the way of piling on a user, but try if you can.
Over 2000 dead today. Hospitalizations at all time high. Cases at all time high.
Who are these people dying, and what variant is causing this?
Are they vaccinated? High risk?
Doesnt the fact weve been wide open for some time and that its post holidays still lead us to conclude we are at much lower risk than we were 18 months ago?
If these dead are mostly vaccinated it suggests the vaccines are ineffective and mandates are mean spirited heavy handed gestures.
If the dead are mostly unvaccinated that is of little concern to me, they took their chances and paid with their lives.
Who are these people dying, and what variant is causing this?
Are they vaccinated? High risk?
Doesnt the fact weve been wide open for some time and that its post holidays still lead us to conclude we are at much lower risk than we were 18 months ago?
If these dead are mostly vaccinated it suggests the vaccines are ineffective and mandates are mean spirited heavy handed gestures.
If the dead are mostly unvaccinated that is of little concern to me, they took their chances and paid with their lives.
It is mostly unvaccinated. Buy a newspaper. The daily ignorance on this board is astounding.
You know what would have convinced me that hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin were of no use against Covid ?

Actually, all of you KNOW what would do that !

If these meds didn't work, what would be the logical response from the medical establishment in the US ?

They would discourage it. But they wouldn't stop doctors from using it, because Dr's would quickly discover it's worthless.

My son was about to start a trial of ivermectin in his hospital's ICU when they shut him down.

When prescriptions for ivermectin were booming, the authorities shut that down too !
We still hear about a few success stories where patients had to sue before it saved their lives.

I'm not sure why anyone trusts the FDA, which is clearly in bed with Pfizer and Moderna.
Billions of $$$ at stake and two cheap generic meds standing in their way.

The FDA banned those meds to keep the gravy train running. Anyone who thinks otherwise is not real bright.
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When they use the term "outside of the discipline", what they mean is another highly educated person looking at something outside their own subject matter.

I wrote that and I meant it exactly as written based on my own experience over the span of my career.

In almost every case involving such outsiders, the outsider is using his own education to look at the issue from a different angle. This is a very different thing than some high school flunky pushing medical advice...

There are plenty of very smart people in the world who either never graduated from high school or didn't attend college and beyond. Some have achieved great things despite their lack of formal education - one who immediately comes to mind is Vivien Thomas who came up with the cure for blue baby syndrome in the 1930s [long after the invention of the toilet]. The people who have made such accomplishments may be rare, but they are not non-existent even today and so I tend not to reflexively dismiss anyone simply because they don't have a bunch of letters after their name. Some of the brightest and most capable software engineers I know were self taught.

On the flip side, I have met and/or hired many people with extensive higher education credentials but who had no concept of how to apply what they were taught [and supposed to know] to the practical world.

Experience may eventually teach you some of these same lessons, but first you will have to admit to yourself that there are still lessons out there for you to learn.
Yep .... as expected. I'll look at the Uttar Pradesh data again in a week or so ....but yesterday it was around 500 times better than the US .... OH .... to be more exact ... 488 times better.
Well .... The cases in Uttar Pradesh are WAY up ..... Their cases per 100,000 is only 100 times better than the US now.

Well .... The cases in Uttar Pradesh are WAY up ..... Their cases per 100,000 is only 100 times better than the US now.

Do you think their taking polayartics?
I wasnt debating the effectiveness of those 2 drugs as much as the idea of certain people declaring something misinformation and shutting down conversation which could be helpful- even if it ends up declaring something as snake oil.

If I told you that evidence exists that zinc lozenges are effective at fighting covid, do you consider that misinformation?
I would ask for the evidence, if the evidence was anectdotal or phase 1 I would say, interesting, I hope it pans out.
I wrote that and I meant it exactly as written based on my own experience over the span of my career.

There are plenty of very smart people in the world who either never graduated from high school or didn't attend college and beyond. Some have achieved great things despite their lack of formal education - one who immediately comes to mind is Vivien Thomas who came up with the cure for blue baby syndrome in the 1930s [long after the invention of the toilet]. The people who have made such accomplishments may be rare, but they are not non-existent even today and so I tend not to reflexively dismiss anyone simply because they don't have a bunch of letters after their name. Some of the brightest and most capable software engineers I know were self taught.

On the flip side, I have met and/or hired many people with extensive higher education credentials but who had no concept of how to apply what they were taught [and supposed to know] to the practical world.

Experience may eventually teach you some of these same lessons, but first you will have to admit to yourself that there are still lessons out there for you to learn.

I don't know if they are non-existent today.. I challenge you to find one in the past 10 years. If you can't, try 20 years. I'll be surprised if you find a legitimate uneducated person who came up with something important in science. I'd be surprised if you found one in the past 50 actually..

Back before the 1900's, science discoveries were relatively easy.. you fooled around messing with stuff until something new happened. That's no longer the case. Human knowledge is pretty much complete on the macroscopic scale.. We still have a long way to go on the microscopic, and we're just now starting to work at the atomic scale.... but the macroscopic is probably done..

Could an uneducated person discover something at the macroscopic level? Probably not.. the odds are almost zero because everything has already been discovered.. Could a DIY type discover something at the microscopic scale? Probably not there either because it requires expensive equipment.. There's a lot to discover there too, but the financial costs are beyond what an individual normally has access to. The odds of it happening are higher than the macroscopic obviously, but are still pretty long odds due to the equipment requirement.. and at the atomic scale? =Not a chance.

There are certain types of people who don't understand science.. actually, that statement applies to most people.. They have less than a public school level understanding of the physical world around them. Sure, they can tie their own shoes, but do they understand what holds the laces together from just tearing apart? They can cook their own food, but do they understand why the act of cooking is beneficial or what effect it has at the cellular level? They use cell phones but have absolutely no idea how radio waves work or how they propagate.

This is why folks make comparisons to the old days thinking "If Edison can do it, I might be able as well".. They think that way because they don't understand science.

Almost 60 years of lessons have taught me a few things..
I would ask for the evidence, if the evidence was anectdotal or phase 1 I would say, interesting, I hope it pans out.
You know there's a reason why there aren't any test results that are good.
1) they can't afford to allow that to happen
2) there's no financial incentive to test any cheap generic drugs
You know there's a reason why there aren't any test results that are good.
1) they can't afford to allow that to happen
2) there's no financial incentive to test any cheap generic drugs
There have been numerous trials of ivermectin. I understand you think is a conspiracy in the US. Do you now contend it is a worldwide conspiracy? Why has a generic like dexamethasone become a mainstay of treatment if what say about a govt conspiracy is true.
There are certain types of people who don't understand science.. actually, that statement applies to most people.. They have less than a public school level understanding of the physical world around them. Sure, they can tie their own shoes, but do they understand what holds the laces together from just tearing apart? They can cook their own food, but do they understand why the act of cooking is beneficial or what effect it has at the cellular level? They use cell phones but have absolutely no idea how radio waves work or how they propagate.
When you come on a solar forum and assume most here are like the general public, that's a bad assumption.

I've discovered that you can learn something from most working class people. All have an area of expertise.

I'm not an electrical engineer like you, but I supervise the overhaul of large generators/steam turbines and understand how electricity is generated.

The reason you discard my points and others debating you is you assume everyone else is beneath you in intelligence.

There are lots of reasons to be skeptical about what is labeled "science" today.
Everything has become politicized, and you are in denial about it.
Relevance? That article speaks of the interests of petroleum company investors who profit massively when crude oil prices rise. It does not speak of nor is it written from the point of view of consumers who take a hit both upon rises in pump prices and the cost of goods transported with fuel.
You mean in response to BM's oilprice website quote? Jeez you are stupid.
I'm not an electrical engineer like you, but I supervise the overhaul of large generators/steam turbines and understand how electricity is generated. that makes you an expert at what exactly?