diy solar

diy solar

Problem with Solarcabin Channel - AIBU?

Confrontational exchanges are 2/3 of the reason I even use the Internet ?

But I thank God that the Founding Fathers of the US had the foresight and wisdom to limit how far the government can go to silence free speech. This is a private forum and so the mods can boot whoever they want, but the idea that someone should be silenced because someone else thinks they're wrong, even if they are actually wrong, or because they toss their freeloading wife under the bus in a mildly insensitive way, is quite chilling. The desire to silence doesn't end at internet forums and the people who would have someone they don't like thrown in the gulag are out there.

If bad information is posted, it should be corrected by good information, not by curtailing someone's ability to post bad information. In my opinion of course.
Agree, but!

When the response to the corrections is more than somewhat acidic, ok plain nasty, something has to be done!
The thing to do is giggle at it and then hit the refresh to see if any new funny BS has been posted. It's the internet. It just doesn't matter how some jerk off responds. Or how acidic or how sexist. In fact, that's when it's the most entertaining. Watching someone melt down over being told he's a clown is the most satisfying thing because you just know he's screaming at his screen in his underwear. I just feel bad for the cat who probably gets booted across the shack.
I have been well aware of Solar Cabin Channel since 2013 and had some interactions (very limited) with him. He actually got worse over the years. He had been booted from many places (non solar +) ( Cabin & Homesteading sites) but I hoped he learned some "Socially Acceptable Practices" so I did not say anything as everyone deserves a chance.

You have the option to Place him into your IGNORE list and then no post he starts will be shown to you nor any of his replies in others posts.
How to Ignore
Hold your cursor over his user name and a popup will appear with the IGNORE option and voila, you're free from drivel.
The thing to do is giggle at it and then hit the refresh to see if any new funny BS has been posted. It's the internet. It just doesn't matter how some jerk off responds. Or how acidic or how sexist. In fact, that's when it's the most entertaining. Watching someone melt down over being told he's a clown is the most satisfying thing because you just know he's screaming at his screen in his underwear. I just feel bad for the cat who probably gets booted across the shack.

I agree, in many cases (bring on the flat-earthers).

The issue here is that someone could take the poor advice at face value and get fried!!

I'm assuming that none of us would want that.

OK maybe for certain members ...
Being an admin/ moderator on a forum is a tough job. Almost all of us post answers that others could reasonably debate and anyone can get a little bit testy in a disagreement. But at a certain point, after a mountain of just plain wrong information is posted with massive amounts of attitude, I suggest that perhaps it becomes a preponderance of evidence situation. Which goes back to the tough job...

As others have noted, "ignore" is helpful but it doesn't help a person with little knowledge sort through and separate good advice from gibberish. Perhaps repeated postings of just plain wrong information (probably something Will or other admins with much knowledge must determine) becomes the standard for any of us? Just a thought.
If bad information is posted, it should be corrected by good information, not by curtailing someone's ability to post bad information. In my opinion of course.
Totally agree with that. I'm sure most of us have posted something incorrect (through misunderstanding or whatever) and been corrected - I know I have and will put my hand up and admit it or say 'good point' or whatever.

But, misogyny aside, it is the arrogant confrontational responses that I find have become way too disruptive to the thread / question being discussed - especially as this poster has created over 300 messages in just one week - that's 3 times the rate of even @Hedges ;):ROFLMAO: (edited to add for clarification, that was a joke... I find his postings some of the most informative and accurate on here (y)
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As others have noted, "ignore" is helpful but it doesn't help a person with little knowledge sort through and separate good advice from gibberish
Yep, that's the problem, particularly as this solarchannel person repeatedly claims he's been doing it for 20+ years, has a you-tube channel, written books, design systems for other people and been featured in various media outlets.
By the way now my confusion has been clarified, has anyone else started following gridbusters on youtube? Her name is Sarah and she is a very interesting presenter, seems to have experience in social media and also appears to be a decent technician. She's an English woman living in France which obviously gives us Brits an extra laugh.
Being an admin/ moderator on a forum is a tough job. Almost all of us post answers that others could reasonably debate and anyone can get a little bit testy in a disagreement. But at a certain point, after a mountain of just plain wrong information is posted with massive amounts of attitude, I suggest that perhaps it becomes a preponderance of evidence situation. Which goes back to the tough job...

As others have noted, "ignore" is helpful but it doesn't help a person with little knowledge sort through and separate good advice from gibberish. Perhaps repeated postings of just plain wrong information (probably something Will or other admins with much knowledge must determine) becomes the standard for any of us? Just a thought.
I just left a sailing forum for exactly that reason. I tried to correct lots of incredibly inaccurate posts. Banging your head against a wall. The value of a forum is in the answer they can provide you. The answers need to be correct. If this forum degenerates into the "loudest voice is right" what is the point of the forum? Its value as a resource is hugely diminished
I have been well aware of Solar Cabin Channel since 2013 and had some interactions (very limited) with him. He actually got worse over the years. He had been booted from many places (non solar +) ( Cabin & Homesteading sites) but I hoped he learned some "Socially Acceptable Practices" so I did not say anything as everyone deserves a chance.

Just great. Such a person can become toxic to a forum.

You have the option to Place him into your IGNORE list and then no post he starts will be shown to you nor any of his replies in others posts.
How to Ignore
Hold your cursor over his user name and a popup will appear with the IGNORE option and voila, you're free from drivel.
That doesn't correct obvious technical inaccuracies. Some newbie gets bad info from someone and nobody corrects it, spends money and ends up with a system with sub par performance or doesn't work well for the situation.

Would it be better to just report the technical inaccuracies to mods? Or have a down vote button available? There has to be a solution to nonsense.
I wish a moderator would delete the thread.

IMO if you have a problem with the guy, report the posts and place him on the ignore list. If appropriate, the mods will boot him from this forum like others have been booted or he has been booted from others.

I feel a post complaining on a particular person adds fuel to a fire.
I wish a moderator would delete the thread.

IMO if you have a problem with the guy, report the posts and place him on the ignore list. If appropriate, the mods will boot him from this forum like others have been booted or he has been booted from others.

I feel a post complaining on a particular person adds fuel to a fire.
The post was held in moderation; I saw it when it first popped on and then it took a good 12 hours for it to reappear. So I assume discussions took place.
The value of a forum is in the answer they can provide you. The answers need to be correct.
I've called a good forum like a training ground before, where less experienced users get to practice answering and more experienced users get to correct their answers. It's the wrong answers and the corrections and the debates where everybody learns something. Forums that shame incorrect answers become school like environments. See: troublefreepool.

That said, if a defiantly incorrect user is overwhelming the forum with unhelpful answers then user bans are sometimes necessary. I like temporary bans at first.