diy solar

diy solar

Cell prices coming down

On an order that size, would the cell price be down to $50USD?
and would they supply the seacan you need - as the box to ship the 6,000kg of cells!

Depends on the supplier and grade of the cells, but yes, I could likely get them to $50 per cell, and they would likely throw in the container (but the quality of said container is not really known in advance). A (used) container itself isn't really that expensive even buying it here locally.
Depends on the supplier and grade of the cells, but yes, I could likely get them to $50 per cell, and they would likely throw in the container (but the quality of said container is not really known in advance). A (used) container itself isn't really that expensive even buying it here locally.
I can just imagine 64 16s DIY packs, in neat rows. 1 MWh ready to go.
No, I rekon we all need 3000kWh to make it thru winter! That is where we all want to be!
3 x 64 = 192 DIY 16s Packs all lined up in a shipping container, environmental controls, LED lights that vary in colour with SOC, very cool.
You think you guys could settle down until after I hit submit, not making this easier. Just two more 8s to fill up the racks.
...and 190 more to go!

I just did my customery alibaba check on cell prices and thought I was looking at a mistake of scam. WOW they have come down a lot.

Building a 1MW battery for 70-80k. Wow.
Let's see, playing with some numbers:
A 20' shipping container - to hold a BIG ESS:
Each Pack, 17" wide x 27 inches deep x 10 inches tall (43 x 69 x 25 cm)
could fit stacks of 8-high in a shipping container.
Two long rows along the two long sides of the seacan, leaves a corridor of about 40 inches down the centre, enough for access and to remove a pack
With racking, nine stacks of eight packs can fit on each side, 18 stacks in the can for a total of 144 packs total.
304Ah cells, would mean 15.5kWh per pack, x 144 packs = 2.23 MWh wow!
16s x 144 packs = 2304 cells. If we can get a large order discount maybe $60 per cell delivered = $138,000 just for cells. 144 BMS's wow that is another 10-12 grand. cases, racks, big bus bars, breakers wire. Say $250,000 per 2.23MWh seacan. or put another way, $112/kWh ESS.

The USA uses 4 Trillion kWh per year of electricity, let's say we need 7 days of autonomy!
4 Trillion / 365 x 7 = 76 Billion kWh ESS.
76 Billion kWh / 2.23MWh seacan = 35 million seacans to hold 7-days average National electricity use. Costing .25 millon each = $8.75 Trillion
Or $25,000 per person. If it would take 25 years to build, then $1,000 per person per year, or a national investment of 350 billion per year for 25 years.

Pumped hydro seems easier! LOL.
Yep, if only shipping weren't so much of an issue/cost right now. I think we'll go lower than that still this year as well. Exciting times :)
You remind me of my father when I told him I purchased my bulk gasoline and diesel fuel back when prices were much lower this winter.

He claimed fuel was heading down due to the election year. He guessed wrong, wait until the higher priced oil makes it thru the refiners.

Too much uncertainty in any market right now, I wouldn't look for a bottom but a price one is comfortable paying. Shipping costs, tariffs, just about anything can change overnight.

I hedge business costs constantly, one only needs to be right more than 50% of the time to come out ahead.
You remind me of my father when I told him I purchased my bulk gasoline and diesel fuel back when prices were much lower this winter.

He claimed fuel was heading down due to the election year. He guessed wrong, wait until the higher priced oil makes it thru the refiners.

Too much uncertainty in any market right now, I wouldn't look for a bottom but a price one is comfortable paying. Shipping costs, tariffs, just about anything can change overnight.

I hedge business costs constantly, one only needs to be right more than 50% of the time to come out ahead.

Oh, yeah, absolutely - it's just that insurance on stuff shipped though the red sea area are insane right now. You don't have this issue when shipping to the States.
"connected in high voltage DC configurations (1,075.2V~1,363.2V)"

Oof. What inverter can I use for that ;)
I’m more curious of the BMS keeping that all in check and able to open for that pesky cell that keeps hitting OVP.
I might lower the voltage to use something like the Orion BMS (180S).

But for an inverter you're limited to something line a Sandi. Huge transformers. Potentially lots of idle consumption.
Drive to NH, I’ll buy want you want and have shipped here, you just gotta pick them up you’ll save bundles! lol.
TX to NH via I-90 ,...1800 miles, each way...average cost of gas $0.14 x 3600 = $504 in gas alone, plus wear on the car, tires, meals and accommodations... ;)

diy solar

diy solar