diy solar

diy solar

Off-grid: illegal in Florida?

Minimum base bill
Right but as soon as you tick over $25 electric service amount that minimum base bill item should go away. So in effect this creates "use it or lose it" amount of kWh each month. In my case that threshold amount would be 134 kWh.
base$ 9.55
non-fuel$ 10.96
fuel$ 4.58
serv. Tot$ 25.09
gs tax$ 0.65
fran fee$ 1.55
util tax$ 2.23
reg fee$ 0.02
tot$ 29.55
I thought I had around 240 kilowatt hours worth of free electricity to use from my minimum base but I do not, I'll dig my bills out because they are all hovering right around that area but I can assure you as soon as they can fuck me, they do.

diy solar

diy solar