diy solar

diy solar

Cool text this morning from customer

Actually my bitcoin has only been 7000 watts of load, I am upping that to 21,000 in the next few days or so. Most of the load to use solar goes to heating. Bitcoin heats my shop, I have electric in floor heat also in there. In the house I have a whole house heatpump and a few minisplits in the bed rooms too. I will heat my house to about 79 or so in the winter, to ride the temp as long as I can in the house. I have electric heaters in the basement warming the basement to store heat also. I am in wisconsin so the winter heat load is huge. Also 2 ev's doing 90 miles combined everyday eats a lot of kwh in the winter cold.

I have been an electrician for close to 40 years now, I enjoy managing loads. I have quite a few loads on wifi switches ready to turn on as needed, lol.
not an electrician here - but I just got my two indoor EG4 batteries, 6000xp and 1/2 my twenty panels online, learning how to balance things for the most efficiency currently. I burn through 20kwh of energy just for the car (EV) round trip for work each day, HVAC and Tankless water heater will have to remain on grid for the time being "everything else" though is running through my 6000xp.

I do have a few mining rigs but the texas heat makes it harder to run that sort of thing, 115F outside is no joke during summer. Wintertime though? it's at least free heat if profit levels are break even, or at worst deeply discounted heat if profit levels are negative.
How much money can you earn with rigs consuming 7000W.
I just want to get a baseline to see what the ROI is for the solar plus computer equipment.
Here in the south we know that 90% of accidental deaths among dumbasses are preceded immediately by the phrase “watch dis.” I sorta suspect the designer/installer of this “system” uttered that phrase while hanging a 300-pound battery on a wall above where two more 300-pound batteries were going to hang on the wall. That he built it is concerning; that he’s proud of it is staggering.

Ignoring all the safety issues, what connects that massive battery bank to the power plant? Looks like a very small set of cables going through one knockout into the trough. (Also, no fusing in sight). There is potentially 500 amps continuous going through that chokepoint. One circuit of 4/0, or dual 2/0 runs, is insufficient.
How much money can you earn with rigs consuming 7000W.
I just want to get a baseline to see what the ROI is for the solar plus computer equipment.
Unless you already have the mining gear laying around - it won't be profitable. Even if you have the gear laying around it still likely won't be profitable. I have quite a bit of gear, but cooling it in a Texas summer, even with solar picking up a chunk of the energy, it's just still not worth it.

if you wanted an idea of revenue vs profit depending on your gpu and what coin you'd try and mine. would show you all possible scenarios based on your electric rate and the hardware you have current difficulties and current exchange rates of various cryptos.

I've dabbled in gpu mining for years, the golden era were the times I could pull in $50 a day while electricity only cost me $5/day, hardware paid for itself in a few months vs the years it takes now. It's a fun tinker type hobby at this point, and I'd only dabble in it currently with the mentality of a prospector. aka mining XYZ I think is interesting and its value possibly skyrocketing later (nobody knows) Winter time is more interesting/exciting because at least the waste product is useful (free heat) off all the rigs keeping the house toasty.
Unless you already have the mining gear laying around - it won't be profitable. Even if you have the gear laying around it still likely won't be profitable. I have quite a bit of gear, but cooling it in a Texas summer, even with solar picking up a chunk of the energy, it's just still not worth it.

if you wanted an idea of revenue vs profit depending on your gpu and what coin you'd try and mine. would show you all possible scenarios based on your electric rate and the hardware you have current difficulties and current exchange rates of various cryptos.

I've dabbled in gpu mining for years, the golden era were the times I could pull in $50 a day while electricity only cost me $5/day, hardware paid for itself in a few months vs the years it takes now. It's a fun tinker type hobby at this point, and I'd only dabble in it currently with the mentality of a prospector. aka mining XYZ I think is interesting and its value possibly skyrocketing later (nobody knows) Winter time is more interesting/exciting because at least the waste product is useful (free heat) off all the rigs keeping the house toasty.
Even if it's 100% free power just from solar?
Unless you already have the mining gear laying around - it won't be profitable. Even if you have the gear laying around it still likely won't be profitable. I have quite a bit of gear, but cooling it in a Texas summer, even with solar picking up a chunk of the energy, it's just still not worth it.

if you wanted an idea of revenue vs profit depending on your gpu and what coin you'd try and mine. would show you all possible scenarios based on your electric rate and the hardware you have current difficulties and current exchange rates of various cryptos.

I've dabbled in gpu mining for years, the golden era were the times I could pull in $50 a day while electricity only cost me $5/day, hardware paid for itself in a few months vs the years it takes now. It's a fun tinker type hobby at this point, and I'd only dabble in it currently with the mentality of a prospector. aka mining XYZ I think is interesting and its value possibly skyrocketing later (nobody knows) Winter time is more interesting/exciting because at least the waste product is useful (free heat) off all the rigs keeping the house toasty.
Wow going off what W. Prowse said I assumed there was a lot of money to be made so long as you have solar.
I also assumed that because most of his PV equipment was probably free that he only needed to factor in the cost of the computer equipment. It's surprising when you say that even with gear lying around it's not profitable!
I had heard similar stories based on the Large companies that own their own power plants killing the Market for smaller people but I thought they had started to implement some sort of system in BT that allowed people to get paid for their contributions equally.
Wow going off what W. Prowse said I assumed there was a lot of money to be made so long as you have solar.
I also assumed that because most of his PV equipment was probably free that he only needed to factor in the cost of the computer equipment. It's surprising when you say that even with gear lying around it's not profitable!
I had heard similar stories based on the Large companies that own their own power plants killing the Market for smaller people but I thought they had started to implement some sort of system in BT that allowed people to get paid for their contributions equally.
The money to be made was when bitcoins were $20, and now over $60k.
The money to be made was when bitcoins were $20, and now over $60k.
True, I had heard that awhile back, I don't think it was $20 at the time, it was sometime back in 2021 or 2022.
How much money can you earn with rigs consuming 7000W.
I just want to get a baseline to see what the ROI is for the solar plus computer equipment.
Well........ After the latest halving of bitcoin, not so much in return, lol. Cost is $250 a piece for the used older ones I bought. I use them to heat my shop in the winter so that is a added benefit to me. Right now if electricity cost is free (solar) mine will make $3.00 per day each.

I have made close to $600 now with the 2 miners I have. I only run them when I have excess power, which over the winter was during the day sometimes, but not so much during the night. It is better then just wasting power I could be making and in the winter, it heats my shop for free and makes a few dollars.

It is not for everyone, but it works great for me.
Well........ After the latest halving of bitcoin, not so much in return, lol. Cost is $250 a piece for the used older ones I bought. I use them to heat my shop in the winter so that is a added benefit to me. Right now if electricity cost is free (solar) mine will make $3.00 per day each.

I have made close to $600 now with the 2 miners I have. I only run them when I have excess power, which over the winter was during the day sometimes, but not so much during the night. It is better then just wasting power I could be making and in the winter, it heats my shop for free and makes a few dollars.

It is not for everyone, but it works great for me.
I clearly remember many years ago sending a nasty email to a software developer that wanted 1/4 of a BT for his App.
I remember going on eBay and finding out that a 1/4 BT would cost me over $60. I laughed and thought what a Rip off price this guy is asking for his App.
In retrospect just imagine if I had bought 10 or 20 BT back then Lol.

Personally I have always seen them as a risky investment that will crash into dust one day.
I have recently revised my thinking because of the revival after the last crash. I now think they are a kind of Cult Currency that is hoarded by it's owners and very rarely spent. Therefore it's value will probably keep increasing unless some major event happens or something makes the Cult become disillusioned in Mass. This kind of thinking is out of my generations experience and simply does not compute but I accept it for what it is.

Could someone offer me 8 bitcoins and try and buy a $500K piece of real estate from me, No way!
I will stick to tangible items that I can actually see and feel. I don't even trust real money anymore so it's pretty much a Real Estate game for me. I fully expect Real Estate values to crash several months after the next election but my experience is that so long as you don't have a Mortgage it's just a waiting game for a year or two and then it recovers.
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diy solar

diy solar