diy solar

diy solar

AI speculations and member vetting.


What's in a title?
Feb 17, 2022
Lots of chatter of AI on the forum, rightfully so, so how do we know who's X's and Y's and who's 1's and 0's?

What if a new user had to post a photo with their hand written username next to their keyboard or hand or solar system, etc? Would that work to verify or is image generation that good these days?

It would suck to see someone knowledgeable and helpful ran off by keystroke warriors.

Happy Friday, hope you have enough clear skys to fill your banks.
What if a new user had to post a photo with their hand written username next to their keyboard or hand or solar system, etc? Would that work to verify or is image generation that good these days?
I'm afraid the handwritten part of the photo could be cut&paste to any AI generated picture... :(
Only random number [QR] generating for each member's request [by Mod] and stored in the site's DB [for verification] would give us some assurance
Lots of chatter of AI on the forum, rightfully so, so how do we know who's X's and Y's and who's 1's and 0's?

What if a new user had to post a photo with their hand written username next to their keyboard or hand or solar system, etc? Would that work to verify or is image generation that good these days?

It would suck to see someone knowledgeable and helpful ran off by keystroke warriors.

Happy Friday, hope you have enough clear skys to fill your banks.
Only rain and Clouds here.

It will be funny if a A.I to set on the Forum on the offtopic section
Just to see how it works and advice .
With a warning that its a AI
On we have one running just for the fun
I'm afraid the handwritten part of the photo could be cut&paste to any AI generated picture... :(
Only random number [QR] generating for each member's request [by Mod] and stored in the site's DB [for verification] would give us some assurance
Good idea.
Click on all images that contain a motorcycle?
Ahhh those things are irritating, or slide the puzzle piece.
They've been around long enough that people are used to them.

We wouldn't want to make it so irritating potential members are driven off.
I'm still trying to determine why some think they need to determine if there is a bot.

Take what one wants from the thread, if you believe it is a bot then move on and ignore the thread.
I agree and that's what I normally do, my concern would be members that don't know better and run with bad / dangerous info that could put even more black eyes on our diy battery banks and systems.
It would suck to see someone knowledgeable and helpful ran off by keystroke warriors.
Agree with that. But I suspect the issue is not how to stop a bot, but how to identify if a real human is using AI to generate their answers, rather than basing them on personally gained knowledge through education and experience.
Agree with that. But I suspect the issue is not how to stop a bot, but how to identify if a real human is using AI to generate their answers, rather than basing them on personally gained knowledge through education and experience.

Some people like my use translation to help with writing somting.
So really those people will be on a block list by some people.

Really a forum is always use your brain if somebody tell somting .
And you can always look on this forum or other if the information is correct.
Agree with that. But I suspect the issue is not how to stop a bot, but how to identify if a real human is using AI to generate their answers, rather than basing them on personally gained knowledge through education and experience.
Great point, you don't have a real appreciation for the energy in cells until you short one out, possibly when you're top balancing another bank and have a cell backwards; not that I'd know anything about that 😉

Some people like my use translation to help with writing somting.
So really those people will be on a block list by some people.

Really a forum is always use your brain if somebody tell somting .
And you can always look on this forum or other if the information is correct.
Your translations are different than you putting a question into an AI to give an answer... I've found numerous posts from you helpful and never thought you were using AI, just a translator.

Grammar edit.
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Some people like my use translation to help with writing somting.
So really those people will be on a block list by some people
To be honest, I don't count using tools such as translation to be considered as AI. Just like grammar checkers and spelling checkers aren't.

Using technology to help express something clearer or in another language is very different, IMHO, to using AI to generate content that is outside of the writers scope of their knowledge.
I'm dyslexia that means i do copy some information from the internet and set it my post.

the knowledge is there but cannot be properly written down and transferred. That's the problem with dyslexia.

So i do make mistakes with it .
I do not always use translation systeem .
Reason is that Dutch words do not always are correct translate.
Same way around to .
So i have look it up or i can misunderstanding somebody. (Sometimes it happens)

The best thing is go respect with people and if its not clear ask about it

For the A.I write down a advice or somting like that .
Its not always that a user do it just to make like's of him / hur make to important on a forum.

Do not make a Witch hunt on a forum.
That will take the fun out of it.
The mods on the Forum and will wil have to check it self if somebody use it by using a I.A and see if thare roll out the same thing

Just my 2 cent's about it.
I'm dyslexia that means i do copy some information from the internet and set it my post.

the knowledge is there but cannot be properly written down and transferred. That's the problem with dyslexia.

So i do make mistakes with it .
I do not always use translation systeem .
Reason is that Dutch words do not always are correct translate.
Same way around to .
So i have look it up or i can misunderstanding somebody. (Sometimes it happens)

The best thing is go respect with people and if its not clear ask about it

For the A.I write down a advice or somting like that .
Its not always that a user do it just to make like's of him / hur make to important on a forum.

Do not make a Witch hunt on a forum.
That will take the fun out of it.
The mods on the Forum and will wil have to check it self if somebody use it by using a I.A and see if thare roll out the same thing

Just my 2 cent's about it.
Don't worry, as was mentioned you clearly aren't a bot and have solid advice.
AI is Here NOW and will be increasingly everywhere regardless of what anyone wants, needs or does.
Even the current Grammarly Tool is now AI Enhanced ! Ces't La Vie folks !
Translation Software is also AI Enhanced (thank goodness, it make more sense now too). Some were really rough.
Voice to Text software is also increasing in use exponentially and that is also AI Enhanced.

Anyone thinks they can eradicate AI from the Web/Forums/Software and people tools are dreaming in LaLa Land. Even your Web Browsers, MS Office & OpenOffie have AI Enabled Tools & Enhancements !

There is only ONE THING TO DO !
Be Vigilante & watch out for advice/information given that is Questionable/Dubious or even outright dangerous and ADDRESS IT ASAP !

Do NOT Attack / Accuse people or being BOTS or AI's etc... We have a LOT of people from around the world and guess what English is not everywhere ! Many use assorted tools to communicate with others (the beauty of the web, we can ALL talk to each other regardless of language or geography ! ) and if people start getting hammered because they use such tools, then some folks better look in the mirror & ponder it.
Agree with that. But I suspect the issue is not how to stop a bot, but how to identify if a real human is using AI to generate their answers, rather than basing them on personally gained knowledge through education and experience.
AI's are mildly entertaining but I get better response from my cat. Not sure what the fascination is with it but I guess every generation needs some new tech to wow them. My generation was impressed with the Sony Walkman, Arcade video games and IBM PC.s This one seems to enjoy conversing with a random number generator.
I use AI sometimes to gather information together or generate formulas. Then I check that the output is generally what I expect it to be.

I also generally post a disclaimer that the content was in part generated by AI.

LLM are fair at collecting data and just grabbing formulas. Then it will work the math if it is straight forward enough. BUT, it has a tendance to slip the decimal point around to the wrong places and it is really bad if unit conversion is needed. So you have to check each step of the output and the overall answer.
Does it really matter?

If I'm looking for information and the bot gives an answer should I not research to see the validity?

If I'm looking for information and the person gives an answer should I not research to see the validity?

I in reality don't care where the information comes from. My personal responsibility is to vet each and every piece and make an educated decision. If my decision is poor then learn from it and don't make it again. I've seen countless times where people have given bad advice on this forum and others. I make my counter statement and move on. Some I just block after several argumentative posts.

We are all here to learn and hopefully help support each other. If a robot AI helps me get to a good decision so be it.

diy solar

diy solar