diy solar

diy solar

Have MPP's DON'T buy EG4's

3.26 isn’t 100% charged. It could be anywhere from about 40% to 90%, but not 100%. I wonder if you’re not getting all (or any) of your batteries fully charged.

When you’re charging with the generator and it drops to an idle, what’s the battery voltage right before that happens, and what’s the voltage of the highest cell in any pack?
Good question.
I do not sit and watch the batteries, so I have no idea what voltage they are at.
By the time I get to view the displays on the front of each battery, they sometimes show a standby status.
Which husky battery did you have? The “original husky” or the “husky 2” in 48vdc 100ah?
What caused the fire? Was it the anderson plug?

Nice of them to swap out…hmmm can you elaborate on the fire?

View attachment 226410

I find this hard to imagine for a report vs what has maybe changed from one to the other.
The dual 6548 has a high idle consumption just by themselves so what else changed? Does the dual 6548 have the high pv voltage support as they tend have higher idle consumption. 6 each full rack eg4 vs 3 husky ?

So the loads have not changed from the Husky vs the EG4 batteries an apples to aplles and oranges to oranges not an apple to orange thing?

Can you show pictureS of the EG4 batteries and battery wiring all the way to inverters?
Not sure about Husky or Husky 2. 100Ah 5.3k
I happened to be in the solar shack, and smelled something burning.
Turned around to see smoke billowing out where the Anderson plugs in. I removed the cable, and got the battery outside as fast as I could.
Never saw flames, didn't want to wait for that to happen.
I will try to get a Pic. But, just #4 welding wire from case to small buss bar that goes to the inverters. All #4 wire.
Other than a Shunt, and fuses, just straight connections.
Before placing the batteries in service did you charge then to 100%. Batteries are normally shipped and received at round 50% SOC which is also not accurate until you fully charge the batteries. The inverter will stop charging when the BMS reports 100% SOC.

You may have to disable BMS comms, use open loop and manage the charge by adjusting the inverters charge voltage while monitoring the batteries with the BMS_Tools software.

Also, are the batteries EG4 LL or EG4 LL-S. There are differences

In addition you can download the monitoring software as well as the latest firmware for your batteries from the EG4 website. Just make sure you download whatever if correct for your batteries.

You can either get the correct RS485 to USB cable from EG4 or make your own. Just make sure that when you plug the cable into your computer that a serial port is created which indicates you have the correct driver installed and the computer was able to load it.

Some helpful info on building your own cables, just use the RJ45 pinout for your battery:

Yes, did charge each separately to 100%SOC.
That was the last time they were all at the same SOC value.
MPP's do not communicate with the batteries.
Did get the latest software from EG4 website.
BMS Toll does not work with two different laptops.
Waiting three weeks for a response on how to get it working.
I do not sit and watch the batteries, so I have no idea what voltage they are at.
Fair enough. And if you don't have monitoring software that reports historic voltage, there's no way to get this info other than to have you sit and watch it.
So, to summarize:
  • Batteries are showing variable SoC (this is pretty normal, and not necessarily a problem)
  • You -probably- have no comms between batteries and inverter/charger (also not necessarily a problem). You have some communication wires plugged in to some things, but it's unclear in my read through the previous post what exactly. If batteries are just communicating with each other, that's great. If the batteries could be communicating with the inverter/charger, I would suggest that in the short term you disable that. It might be doing more harm than good.
  • You should have sufficient battery capacity to last through the day, but do not. This is a problem.
    • Charging with generator gets one battery to 'report' 100% SoC, but not the the others, and we don't know what the battery voltage is at that time. This is a problem.
So two real problems, and I'm fairly convinced that they're related. I think your inverter/charger is not getting any of your batteries fully charged, let alone all of them. I suspect the reason might be either something strange going on with the BMS-inverter communications, or bad settings in your inverter/charger.
Here's what I suggest you should do:
  1. At least temporarily, make sure your batteries can't communicate with the inverter/charger. Let batteries communicate with each other, there's no harm there, but make sure they can't communicate with the charger. If the charging problem is caused by the BMS comms, this will solve it.
  2. Change your inverter settings as follows (I'll only list the ones that should matter):
    • 1 - USb
    • 5 - USE
    • 16 - SNU
    • 26 - 55.2
    • 27 - 54.0
    • 30 - EdS
  3. Fire up the generator and let it charge until it stops charging. If I'm correct about what the problem is, this may take a surprisingly long time.
  4. When charging eventually stops, check what SoC each battery reports. Also, check if any of your batteries have gone into any sort of protection status - they shouldn't with these settings, but if they do then there's a separate problem that needs solving.
Good luck!
Fair enough. And if you don't have monitoring software that reports historic voltage, there's no way to get this info other than to have you sit and watch it.
So, to summarize:
  • Batteries are showing variable SoC (this is pretty normal, and not necessarily a problem)
  • You -probably- have no comms between batteries and inverter/charger (also not necessarily a problem). You have some communication wires plugged in to some things, but it's unclear in my read through the previous post what exactly. If batteries are just communicating with each other, that's great. If the batteries could be communicating with the inverter/charger, I would suggest that in the short term you disable that. It might be doing more harm than good.
  • You should have sufficient battery capacity to last through the day, but do not. This is a problem.
    • Charging with generator gets one battery to 'report' 100% SoC, but not the the others, and we don't know what the battery voltage is at that time. This is a problem.
So two real problems, and I'm fairly convinced that they're related. I think your inverter/charger is not getting any of your batteries fully charged, let alone all of them. I suspect the reason might be either something strange going on with the BMS-inverter communications, or bad settings in your inverter/charger.
Here's what I suggest you should do:
  1. At least temporarily, make sure your batteries can't communicate with the inverter/charger. Let batteries communicate with each other, there's no harm there, but make sure they can't communicate with the charger. If the charging problem is caused by the BMS comms, this will solve it.
  2. Change your inverter settings as follows (I'll only list the ones that should matter):
    • 1 - USb
    • 5 - USE
    • 16 - SNU
    • 26 - 55.2
    • 27 - 54.0
    • 30 - EdS
  3. Fire up the generator and let it charge until it stops charging. If I'm correct about what the problem is, this may take a surprisingly long time.
  4. When charging eventually stops, check what SoC each battery reports. Also, check if any of your batteries have gone into any sort of protection status - they shouldn't with these settings, but if they do then there's a separate problem that needs solving.
Good luck!
I use SolarAssistant, problem with that it quit working a week ago, and working with support on that.
I match all your settings except
26 I have 58.4
27 I have 58

Correct, it takes several hours to charge the batteries via the MPP's.
At least 8 hours, and my 20lb tank of propane only last 5 hours at the speed the generator is running.

With other posts, I get different values to try, and maybe one might help.

Found good video on Youtube that the guy was using a Growatt, and he was able to get his batteries to synchronize.
Not my luck though.
Would you be able to post a BMS Tools screenshot of the batteries when they are fully charged and a picture of how they are connected in the system?
BMS Tools does not work.

Always shows offline.

Tried several Com ports all via the USB, none of them work.
No luck with EG4 Support either.
I use SolarAssistant, problem with that it quit working a week ago, and working with support on that.
I match all your settings except
26 I have 58.4
27 I have 58

Correct, it takes several hours to charge the batteries via the MPP's.
At least 8 hours, and my 20lb tank of propane only last 5 hours at the speed the generator is running.

With other posts, I get different values to try, and maybe one might help.

Found good video on Youtube that the guy was using a Growatt, and he was able to get his batteries to synchronize.
Not my luck though.
BMS Tools does not work.

Always shows offline.

Tried several Com ports all via the USB, none of them work.
No luck with EG4 Support either.

Which cable was used with BMS Tools? Sharing a few screenshots and pictures of the process would be beneficial. I am confident that we can successfully set up BMS Tools. Especially with the help of the forum.
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Which cable was used with BMS Tools? Sharing a few screenshots and pictures of the process would be beneficial. I am confident that we can successfully set up BMS Tools. Especially with the help of the forum.
Cable that came with EG4 Rack and batteries.
Only has two wires.
Orange and Brown.
Labeled RS485.

Now my phone wont connect to Laptop.
going to get another cable for phone
26 I have 58.4
This is too high. It’s exceptionally unlikely that any battery is balanced enough to reach this voltage without exceeding 3.65V on one cell. There’s a range from about 55.2 to About 57.6V that could be defended as reasonable. I like the low end of that for solar applications.
27 I have 58
This will damage your cells in the long term, and possibly in the short term. Reduce this. Typical guidance is something like 54.0V or (my preference) 53.6V
If Dip switch is set like stated …… here is a video.

If Dip switch is set like stated …… here is a video.

That is a good video
I will try that in the morning.
They set 19200 baud.
Docs say 9600.
Wish it would be correct on the docs.
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Kinda tired of it? Frustrated? You’ve had lot of problems looking at past battery issues not just EG4. Wanna burn it to ground and spit on it? That is a lot of money to just throw away or not be getting your roi out of it.

Man they said “so easy that anybody could do it.” Right?
I don’t have anything to do with any of eg4 or anything else…I am a diy, old, and retired. Several ppl here are trying to help you too. Right now I am upgrading batteries awaiting parts from AliExpress - putting my own ~15k batteries together so I will know it from ground up. EG4 are probably the rack batteries that I would have bought otherwise.

However Right now in my lax time am trying to help you to help yourself with your current problem….simply as a good deed. EG4 changes stuff up and their manual documentation technical instruction seem a bit off ….. .

Can you PLEASE take those previously requested pictures of your batteries?
The Pictures requested of the: “EG4 supplied Laptop -Comm Cable”, dip switches as set, and basic front of battery - rack with power on so we can see the SOC LIGHTS and such.?

You might of been up and running properly well before now if you had shown requested pictures.

You posted some other pictures ….so know you got that down.

You could always call EG4. THEY MIGHT WANT PICTURES TOO.

Getting comm up and working will allow you to view the internals via the bms.
Kinda tired of it? Frustrated? You’ve had lot of problems looking at past battery issues not just EG4. Wanna burn it to ground and spit on it? That is a lot of money to just throw away or not be getting your roi out of it.

Man they said “so easy that anybody could do it.” Right?
I don’t have anything to do with any of eg4 or anything else…I am a diy, old, and retired. Several ppl here are trying to help you too. Right now I am upgrading batteries awaiting parts from AliExpress - putting my own ~15k batteries together so I will know it from ground up. EG4 are probably the rack batteries that I would have bought otherwise.

However Right now in my lax time am trying to help you to help yourself with your current problem….simply as a good deed. EG4 changes stuff up and their manual documentation technical instruction seem a bit off ….. .

Can you PLEASE take those previously requested pictures of your batteries?
The Pictures requested of the: “EG4 supplied Laptop -Comm Cable”, dip switches as set, and basic front of battery - rack with power on so we can see the SOC LIGHTS and such.?

You might of been up and running properly well before now if you had shown requested pictures.

You posted some other pictures ….so know you got that down.

You could always call EG4. THEY MIGHT WANT PICTURES TOO.

Getting comm up and working will allow you to view the internals via the bms.
Trying to get there.
Pics I posted were from the Laptop.
Tried three cables, and phone just would not connect. Even tried an old laptop too.
That is another story.
Funny thing. I took pics with my phone, even viewed them. Went back to email them, and they were not there.
I can't make this stuff up.
I do appreciate everyone on here that has tried to help.
Guess my name is Murphy..
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If Dip switch is set like stated …… here is a video.

Finally got it to work.
Doc EG4 sends needs to be updated on Baud rate.

Moved two batteries yesterday. One is always 15 to 20% higher in SOC than the others.
Re-did the dip switches too.
Must have had a stuck dip switch, as I flipped them all to the right, then left, then set them. Top battery is at 64, the rest 2, 3, 4, 5, 6.
Kinda tired of it? Frustrated? You’ve had lot of problems looking at past battery issues not just EG4. Wanna burn it to ground and spit on it? That is a lot of money to just throw away or not be getting your roi out of it.

Man they said “so easy that anybody could do it.” Right?
I don’t have anything to do with any of eg4 or anything else…I am a diy, old, and retired. Several ppl here are trying to help you too. Right now I am upgrading batteries awaiting parts from AliExpress - putting my own ~15k batteries together so I will know it from ground up. EG4 are probably the rack batteries that I would have bought otherwise.

However Right now in my lax time am trying to help you to help yourself with your current problem….simply as a good deed. EG4 changes stuff up and their manual documentation technical instruction seem a bit off ….. .

Can you PLEASE take those previously requested pictures of your batteries?
The Pictures requested of the: “EG4 supplied Laptop -Comm Cable”, dip switches as set, and basic front of battery - rack with power on so we can see the SOC LIGHTS and such.?

You might of been up and running properly well before now if you had shown requested pictures.

You posted some other pictures ….so know you got that down.

You could always call EG4. THEY MIGHT WANT PICTURES TOO.

Getting comm up and working will allow you to view the internals via the bms.


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diy solar

diy solar