diy solar

diy solar

Topband Navitas Prismatic at BH

My 8 cell order has shipped. FedEx says it will probably be here Friday. I seldom trust Fedex though, so I won't get overly excited and wait at the door all day. :ROFLMAO:
I know it's been said before: copper pipe, pounded flat, cut to length, and then holes drilled. Since my little 24V 8s set will be just to play with, that's what I'm going to do.
Was going to say the same, David made some lugs for his post in the video but making it flat all the is easy.

I've done the flattened copper pipe thing on another build but that was before I read of people sanding and polishing their terminals. Is there a reason beyond price that we don't order copper bar online and use that? Doesn't seem like a bad investment to get a couple feet for this project and whatever comes next if it sits flush and doesn't require hammering. Balance issues really suck when trying to test the quality of your pack and I'm on the understanding that people have resolved reported imbalance by sprucing up their connections, things as little as polishing. Surely something starting off flat will do better than garage floor textured pipe after being whacked on.... r-right?
I've done the flattened copper pipe thing on another build but that was before I read of people sanding and polishing their terminals. Is there a reason beyond price that we don't order copper bar online and use that? Doesn't seem like a bad investment to get a couple feet for this project and whatever comes next if it sits flush and doesn't require hammering. Balance issues really suck when trying to test the quality of your pack and I'm on the understanding that people have resolved reported imbalance by sprucing up their connections, things as little as polishing. Surely something starting off flat will do better than garage floor textured pipe after being whacked on.... r-right?
Sure. It's up to you. I mentioned above that this pack of little cells is - for me - just something to play with. When I eventually pull the trigger on 8 280Ah cells for my cabin, I almost certainly won't use flattened pipe. But for this pack, it's good enough.
the post nuts are:

M6x1.0 Flange nuts work best
Lowes - NOT IN STOCK in my area, order online to pick them up
Homedepot - had them, 70 cents for 2 pack.
bus bars -
Grainger rocks for copper flat stocks and FREE shipping to your local store. I picked up this one, 1/8 thick and bit less than 1/2 inch wide
and [drum roll] 6 ft long, yes 6 ft, you can make many many many [insert police academy ....] bus bars.


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Got my 4 a couple days ago as well.

All were 3.29-3.30. As-received discharges showed in 11.2-13.8Ah stored.

All recharged to within 240mAh of each other and right around 25Ah.

Comparative IR checks were within 10% of each other.


So cute.
Seriously. They're dainty. I have some 27Ah LMO/NMC cells I'm using, and they are notably larger volume-wise, yet notably lighter.

These things have 6mm terminals on them.

My only complaint was the packaging. They perfectly filled a double wall box. Zero packing or cushioning - a disaster waiting to happen, but I got lucky.
I have to agree, the lime color and size,
2x on packaging, one of my cell came in candy crushed.

snoobler, I did not think of testing capacity as shipped, thanks for doing that
I find it reassuring to confirm they're around 50% SoC.
I took one cell and connected it to my bench PS and it feed 3 amps at 3.62v for 1.5 hours and dropped to very low current. So average the current I estimated 10% additional charge.
I used hobby chargers and individually charged at 20A to 3.65 with a 2A tail current, so I bet you're closer than 10%.

EDIT: Hmmm... 4.5Ah max. I think I read your post wrong. Probably too much voltage drop between cells and PS.
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Just got one fifth of my order today. First thing is first; TERRIBLE shipping conditions! Looking back at the ad now, definitely not the "custom boxes" from the pictures. Out of the 33 cells that they crammed into one single-walled cardboard box... One cell is dented beyond my feelings of safety for service... ?
Got my box of 8 today. As others have said, the BH folks didn't go above and beyond with the packing.


Right out of the box I checked the voltages on each cell. 4 were at 3.293V, 2 were at 3.294V, and 2 were at 3.295V.

I wired them up in series and am currently charging the pack to 28V. I've been checking on them, and they are all staying within about 20mV during the charge.

Hey @snoobler you might find this entertaining. I was working on my makeshift flattened pipe busbars when my wife came into the garage. She asked me what I was doing and I said I had received some Lithium Iron batteries. She came over to my bench and looked at them. She smiled and said "So cute!". :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO:
Just got one fifth of my order today. First thing is first; TERRIBLE shipping conditions! Looking back at the ad now, definitely not the "custom boxes" from the pictures. Out of the 33 cells that they crammed into one single-walled cardboard box... One cell is dented beyond my feelings of safety for service... ?
I forgot to mention to you @DiyMegs - None of my cells had any apparent damage. I guess I'm lucky. Good luck with the rest of your cells!
I forgot to mention to you @DiyMegs - None of my cells had any apparent damage. I guess I'm lucky. Good luck with the rest of your cells!
Sadly @Horsefly I have received the rest of my cells today and the total damage comes in at 19 damaged cells & 2 lost in transit ?...

Soo now I ask the community members here; what should I do? I truly appreciate what BH does for us. But I'm talking about major damage here and unusable cells. Granted I could have ordered additional cells to cover potential damage, but then again they should have been packaged better.?


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Sadly @Horsefly I have received the rest of my cells today and the total damage comes in at 19 damaged cells & 2 lost in transit ?...

Soo now I ask the community members here; what should I do? I truly appreciate what BH does for us. But I'm talking about major damage here and unusable cells. Granted I could have ordered additional cells to cover potential damage, but then again they should have been packaged better.?
Wow @DiyMegs that really sucks!

If you have 19 that look like those pictured, I would for sure get BH to replace them. These were not sold as used cells, but a new surplus cells. They should still look new when you receive them.
Wow, that looks horrible @DiyMegs. I would ask for them to reimburse you for each damaged one along with a portion of the shipping. They were clearly not packaged and handled well at all.

@Horsefly, the problem is BH is out of them. This was a one time listing and I don't think they have any to replace them with.
It's just crazy to me that they would ship anything in this manner.?.? My daly bms's from alibaba came in pristine order. I realize cost savings on shipping, but the ad showed "custom foam filled boxes" and then at the bottom says repackaged... they lost 2 cells from this packaging job...

Honestly I'd appreciate a refund @cjusnavy but what do I do with my overall project? I'm hopeful that BH will make this right @Horsefly. Either they'll have additional cells for sale & thus replacements for what was damaged or reimbursement of some kind.?

They really are cute cells! ??????
The "custom foam filled boxes" went quick. I should have purchased those the moment I saw them instead of ordering the cells individually. Nervous to see what mine are like when they arrive in a few days.
The "custom foam filled boxes" went quick. I should have purchased those the moment I saw them instead of ordering the cells individually. Nervous to see what mine are like when they arrive in a few days.
I truly wish you the best of luck!!!

diy solar

diy solar