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diy solar

Can the electrical grid handle a boom in electric vehicles?

So sharing a democratic smear campaign tells the "true" facts. I find it interesting that you as a republican would quote this.
LOL...jeez you re stupid. He had classified documents that he should not have had!

I was in the military...were you? I worked on many black programs. The only time I could even look at the documents was behind two locked doors...the documents were held in a safe....if I even attempted to take them put of that room, I would be in prison!

So...being a Republican means I can't tell right from wrong and have to support a corrupt president?
LOL...jeez you re stupid. He had classified documents that he should not have had!

I was in the military...were you? I worked on many black programs. The only time I could even look at the documents was behind two locked doors...the documents were held in a safe....if I even attempted to take them put of that room, I would be in prison!

So...being a Republican means I can't tell right from wrong and have to support a corrupt president?
Sounds like to me like you are judge and jury. All I can say is "sticks and stones" means he doesn't really believe you can declassify top secrets documents by just "thinking" they are declassified but he doesn't want to say it.
Now the world of assumptions, yet another manipulation.
That may be, and that may be changing.
The statistics (prior to latest SCOTUS decision leading to its final conclusion) is that concealed carry permit holders are 7 times less likely to commit a crime ... than are police officers.
That may be but its certainly not an aspect I was concerned with. Id be more interested in stats involving danger to themselves or their family members. The few CCW holders we have here are thoroughly vetted if they pass them out like candy that wouldnt last.
The yearly murder by guns is many times the number of deaths in 9/11 and that was used as justification to invade two countries, costing trillions.

As of May 2021, the United States had the highest prisoner rate, with 639 prisoners per 100,000 of the national population

With the higher gun ownership and the highest number of people behind bars, you would expect crime rates in the US to be lower than in other advanced economies right? So why isn't it?

To be fair, it is very hard to define crime rates, as many crimes are not reported, as not all people trust the authorities. But you can not argue that the US is too soft on crime when the US has the highest prison population in the world by far. While I trust that you, like so many Americans, are a responsible gun owner, it should be clear that way too many people are not and guns are often used against family members or stolen.

But do you really believe that if you guys had no guns (except for hunting) the US murder rate would be even higher?
What actions would you have taken after 9/11?
Do you have any idea what the congressional roll call in both houses was on the bill that launched the war in afghanistan?
Over 600 elected officials, there was ONE SINGLE dissenting vote. You pretend we made some blatantly obvious mistake, who had a viable different idea at the time? OR now?
Go ahead suggest an alternate path, how many ways can we shoot it down? Why didnt Congress protest when Bush announced in 48 hours he would attack Iraq?
This is the fallacious position of war critics. Not one of you has ever proposed a different path, you just insist your opinion all we have done is wrong is fact. This makes sense to you?
Despite not having a single significant Islamic terrorist attack on the country etsince?
Its all been a waste of money, we took out the worlds biggest state sponsor of terrorism in 2002, we killed Osama Bin Laden, captured or killed most of his associates, but all that was a mistake.
Criticism without practical alternates has no weight anyone should consider.
The most repeated and lazy one concerning Iraq and Saddam was that sanctions were "working" everything was fine as it was. Umm, yeah.
Sanctions caused 9/11. Saddams reaction to 9/11 was turning the region into a powder keg.
Anecdote vs. Statistics.

There are always outliers.

One article that popped up Googling (new organization to me, may well be a known racist source) has IQ data vs. race. That data is for people in Africa:

Another reports far higher rate of achievement for blacks immigrants from Africa, vs. blacks coming from families long established in the U.S.

TL;DR: A single average in no way accurately represents various diverse sub-groups.

What it said of immigrants from Africa aligns with what I have observed in my tech field.

The ability to succeed within U.S. society is going to be related (inversely) with crime.

We generally see high performing immigrants from India in Silicon Valley.
Yet, people in neighboring countries often look down on Indians who come to their country to work.

I think the people who self-select to travel half the way around the world for work tend to have greater ability and ambition.
The left vehemently denies any correlation between race and intelligence.
Science has long posited that Africans may have evolved differently because of natural selection factors related to living in temperate climates, and things like persistence hunting. Europeans lived in colder climates and depended on science and commerce for their livelyhoods.
European slave traders obviously preferred strong, dumb slaves rather than free thinking intelligent ones.

Funny its the left that embraces evolution as I do, but are they certain the brain was the only organ immune to it?
LOL...jeez you re stupid. He had classified documents that he should not have had!

I was in the military...were you? I worked on many black programs. The only time I could even look at the documents was behind two locked doors...the documents were held in a safe....if I even attempted to take them put of that room, I would be in prison!

So...being a Republican means I can't tell right from wrong and have to support a corrupt president?
No. Having a brain means its just useleas to bring up a junior rank service member when discussing what a president can do with classified material.
A little common sense is in order, we dont know what was in those documents. Why would he do this?
Anyone positing he would sell them to foreign powers, sit down, shut up, youre done with the discussion.
Maybe to write his memoirs with someday? It could be argued they were his to take as part of his day to day work and simply taking them to his residence assumes they are declassified
Heres another angle. Maybe these documents implicate Joe and Hunter Biden, Trump took them for insurance, and thats why the Biden friendly DOJ wanted them so badly, redacted everything about them, wanted any ability of viewing them restricted.
It makes more sense than Trump taking them...

Just for the hell of it? Because he thinks he is special? To give them to Putin?

The dirt on bad actors in the govt including Biden makes much more sense.

Unless the exact nature of the content of these documents is revealed this investigation should end.
The idea that they can finally get Trump for having some things when he left office that he was up to his ears in every day he was in office seems pretty silly.

Republican morals are just fine. Its the other side that thinks another witch hunt after all the others have been false should be taken seriously thats a problem.
It has been revealed the FBI was part of the orchestration of censorship of the Hunter laptop story before the election, which polls showed may have swung the election.

The same FBI behind this raid and that lied on the FISA warrant about Russian collusion. The same FBI whose top staff texted back and forth how theyd stop Trump.

And WE have the morals problem? We are supposed to take this seriously? Youre nuts.
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And that is just for the classified documents...when he goes to court for the election fraud...

View attachment 113853
Its long been proven that Zuckerberg bought the election. Just stop. Every jurisdiction in every battleground state had their election results tainted by partisan private dollars allegedly for covid PPE, afterwards it was revealed about 3% was spent on that. It was a partisan slush fund with democrat activists attaching strings to the grants that affected the results and zuckerberg even used his company to silence any platform users discussing it.
The election was a Fraud, Trump was robbed, and now youre portraying him as a criminal for complaining about it... All the while the person your side fraudulently installed in his place is doing the most horrible job imaginable.
You people arent real.
BTW time is also revealing Trumps covid response was perfect and Fauci was a literal psychopath, and knew all along it came from a Wuhan lab. Since Trump was criticized for closing travel from China its not a stretch to think the Chinese, allied with Democrats, plotted the whole thing to remove Trump.
Along with big pharma scheming to suppress info that ivermectin worked, because its patent had expired and they were poised to make billions developing new treatments.
The stories about people going to ERs sick from horse medicine, were fake. Big pharma killed people to hide a treatment that worked because they couldnt get rich. Aided by democrat politicians.
What actions would you have taken after 9/11?
I would have accepted for Bin Laden to be tried in another country.

Do you have any idea what the congressional roll call in both houses was on the bill that launched the war in afghanistan?
Yes, but it show yet again that making decisions in anger, like invading other nations, is dumb. Bin Laden was ultimate found and killed not in Afghanistan, but in Pakistan.

Over 600 elected officials, there was ONE SINGLE dissenting vote. You pretend we made some blatantly obvious mistake, who had a viable different idea at the time? OR now?
I am saying that the majority can be wrong.

Go ahead suggest an alternate path, how many ways can we shoot it down? Why didnt Congress protest when Bush announced in 48 hours he would attack Iraq?
Because legislators chose to believe the manufactured evidence, even though there were indications at the time that they were being manufactured.

This is the fallacious position of war critics. Not one of you has ever proposed a different path, you just insist your opinion all we have done is wrong is fact. This makes sense to you?
History shows that I was right, The war cost Trillions and nothing good came from it.

Despite not having a single significant Islamic terrorist attack on the country etsince?
There were 2,456 United States military deaths in the War in Afghanistan. And more than 70,000 Afghan and Pakistani civilians are estimated to have died as a direct result of the war.

Its all been a waste of money, we took out the worlds biggest state sponsor of terrorism in 2002,
It has been a waste of trillions of dollars and thousands of lives. Neither Iraq, nor Afghanistan are in a better situation today. I am not going to argue who the biggest state sponsor of terrorism is, but I also remember the Iran Contra affair and Luis Clemente Posada Carriles.

we killed Osama Bin Laden
After refusing the offer of the Afghan government (which I loath btw) to send Osama Bin Laden for trial abroad, I think it was the only acceptable outcome for Americans. I would have preferred to see him tried for his vile crimes, rather than seeing him turned into a martyr.

captured or killed most of his associates, but all that was a mistake.
They always ended up getting replaced. The Taliban is now back in control of Afghanistan, so all those deaths and destruction was for naught.

Criticism without practical alternates has no weight anyone should consider.
The alternative was to accept the Afghan government offer to send Bin Laden to a neutral country for trial.

The most repeated and lazy one concerning Iraq and Saddam was that sanctions were "working"
What do you believe was the purpose of the sanctions imposed on Iraq? If you think it was about the destruction of their medium range missiles, the sanctions worked and no WoMD were found in Iraq, post invasion.

everything was fine as it was. Umm, yeah.
No, it wasn't "fine" by any stretch of the imagination and it is arguably worse, post invasion.

Sanctions caused 9/11. Saddams reaction to 9/11 was turning the region into a powder keg.
Actually, 9/11 stems from Jewish occupation of Palestine and the treatment of Palestinians. This was and is supported by many countries in the West, including the US.

Heres another angle. Maybe these documents implicate Joe and Hunter Biden, Trump took them for insurance, and thats why the Biden friendly DOJ wanted them so badly, redacted everything about them, wanted any ability of viewing them restricted.
It makes more sense than Trump taking them...
Surely you are not serious. (I can't stop laughing)
That may be but its certainly not an aspect I was concerned with. Id be more interested in stats involving danger to themselves or their family members. The few CCW holders we have here are thoroughly vetted if they pass them out like candy that wouldnt last.

That is the statistic I read too. Maybe if it was broken down further, a pattern would emerge.

I think most of the harm to family is from unsecured guns. A San Jose cop's son found his personal handgun in night stand and shot himself with it. I read the DA's tortured 4-page argument why there was no criminal negligence, e.g. "his service weapon was left on the bed with blanket covering it, and holster was so tight child would not have been able to draw" "He often kept loaded gun on a high shelf, child would not have been able to reach."

Other times, a gun is taken away from the person. Happened to a lady from my school and work. She was apparently in the habit of carrying a gun when walking her dog, lived at her parents' house in Hayward. Someone took it and used it on her.

Also domestic violence.

I think if one always has gun secured (e.g. in fingerprint safe) or else in concealed holster, much of the risk is avoided.

With CCW process involving $hundreds and training and paperwork, I don't think that will in particular lead to poorly vetted people carrying legally. I think the people who are a problem will largely continue to carry not in compliance, and will continue to have access to guns at home or in vehicle. Legalizing law abiding citizens carrying after jumping through hoops not likely increase illegal violence.

In Oakland (?) someone said they were going to have to spend a huge amount of money performing background checks on CCW applicants to make sure they weren't going to do the next mass shooting ?!
What actions would you have taken after 9/11?
Do you have any idea what the congressional roll call in both houses was on the bill that launched the war in afghanistan?

I agree with Afghanistan. Attack came from there, and they sheltered Taliban. The president responded within 30 days. The constitution gives him the authority.

Why didnt Congress protest when Bush announced in 48 hours he would attack Iraq?

Absolutely illegal. Congress must vote to declare war, president may not initiate an attack, can only respond if the US has already been attacked, or is under such imminent threat of attack as does not permit of delay.

This was challenged to SCOTUS, who ruled that because Congress authorized force ("if Saddam does not obey sanctions", they had said). Therefore, it was all good and legal. (Saddam was in process of crushing the missiles said to be illegal because they had range > 95 miles. Which they would not have, had he not made the mistake of testing them without the weight of dummy warheads.)

Obama firing missiles into Libya was illegal. Trump firing missiles into Syria was illegal. Reagan invading Grenada was illegal.

It was Congress responsibility to impeach Bush and all the others who launched wars. They never do that. Clinton didn't commit a high crime or misdemeanor by following the definition given him by a judge, but he did by starting a war without Congress' authorization. I think Congress wants the US to enter/start these wars, but doesn't want to be seen as responsible for authorizing them. We should recall any congressman who fails to attempt to impeach the president for such an act.
No. Having a brain means its just useleas to bring up a junior rank service member when discussing what a president can do with classified material.
A little common sense is in order, we dont know what was in those documents. Why would he do this?
Anyone positing he would sell them to foreign powers, sit down, shut up, youre done with the discussion.
Maybe to write his memoirs with someday? It could be argued they were his to take as part of his day to day work and simply taking them to his residence assumes they are declassified
Heres another angle. Maybe these documents implicate Joe and Hunter Biden, Trump took them for insurance, and thats why the Biden friendly DOJ wanted them so badly, redacted everything about them, wanted any ability of viewing them restricted.
It makes more sense than Trump taking them...

Just for the hell of it? Because he thinks he is special? To give them to Putin?

The dirt on bad actors in the govt including Biden makes much more sense.

Unless the exact nature of the content of these documents is revealed this investigation should end.
The idea that they can finally get Trump for having some things when he left office that he was up to his ears in every day he was in office seems pretty silly.

Republican morals are just fine. Its the other side that thinks another witch hunt after all the others have been false should be taken seriously thats a problem.
It has been revealed the FBI was part of the orchestration of censorship of the Hunter laptop story before the election, which polls showed may have swung the election.

The same FBI behind this raid and that lied on the FISA warrant about Russian collusion. The same FBI whose top staff texted back and forth how theyd stop Trump.

And WE have the morals problem? We are supposed to take this seriously? Youre nuts.
I knew once the meds were off you would come back.

The latest conspiracy you have is that documents implicate Hunter Biden? Are you really that completely nuts...oh thought people were chasing you with direct energy weapons.

The rest of your rant is just ridiculous. Trump was not robbed. Most normal, non election denier Republicans, also don't claim he was robbed....or were is it your conspiracy theory that they were also in on the fix.
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I agree, didn't she loose her job over that?

As far as I can tell, this is part of what Biden said "Donald Trump and the MAGA Republicans represent an extremism that threatens the very foundations of our republic."

And I agree, storming the capitol, while calling for the hanging of the (elected) vice president is a threat to democracy.
Nope. That IS democracy.

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diy solar