diy solar

diy solar

My adventures building a DIY Mn/Fe flow battery

You may find this video interesting ;)

Thanks, I saw it! I will be using Nafion to measure some reference values. However my objective is to create some PVA based membranes to use instead of Nafion. Since my particular use case (Fe/Mn flow batteries at pH 7) doesn't require so much chemical stability, I can probably get away with a regular hydrocarbon backchain and a less robust polymer base (PVA). I will also be using phosphorylation instead of sulfonation, since I don't need groups that are as acidic as those of Nafion.

These PVA membranes definitely wouldn't work for Vanadium based flow batteries at highly acidic pH.
Before going down the rabbit hole, is it viable for home energy storage if you have plenty of space?
Before going down the rabbit hole, is it viable for home energy storage if you have plenty of space?
In the future, a composition may be found that is viable for higher capacity energy storage. That is, energy density, cycle lifetime, round trip energy efficiency (coulombic efficiency).

If you need a battery today, LiFePO4 is a good option ?
Before going down the rabbit hole, is it viable for home energy storage if you have plenty of space?

Systems of this sort will generally do 20-40Wh/L, so a 125gal tank of catholyte + 125gal tank of anolyte could give you ~30kWh of storage. However, there are currently no commercial systems that work with earth abundant chemistries at safe pH values for lay people. The only commercial setups so far, based on Vanadium or Zn-Br, are reserved for grid applications or off-grid storage for telecom companies. Vanadium systems work in concentrated sulfuric acid and Zn-Br systems will generate dendrites on the Zn side and elemental Bromine of the Br side, so require a lot of professional management to do their job.

My hope is to learn more about chemistries at neutral pH with earth abundant elements and come up with a system that can deliver at least on safety, reliability and feasibility. Of course, I have no delusions of grandeur and what I do will likely never become commercial, but hopefully the knowledge I develop and experiments I run will inspire and help others. I also have a lot of fun doing it :)

As curiouscarbon said, if you need a battery today, get an LiFePO4 server rack battery. That's the best right now imho.
First time posting on an energy forum regarding solar power, so... hello everyone :)

Basically, what brought me here is due to danielfp248's research and dedication to diy energy storage solutions and doing so with a relatively high ease of manufacturing. I found his research via the Zinc-Bromine study's he did, which further solidified my issues with Zinc as the other chemical in the form of dendrite formation. Getting rid of dendrite issue is not an easy task, so for the time being, ZnBr is out of the question. All of this in an effort to replace nickel in the Nickel-Iron battery, which is my primary candidate for stationary storage, due to its easy construction and high cycle life. Encell Technology Inc managed to push this battery chemistry to 46 Wh/kg and a discharge rate of 6C - that is to say the battery can be fully discharged in 10 minutes. The reason I am currently not working on my own NiFe battery is the difficulties in obtaining nickel-hydroxide or nickel sulftate/nitrate to make my own NiOH. Thanks EU for slowly forbidding everything ... LOL

It is in this background I am eagerly following Daniel's Mn/Fe flow battery development.
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The goal is to be able to live 100% off-grid with a multiple kWh battery storage at hand and be able to perform service as well as adjust the size. I also want the battery to be able to have a few thousand cycles (ideally), have low self-discharge and to keep the need for maintenance and service as well as cost, relatively low and these requirements in themselves, eliminate a lot of battery chemistry. But Iron is perhaps the one player that keeps popping up as one of the main contender, the question at hand, which Daniel is trying to answer, is which material will play well here. It is still early days, but I am hopeful.

I will certainly jump in when given the opportunity and support as well as aid Daniel in his research. This can simply be in the form of duplication and confirmations, before I start looking at larger full size systems for longer periods of evaluation, possibly over 1-2 years to check the endurance of the system. We need to wait until the first proper performance values are available.. cross my fingers everything is going well over the next months and year.
This is interesting so I thought I would share.

Been looking at a few RFB's available on or to the market in order to learn more about them and one type of general interest are the all organic variant, as in an organic molecule is used in both the anolyte & catholyte. One such organic molecule is "fairly" complex Anthraquinone or just Quinone in some cases, which is the basis for what Kemiwatt us using. They have a few patents describing their process of "readying" the molecule if you are interested in reading about it - see under sources.

Using organic molecules can be very attractive since it imply that its natural and therefore harmless, this is a bit misleading since harmless fully depend on not just what kind of molecule we are talking about, but also the amount and form of exposure.

What I wanted to get at with this post is that in Kemiwatt's patent, an energy density of 3,7 Wh/L is mentioned. In the hybrid energy article, 7,8 Wh/l is mentioned, so I guess we should expect something along those lines for the organic flow battery. That is not very impressive... even if the chemistry is by far more friendly than Vanadium which is considered toxic, but does yield greater energy density in the range of 15-25 Wh/L . Vanadium redox is prepared using sulfuric acid and the cell chemistry is highly acidic. The Kemwatt cell is on the other hand, highly alkaline.

Iron-Iron will achieve roughly 20 Wh/L and a potential of 1.2V
Zinc-Bromine, upwards of 65 Wh/L with a potential of 1.8V... but elemental Bromine is toxic.
Zinc-Manganese .. upwards of 60 Wh/L and a potential of 1.2V ... but zinc forms dendrites.

Most of the above is usually acidic or highly alkaline while Daniels Mn/Fe cell is pH neutral while maintaining 40-80 Wh/L at a potential of 1.2V. The higher Wh value ofc must be validated and cell health investigated over time, but the premises for a relatively high energy density while keep the cell pH neutral with a long cycle life is very good and this is an important selling point.

Anyway, just excited and wanted to share some perspectives.

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This is interesting so I thought I would share.

Been looking at a few RFB's available on or to the market in order to learn more about them and one type of general interest are the all organic variant, as in an organic molecule is used in both the anolyte & catholyte. One such organic molecule is "fairly" complex Anthraquinone or just Quinone in some cases, which is the basis for what Kemiwatt us using. They have a few patents describing their process of "readying" the molecule if you are interested in reading about it - see under sources.

Using organic molecules can be very attractive since it imply that its natural and therefore harmless, this is a bit misleading since harmless fully depend on not just what kind of molecule we are talking about, but also the amount and form of exposure.

What I wanted to get at with this post is that in Kemiwatt's patent, an energy density of 3,7 Wh/L is mentioned. In the hybrid energy article, 7,8 Wh/l is mentioned, so I guess we should expect something along those lines for the organic flow battery. That is not very impressive... even if the chemistry is by far more friendly than Vanadium which is considered toxic, but does yield greater energy density in the range of 15-25 Wh/L . Vanadium redox is prepared using sulfuric acid and the cell chemistry is highly acidic. The Kemwatt cell is on the other hand, highly alkaline.

Iron-Iron will achieve roughly 20 Wh/L and a potential of 1.2V
Zinc-Bromine, upwards of 65 Wh/L with a potential of 1.8V... but elemental Bromine is toxic.
Zinc-Manganese .. upwards of 60 Wh/L and a potential of 1.2V ... but zinc forms dendrites.

Most of the above is usually acidic or highly alkaline while Daniels Mn/Fe cell is pH neutral while maintaining 40-80 Wh/L at a potential of 1.2V. The higher Wh value ofc must be validated and cell health investigated over time, but the premises for a relatively high energy density while keep the cell pH neutral with a long cycle life is very good and this is an important selling point.

Anyway, just excited and wanted to share some perspectives.


Thanks for sharing what you have been reading!

Organics in flow batteries are definitely very interesting from a research perspective and likely the future in 20+ years, as the molecule manufacturing gets scaled and more stable molecules are found.

I wanted to find a chemistry using things that you could buy off the shelve right now and that, in bulk, could be purchased for less than 10 USD/kg. Both of the molecules I intend to use have been validated in different papers on RFB, so we know they have reversible redox behavior (this far I have verified personally using cyclic voltammetry as well).

RFB using Fe-EDDHA|Fe(CN)6 -
RFB using Zn|Mn-EDTA -

By probably good luck, their highest solubility values are located near neutral pH (although their solubility at pH 7 is something I have to confirm since there are no publications, to the best of my knowledge, addressing this directly). They are also readily available as bulk fertilizers (you can buy them in bulk in the EU, no problem). Another important thing is that I wanted to avoid any plating, to make sure dendrites are never a potential problem. This also makes the capacity directly proportional to tank volume and fully decoupled it from the electrode area (as in the case of a Vanadium RFB).

The reactions also fit very snuggly in the potential window of water at pH 7, there should be no hydrogen evolution issues on the anode or oxygen evolution issues on the cathode. Something that acidic RFB often have problems with. The 1.2V potential of a cell with Fe-EDDHA and Mn-EDTA at neutral pH is great. I have also confirmed this to be the potential achieved with this chemistry. Having neutral pH was really important for me, because I don't want to be working with circulating solutions of concentrated acids in my home.

Another great benefit, is that ALL of the electroactive species are bulky anions.


This means that they are blocked very effectively by a cation exchange membrane (like Nafion or the DIY PVA membrane I discuss on my blog). Vanadium RFB have problems with energy efficiency attributed to the crossover of Vanadium cationic species, no such issue will happen with this battery.

To anyone interested in RFB I would recommend this talk:

It goes through a lot of the current technologies, the issues present and the future of this technology.

My proposal of Fe-EDDHA|Mn-EDTA suffers from several foreseeable issues:
  1. Molecular mass of the compounds is large, so the mass per electron moved is large. This increases the cost for scaling up as you need more kg/L per Wh/L. This limits energy density to, worst case, 20Wh/L.
  2. The large molecular mass also implies potentially slower kinetics because of likely slower diffusion coefficients. This makes it likely that efficiency losses at high current densities will be higher.
  3. Organic molecules are present, which means you will have some degradation as a function of time. Both of the above mentioned papers cycled Mn-EDTA and Fe-EDDHA hundreds of times with no problems, but this does limit the electrolyte life as these organic molecules are going to slowly get destroyed.
With the above said, my objective is not to make this the end-all-be-all energy storage solution, but at least provide something that could be put together at lower technological complexity that at least does a great job and that does it safely.

For the constructions of the cells, I am planning to use this paper - although I will scale down the cell around 30% - and a 3D printer:

Peristaltic pumps, Arduinos and my current DIY USB potentiostat will be doing the rest of the job.
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Note a recent paper looked into Mn|Fe for a RFB in a concentrated H2SO4+HCl mix. Without any chelating agents modifying the redox potentials, the potential is only around 0.6V. Another issues is that since all the species are cations (Fe2+, Fe3+, Mn2+, Mn3+), several of them effectively cross the cation exchange membrane, reducing energy efficiency substantially.

Fe+Mn systems are amazing for the abundance of these elements and how safe the compounds generally are. This makes me quite excited about the potential for the pH 7 chelated Fe|Mn system I am pursuing.
For small scale charge/discharge experiments I will also have basically constant circulation of electrolyte, but for scaling that up you will need a BMS for a flow battery. This is an interesting side project if anyone who knows about this wants to take a go. There are currently no open source BMS solutions for RFB (to the best of my knowledge).
Lets cross the BMS river once you know the operational points :)

- Edit -
Saying that, there is an Open Source BMS system for flow battery's.

"The architecture of foxBMS is the result of more than 15 years of development in innovative hardware and software solutions for rechargeable battery systems, redox-flow battery systems, and fuel-cell systems at Fraunhofer IISB in Erlangen (Germany). Consequently, we use the hardware and software building blocks as battery management system at Fraunhofer IISB in all of our research and development projects (Technical Specifications). Further, our self-developed 100kWh stationary lithium-ion battery system to store electric energy generated by photovoltaic panels and our TÜV road homologated electric vehicle are two examples of such systems using our open source BMS. As a result, we provide a strong experience in designing and developing innovative solutions for advanced battery systems in the domains described hereafter."

15 years of development, that seems promising :) and

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diy solar

diy solar