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diy solar

Charge Battery by Utility When SOC Drops Below a Certain % (EG4-6500)


New Member
Jun 25, 2022

I run2 EG4-6000s, in parallel, in SBU mode with Solar Only as my battery charging method for 3 LifePower4 batteries.

Is there a way on the EG4-6500s to set a threshold where it will activate Utility charging when the battery drops below a specified number, say 5%?

Right now, when the battery drops below 5%, it switches to bypass mode and remains there until solar charges it back up to 10%.

The goal is to use the utility to keep me out of bypass mode and always run off the batteries. I'm looking to run my AC unit off my setup, and I'd like to avoid the phase change that happens when the inverter switches into bypass mode.

Any thoughts or suggestions?


I'm using Solar Assistant with my MPP Solar unit. In combination with my Victron Battery Monitor, it has a "Power Settings" section that can switch the modes on the AIO at whatever battery percentage that you want. However, I'm not sure you can avoid the "phase change". In my experience, it always goes into Bypass mode when the battery hits that low percentage level. But, I haven't played with settings much, as the switch over to bypass mode doesn't cause any issues with my electronics (switch, access point, TV, stereo, etc.)
It has to go into bypass mode to charge the batteries from the utility, it can't charge and invert at the same time. I wondered this as well. If there is a way hopefully someone will chime in as I was hoping to do this as well..
I asked Signature Solar tech staff and they told me there's no setting to accomplish this. I sent EG4 a note asking for a feature request to see if they could add this. I have no idea if that'll go anywhere, but figured it was worth a shot.

So, currently, this is not possible. Here's hoping it one day is.
These inverters will never accomplish this as the same components, MOSFETs are used for both charging and outputting and can't do both at the same time. I have heard of some people using an extra inverter as a battery charger only and as a backup unit. I may try this route.
I asked Signature Solar tech staff and they told me there's no setting to accomplish this. I sent EG4 a note asking for a feature request to see if they could add this. I have no idea if that'll go anywhere, but figured it was worth a shot.

So, currently, this is not possible. Here's hoping it one day is.

Feature as stated not possible, and it never will be on a standalone inverter. It's not an option on any brand or model of inverter, even the expensive ones.

Similar function to that requested can be obtained by a grid-tie inverter that supplements the utility and can piggy-back more power onto it, but then this is a whole 'nother bag of worms.

You can reduce the transfer switch events by setting #13 to a higher SoC level and using setting 16 to permit utility charging as well. If you look at your typical usage, you can probably optimize it.
Above is correct. The 6500EX cannot grid charge and invert from battery at same time.

You wouldn't want to do this anyway. Bypass AC is direct usage. If you invert it twice 120VAC -> 48VDC ->120VAC all you're doing is throwing power away.
The idle isn't that bad honestly. My water heater is the hardest part. It'll go through 3 or 4kWh for a long shower. With a family of 4, that adds up pretty quickly.
Those are fantastic! Wow. A 120V, 15 AMP water heater. That's the dream. When my current one breaks, that's the one I'll replace it with. Thanks for the tip!

I run2 EG4-6000s, in parallel, in SBU mode with Solar Only as my battery charging method for 3 LifePower4 batteries.

Is there a way on the EG4-6500s to set a threshold where it will activate Utility charging when the battery drops below a specified number, say 5%?

Right now, when the battery drops below 5%, it switches to bypass mode and remains there until solar charges it back up to 10%.

The goal is to use the utility to keep me out of bypass mode and always run off the batteries. I'm looking to run my AC unit off my setup, and I'd like to avoid the phase change that happens when the inverter switches into bypass mode.

Any thoughts or suggestions?


Might actually be possible in SUB mode, watch the video in this thread.

Note that PV is supplying power as well as grid and battery is charging.

There is a price to pay however, it will draw power from grid as shown in the video even if PV is supplying enough power for loads. This is done as Tim mentions to keep the inverter and grid in phase and prevent backfeed from the grid. This would prevent the phase change you mentioned.

Probably the best method would be to add a utility powered battery charger that will charge when battery reaches a certain SOC. Losses there too and would need to be large enough to supply loads and charge the battery.

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