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Megarevo 8K Firmware Update

For what its worth....there is new firmware for the 8kw on the eg4 website.
Looking at the date stamps inside the ZIP file:

2636180 Nov 9 08:10 hybrid_app8K_V14_20220907_gen.axf
1399555 Nov 10 15:37 HybridInverter8KSNA_v1.4.13.B03D02.out
468796 Nov 17 07:54 R8KLNA_Manual_Supplement_About_Generator20220823.docx
148480 Mar 17 15:29 firmware_updating_readme.doc
4096 Mar 21 09:05 'tool setup'
The only thing "new" is the firmware updating doc & the directory "tool setup"
There is already a newer version available of the 2nd file:
HybridInverter8KSNA_v1.4.13.B03D06.out <- D06 vs D02 above

I collect all information I can find about MEGAREVO (manuals/firmware etc) at my personal website (no ads/tracking) at

and with all the firmware together in
Looking at the date stamps inside the ZIP file:

The only thing "new" is the firmware updating doc & the directory "tool setup"
There is already a newer version available of the 2nd file:
HybridInverter8KSNA_v1.4.13.B03D06.out <- D06 vs D02 above

I collect all information I can find about MEGAREVO (manuals/firmware etc) at my personal website (no ads/tracking) at

and with all the firmware together in
I am very happy you are doing that. I used it cause I needed the Generator setup to charge the batteries from the grid only when down to 25% back up to 35% .
Do you currently have solar-assistant running on a Pi and have it communicating with an EG4 or Megarevo 8kw? Was thinking SS implied that they weren't working together at this time.
Solar assistant *should* be working, although I haven't tried it. Home Assistant works perfectly for me.

It's still early in the morning, but here are some stats:

Notice I'm still on old firmware which has the PV3/4 low production bug.
OK so this is interesting. Here are my version numbers after updating. The 1.03.09 is from the factory and 1.03.06 is what I updated to this last week. It is definitely a newer version based on me having the parallel options now along with other settings. Don't know how they are versioning their software.
hello greetings in which page can I download the firm Thank you
I don't remember who it was but they mentioned with the updated firmware I uploaded in this thread while it allowed parallel operation if he tried to use more than 8kw the inverter(s) would give an overload error. I Just installed a second r8klna and can confirm the same behavior. I moved to the EG4 "generator" version and it works ok. I'll have to see if on a cloudy day the MPPT still works ok as that was the reason to upgrade the firmware in the first place. As of now I have my whole house behind the 16kw of inverter. 3 ton conventional AC upstairs and 3 ton inverter drive downstairs. dual 4.5kw water heaters, electric dryer, oven, stove top, etc. No gas in this house. I'm sure we will hit some overload scenarios but I'm curious how well it will operate.

According to Sense monitoring my peak is about 24kw. That's usually in the winter with the heat strips in the conventional ac kicking on in very cold weather when other loads are high as well.

Another annoying thing. With two inverters trying to do peak shift (loads are not behind the inverter, relying on CT's to know how much power to send to the main breaker panel) each inverter is supposed to have its own CT's running back to the main breaker panel. They cannot share even though there's an option for that in the settings. I played with it some and it was definitely being wonky trying to use one set of CT's. I don't have room for another set! Seems silly to have a set for every inverter. This is what was told to me by Megarevo.
I've been talking with the folk at Megarevo and have the files to do the update but I think my computer and the megarevo aren't talking. It looks like when I plug the computer into the USB-c of the Megarevo I should get a COM port generated at the computer. But nothing comes up. In the update software it wants me to choose which com port and then hit upgrade.

I will ask them as well but figured if nothing else I can update the thread with what they say. Anyone upgraded the software on the Megarevo or EG4 8k hybrid yet?

Having an issue where mppt 3/4 under produce by 10x in cloudy weather compared to mppt1/2. They do fine in sunny weather.

Edit: Added upgrade files, after getting a data usb cord instead of one made for charging only it worked great. Doh! Not taking responsibility for you bricking an inverter due to these files. You can always ask Megarevo directly if you want to get them straight from the source.

Nice features I've noticed:

1. Can change the CT Ratio. I had put some 2500:1 CT's in instead of the original 1000:1. Now I can change the ratio to match. Possibly this could be used to adjust how much to zero out the meter? I'll have to play around with it.

it is for a 7.6Kw, but have a video to show how


  • Upgrade Video.7z
    14 MB · Views: 23
I overlooked a setting in the paralleling menu of the master inverter. You can set the overall max charge and discharge rates. I suspect this will solve my current issue. Thanks to the Megarevo folk for pointing it out.
I don't remember who it was but they mentioned with the updated firmware I uploaded in this thread while it allowed parallel operation if he tried to use more than 8kw the inverter(s) would give an overload error. I Just installed a second r8klna and can confirm the same behavior. I moved to the EG4 "generator" version and it works ok.

I was the one having that 8kw overload error. Please let us know if the low 3/4 has been solved with the generator version. My older MR parallel firmware works great, but I have low 3/4.

I read a while ago that MR was going to release a firmware update to allow for only 1 set of CTs, but I haven't seen much as far as new firmware lately.
Very interesting, thank you for trying that. Here's what I saw today MPPT1 on each inverter is a 7 panel string of 395w panels facing the same direction:1686628660917.png

MPPT4 on the first inverter is the third string of 7 panels on that same roof plane:1686628738066.png

Earlier in the day we had some full sun and all three strings would hit 1.6kw at the same time. I'll continue keeping an eye on it.
Hi guys

Anyone knows if there is a firmware to correct the inverter to export from the battery to the grid?
I have net metering and my inverter is selling the excess to the grid. My issue is that when battery reach 100% the inverter drain the battery to 95% exporting energy to the grid.

As you can see in the picture there are several peaks from 100% to 95% in the battery.

Right now I have firmware V22 with the advance settings and still doing the same thing.
I tested many combinations of settings and I'm still with the issue. I'm using Signature Solar Manual 1.4 as a reference manual.

solarman 26Jun.png
Hi guys

Anyone knows if there is a firmware to correct the inverter to export from the battery to the grid?
I have net metering and my inverter is selling the excess to the grid. My issue is that when battery reach 100% the inverter drain the battery to 95% exporting energy to the grid.

As you can see in the picture there are several peaks from 100% to 95% in the battery.

Right now I have firmware V22 with the advance settings and still doing the same thing.
I tested many combinations of settings and I'm still with the issue. I'm using Signature Solar Manual 1.4 as a reference manual.

View attachment 154633
I'm trying to get Megarevo to address this. However I haven't been able to test it as I don't have enough solar right now to get my battery full during the day! I presume you are running in self consumption mode? Do you have one inverter or multiple?
I'm trying to get Megarevo to address this. However I haven't been able to test it as I don't have enough solar right now to get my battery full during the day! I presume you are running in self consumption mode? Do you have one inverter or multiple?
One inverter and self consumption.
Also Advanced Setting in Sell First Mode with Time of Use disable.


My concern is the battery life I have a 10KW lifepo4 power wall from GSL, the system is discharging and charging multiple times per day. I use the battery for backup only I don't want to use the battery daily and I cannot deactivate Battery Grid DOD, the minimum value is 10%.
One inverter and self consumption.
Also Advanced Setting in Sell First Mode with Time of Use disable.

View attachment 154643

My concern is the battery life I have a 10KW lifepo4 power wall from GSL, the system is discharging and charging multiple times per day. I use the battery for backup only I don't want to use the battery daily and I cannot deactivate Battery Grid DOD, the minimum value is 10%.
Where are you seeing those advanced settings? I feel like I might be missing that menu. Or I'm just dumb and don't see it :).
Where are you seeing those advanced settings? I feel like I might be missing that menu. Or I'm just dumb and don't see it :).

I just discovered this weekend.

I'm using a firmware that @fromport post in his page. Number 20230414, this firmware contains the advanced setting.

Signature Solar already have the manual with the advanced setting :
Well then. Looks like I'm behind a bit on firmware. I don't want to update it tonight since I won't be here tomorrow but I'll likely try the newest on Thursday morning to see how it operates.
I just discovered this weekend.

I'm using a firmware that @fromport post in his page. Number 20230414, this firmware contains the advanced setting.

Signature Solar already have the manual with the advanced setting :
Pleaded to MR last night and they tried to update my inverters. I was told before hand but neither of us considered that the inverters were powering the modem. Anyway after I took my laptop in and upgraded them both we got TOU settings put in. Sure does add a lot more flexibility. I can now set it up to charge from the grid at a specified wattage which was an all or nothing thing before. And today it ran in self consumption mode so that once the battery was full it started exporting power to the grid. Only thing to nail down now is it only discharging the battery to 50% but I think it's just the daytime TOU needs to be 0-10%. Confirming with MR before I change it.

This is on the latest, as of today, firmware HybridInverter8KSNA_v1.4.13.B03D25_20230427

It has the advanced settings, CT ratio setting, generator settings, parallel settings. So far I haven't run into a bug but it's only been less than 24 hours :).

It seems that when using advanced settings it ignores the previous menu of self consumption/peak shift/battery first setting. Still wrapping my head around it all.
Pleaded to MR last night and they tried to update my inverters. I was told before hand but neither of us considered that the inverters were powering the modem. Anyway after I took my laptop in and upgraded them both we got TOU settings put in. Sure does add a lot more flexibility. I can now set it up to charge from the grid at a specified wattage which was an all or nothing thing before. And today it ran in self consumption mode so that once the battery was full it started exporting power to the grid. Only thing to nail down now is it only discharging the battery to 50% but I think it's just the daytime TOU needs to be 0-10%. Confirming with MR before I change it.

This is on the latest, as of today, firmware HybridInverter8KSNA_v1.4.13.B03D25_20230427

It has the advanced settings, CT ratio setting, generator settings, parallel settings. So far I haven't run into a bug but it's only been less than 24 hours :).

It seems that when using advanced settings it ignores the previous menu of self consumption/peak shift/battery first setting. Still wrapping my head around it all.
Planning to try this same fw out on dad's Eg4 8K setup, since we can't get the grid to charge the EG4 battery bank at night in Self Consume mode (Battery priority will do it but, we have/need Zero Export enabled).

Spoke with SigSolar Support (Brent & Markus) about some of our issues and found out that the MR Fw is compatible/same but Eg4/SigSolar haven't released that version officially b/c Gen Input function supposedly wasn't working correctly... But we need to get that advanced menu #16 options more than we care about a Gen Input (to enable Grid Charge features)... Fun! We'll sell how it goes I guess this weekend.

If anyone with the MR /EG4 8k , Grid tie, PV & battery setup has any input on getting the advanced settings dialed in, feel free to chime in. See our Setup Post here and Grid Charge Issue here.
Planning to try this same fw out on dad's Eg4 8K setup, since we can't get the grid to charge the EG4 battery bank at night in Self Consume mode (Battery priority will do it but, we have/need Zero Export enabled).

Spoke with SigSolar Support (Brent & Markus) some of our issues and found out that the MR Fw is compatible/same but Eg4/SigSolar haven't released that version officially b/c Gen Input function supposedly wasn't working correctly... But we need to get that advanced menu #16 options more than we care about a Gen Input (to enable Grid Charge features)... Fun! We'll sell how it goes I guess this weekend.

If anyone with the MR /EG4 8k , Grid tie, PV & battery setup has any input on getting the advanced settings dialed in, feel free to chime in. See our setup/issue here.
What scenario exactly are you looking to achieve? For me I have free nights so I'm charging nice and slow 8pm to 5am then running self consumption 5am to 8pm or until the battery is dead.
What scenario exactly are you looking to achieve? For me I have free nights so I'm charging nice and slow 8pm to 5am then running self consumption 5am to 8pm or until the battery is dead.
Updated bottom of previous post with links.

Basically what you're doing sounds like what we need to do. Just not sure how to set that up.

Currently run off solar during day in Self Consume (~20-24 Kwh pV generated per day, with ~33 Kwh usage, & 6x LifePower4 batteries) .... So battery ends up running down to about 25-40% SoC and never gets topped of by solar... Then at night it runs down until it hits 20% SoC and pulls from grid for load... And doesn't charge back to 100% or any thing higher unless switched manually to battery priority.

Would like to be able to self Consume from PV as much as possible and charge from Grid at night... Not much extra capacity with current 16 panel setup (2 strings of 8pnls) to charge from after supplying the critical loads panel at the moment until more funds are available for 2 more strings.

It's been suggested by SigSolar to move up the 18Kpv unit.

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