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"Ukraine's Nazi problem is real, even if Putin's 'denazification' claim isn't"

Got a link to that? Oh wait, you're just going to link to some conservative wack job website.. Forget I asked, I really don't care either way.
Why you're concerned with it is a mystery to me... Probably why your concerned with immigration, trans people, etc.. Someone told you to be concerned and you fall in line.
I don't trust anyone who's high..
Yet you trusted Leo????
You view my rejection of your propaganda as denial of truth.. That's typical for a religious mind as you've been indoctrinated into a thought pattern that is incapable of accepting the unknown.
Many times I have told you I am not religious. The problem with lairs is they tend to not remember that they said and to who.
I don't confirm or deny anything about the laptop other than a position that since it was in the hands of a known political operator who lies (Giuliani) that no information concerning that laptop can be trusted until the proper hands validate it.
I has been validated by the FBI but what ever....
Either way, real or not, containing evidence of significant criminal activity or not, I don't care.. I didn't vote for Hunter Biden, he's not running for public office.
Hunter is the low hanging fruit, Its Joe's involvement ( Pay to play )
But you be sure to keep your attention focused on it.. Such subject matter is simple and easy for you to understand, and therefor, you can take part in the grade school level discussions.
Says the name caller.
Watching you monkeys wave sticks around is true entertainment.
And watching your denial of facts is equally amusing.
If the FBI finds actual real evidence that a publicly elected official was taking bribes, please be sure to speak up about it.. Unfortunately, you'll have to be clear when you do because you cry wolf so often I don't really pay attention anymore
That A boy..... Put your head in the sand.
Probably why your concerned with immigration

Seems like suddenly there are lots more people concerned with "immigration". A few of the more recent ones include the residents of New York City, Chicago, Washington DC, Denver, and Los Angeles.

Most people don't think "immigration" is a problem until they get to experience the current state of it first-hand. Then it's a huge problem. I'm glad that all of these virtue-signalers are finally getting their chance to demonstrate the sincerity of their beliefs.
Seems like suddenly there are lots more people concerned with "immigration". A few of the more recent ones include the residents of New York City, Chicago, Washington DC, Denver, and Los Angeles.

Most people don't think "immigration" is a problem until they get to experience the current state of it first-hand. Then it's a huge problem. I'm glad that all of these virtue-signalers are finally getting their chance to demonstrate the sincerity of their beliefs.


All it takes to shut down the libtards is to get them to put their money where there mouth is.

Unfortunately their schizoid thinking prevents them from linking consequences and actions.

Just like Murphy and Hunter Biden laptop and all the other libtards.

They never asked themselves how the Russians would have planted a laptop at a computer repair shop and have everything play out perfectly. They don't care about reality, just what sounds good and let's them fit in.
Seems like suddenly there are lots more people concerned with "immigration". A few of the more recent ones include the residents of New York City, Chicago, Washington DC, Denver, and Los Angeles.

Most people don't think "immigration" is a problem until they get to experience the current state of it first-hand. Then it's a huge problem. I'm glad that all of these virtue-signalers are finally getting their chance to demonstrate the sincerity of their beliefs.
New York City is blaming Texas for the influx but the truth is they bussed 13% of the "Illegal Aliens" to them. The rest came through the Biden regime.
Got a link to that? Oh wait, you're just going to link to some conservative wack job website.. Forget I asked, I really don't care either way.

Why you're concerned with it is a mystery to me... Probably why your concerned with immigration, trans people, etc.. Someone told you to be concerned and you fall in line.

I don't trust anyone who's high..

You view my rejection of your propaganda as denial of truth.. That's typical for a religious mind as you've been indoctrinated into a thought pattern that is incapable of accepting the unknown.

I don't confirm or deny anything about the laptop other than a position that since it was in the hands of a known political operator who lies (Giuliani) that no information concerning that laptop can be trusted until the proper hands validate it.

Either way, real or not, containing evidence of significant criminal activity or not, I don't care.. I didn't vote for Hunter Biden, he's not running for public office.

But you be sure to keep your attention focused on it.. Such subject matter is simple and easy for you to understand, and therefor, you can take part in the grade school level discussions.

Watching you monkeys wave sticks around is true entertainment.

If the FBI finds actual real evidence that a publicly elected official was taking bribes, please be sure to speak up about it.. Unfortunately, you'll have to be clear when you do because you cry wolf so often I don't really pay attention anymore.
I'll have to admit ... there aren't too many people with the ability to twist logic to the degree you do in order to justify your warped conclusions.
However, I don't believe for a second that you actually believe most of the stuff you post .... No one could have a mind that warped and still be able to operate. You just desperately look for any angle to prevent admitting you are wrong. That's the NPD.

You are driven by hate with logic, common sense, and critical thinking being overridden by the hate. The hate is fueled by your NPD.
You are probably up so late at night because your hatred prevents you from sleeping ... and that makes things worse and worse .... Maybe meditation would help.

You need to take a long break from the forums before you completely loose it.
Just tell yourself that we aren't worthy of your brilliant insight and go work on that fictitious barn project.
Seems like suddenly there are lots more people concerned with "immigration". A few of the more recent ones include the residents of New York City, Chicago, Washington DC, Denver, and Los Angeles.

Most people don't think "immigration" is a problem until they get to experience the current state of it first-hand. Then it's a huge problem. I'm glad that all of these virtue-signalers are finally getting their chance to demonstrate the sincerity of their beliefs.

Every person in the USA is either an immigrant or the descendant of immigrants.. Immigration to the USA has never been a problem throughout history.

But I do understand how a flood of immigrants to a single limited geographical area could cause a problem.. the cultural issues alone would be a ticking time bomb if concentrations get high enough.

In my area, I grew an industrial manufacturing company to almost 200 employees, 95% of which were immigrants because the American workers were lazy, greedy, and entitled. We started with all American workers and quickly realized the problems weren't worth it.

When I visit my friend's farm, its not American workers in the fields or the barns working, they're all immigrants because he has the same perspective I have. My other friend has a small landscaping company, all immigrants there too..

Heck, if the auto makers fired their idiot lazy and overpaid union workers and hired all immigrants, the cost of a car would probably be cut in half from that single move. (Probably a bit of an exaggeration)

Even here in this very forum when I mentioned I was digging a ditch by hand, some lazy idiot said I was foolish for not spending $400 to get a backhoe.

Those immigrants are coming here because they can find prosperity and jobs.. I recognize there are problems, there are always problems during change, but if Americans don't want to work then screw em..
I'll have to admit ... there aren't too many people with the ability to twist logic to the degree you do in order to justify your warped conclusions.
However, I don't believe for a second that you actually believe most of the stuff you post .... No one could have a mind that warped and still be able to operate. You just desperately look for any angle to prevent admitting you are wrong. That's the NPD.

You are driven by hate with logic, common sense, and critical thinking being overridden by the hate. The hate is fueled by your NPD.
You are probably up so late at night because your hatred prevents you from sleeping ... and that makes things worse and worse .... Maybe meditation would help.

You need to take a long break from the forums before you completely loose it.
Just tell yourself that we aren't worthy of your brilliant insight and go work on that fictitious barn project.
You should never use the word "logic".. Just remove it from your limited vocabulary after this bit of nonsense.

Every person in the USA is either an immigrant or the descendant of immigrants.. Immigration to the USA has never been a problem throughout history.

But I do understand how a flood of immigrants to a single limited geographical area could cause a problem.. the cultural issues alone would be a ticking time bomb if concentrations get high enough.

In my area, I grew an industrial manufacturing company to almost 200 employees, 95% of which were immigrants because the American workers were lazy, greedy, and entitled. We started with all American workers and quickly realized the problems weren't worth it.

When I visit my friend's farm, its not American workers in the fields or the barns working, they're all immigrants because he has the same perspective I have. My other friend has a small landscaping company, all immigrants there too..

Heck, if the auto makers fired their idiot lazy and overpaid union workers and hired all immigrants, the cost of a car would probably be cut in half from that single move. (Probably a bit of an exaggeration)

Even here in this very forum when I mentioned I was digging a ditch by hand, some lazy idiot said I was foolish for not spending $400 to get a backhoe.

Those immigrants are coming here because they can find prosperity and jobs.. I recognize there are problems, there are always problems during change, but if Americans don't want to work then screw em..

You are being penny-wise and pound foolish and injured yourself in the process.

The real issue is that you didn't not rent one for the sake of frugality, you didn't rent it because you can't afford it.

Just like you can't afford an electric car even though you fantasized that you were going to make the rest of us buy one.
Got a link to that? Oh wait, you're just going to link to some conservative wack job website.. Forget I asked, I really don't care either way.

Why you're concerned with it is a mystery to me... Probably why your concerned with immigration, trans people, etc.. Someone told you to be concerned and you fall in line.

I don't trust anyone who's high..

You view my rejection of your propaganda as denial of truth.. That's typical for a religious mind as you've been indoctrinated into a thought pattern that is incapable of accepting the unknown.

I don't confirm or deny anything about the laptop other than a position that since it was in the hands of a known political operator who lies (Giuliani) that no information concerning that laptop can be trusted until the proper hands validate it.

Either way, real or not, containing evidence of significant criminal activity or not, I don't care.. I didn't vote for Hunter Biden, he's not running for public office.

But you be sure to keep your attention focused on it.. Such subject matter is simple and easy for you to understand, and therefor, you can take part in the grade school level discussions.

Watching you monkeys wave sticks around is true entertainment.

If the FBI finds actual real evidence that a publicly elected official was taking bribes, please be sure to speak up about it.. Unfortunately, you'll have to be clear when you do because you cry wolf so often I don't really pay attention anymore.
You, who are on the side politically of the party and politician being justifiably accused of a number of crimes and corrupt activities, actually think that these charges need to be proven to your personal satisfaction for them to be true.
The hubris and audacity are incredible here.
Its as if Al Capone thought he could avoid jail time for tax evasion by filling the peanut gallery of the court room with his fellow gangsters, and while prosecutors made their case they just sat their with blank stares muttering "duh, we dont see nuthin!"
Polling from several credible sources reported that if Biden voters had been exposed to accurate journalism regarding Hunters laptop, at least 5 percent of them would have not voted for him. Given how close the race was, even Capone's lackeys would have been honest and smart enough to concede the influence of that matter in the election.

Not Murphy. It seems the last century has seen the evolution of lowlifes in Amerca to reach staggering levels of corruption and depravity.
You arent even worthy of wasting time with discussion.
You, who are on the side politically of the party and politician being justifiably accused of a number of crimes and corrupt activities, actually think that these charges need to be proven to your personal satisfaction for them to be true.
Yes, absolutely.
The hubris and audacity are incredible here.
We call such concepts a "Jury of peers" you moron.

Its as if Al Capone thought he could avoid jail time for tax evasion by filling the peanut gallery of the court room with his fellow gangsters, and while prosecutors made their case they just sat their with blank stares muttering "duh, we dont see nuthin!"
Polling from several credible sources reported that if Biden voters had been exposed to accurate journalism regarding Hunters laptop, at least 5 percent of them would have not voted for him. Given how close the race was, even Capone's lackeys would have been honest and smart enough to concede the influence of that matter in the election.

Not Murphy. It seems the last century has seen the evolution of lowlifes in Amerca to reach staggering levels of corruption and depravity.
You arent even worthy of wasting time with discussion.

Rebooted Clinton Global Initiative Licks Chops Over Ukraine 'Humanitarian' Aid​

The now-revived Clinton Global Initiative (CGI) has found a new grift - Ukraine.

"The US is sending the World Bank $25 billion. Then, the World Bank is sending money to the Clintons. And then the Clintons are sending it to Ukraine..."

But first - a short review. The Clintons, through their foundation, fleeced Haiti to the tune of Billions following the 2010 earthquake which killed an estimated 220,000 people.

  • Hillary Clinton's State Department pressured Haiti to suppress their minimum wage in sweatshops in order to benefit US clothing manufacturers
  • Clinton Foundation donors were were handed government contracts to clean up in the aftermath of the earthquake.
  • Bill Clinton intervened in the jail sentence of Laura Silsby, a convicted child trafficker who attempted to smuggle 33 children out of Haiti.
  • A former Haitian government official set to expose the Clinton Foundation's misdeeds in Haiti shot himself in the head a week before he was able to testify.
  • The Clinton Foundation even grifted Haiti's lime industry.
  • Haiti's former Senate president said Hillary Clinton 'tried to bribe me!'
CGI was shuttered in 2017 after Hillary Clinton lost the 2016 election and donations mysteriously dried up. It was rebooted in 2022.

And now, Ukraine.

According to the ABC News, CGI will launch the "Ukraine Action Network" with the stated mission of delivering 'humanitarian aid' to Ukrainians, which will "mobilize existing CGI partners, as well as new leaders from around the world, to create and finance new commitments for Ukrainians."

Today, the Clinton Global Initiative announced their very own program to rebuild Ukraine. The US is sending the World Bank $25 billion. Then, the World Bank is sending money to the Clintons. And then the Clintons are sending it to Ukraine.

Joe Biden also just appointed a…
— Jesse Watters (@JesseBWatters) September 20, 2023
Pope Francis kicked off the new initiative in a videoconference with Bill Clinton on Monday, where he said "No challenge is too great if we meet it starting with personal conversion and the personal contribution that each of us can make to solve it... No challenge can be overcome alone — not alone, only together, sisters and brothers, children of God."

The CGI Ukraine Action Network is the result of a collaboration between Hillary Clinton and Olena Zelenska, first lady of Ukraine, that began last year. The new organization, which will be formally announced Tuesday, is designed to mobilize existing CGI partners, as well as new leaders from around the world, to create and finance new commitments for Ukrainians, according to CGI. Numerous monetary commitments for Ukraine are also set to be announced Tuesday. -ABC News
We're sure this will go well, particularly for the children of war-torn Ukraine, and CGI donors.

More money laundering of our tax dollars via the World Bank to fund CGI's worldwide child sex trafficking/organ harvesting network being sourced from Ukraine.
— Lisa Mei (@TheNotoriousLMC) September 20, 2023
You're probably right. Still it's 94% that was pocketed by the Clinton family and a few of their cronys.

Sirens blare across Russia as it holds nationwide emergency drills​

Hmmmm we have the same thing happening the VERY next day........
Let's be realistic. Most people can't locate their precious Ukraine on a map.

At my age I've seen way too many foreign military adventures of the US that were never sanctioned by a declaration of war and are therefore illegal. And those that fought them died for a lie.

What business do the people of America have in getting involved with a fight that has nothing to do with us? War is a great business, as General Smedley Butler wrote in his book, "War is a Racket", where the profits are measured in dollars and the losses in destroyed lives.

Everyone beats on the Nazis (and for good reason). But rarely do you hear any similar anger towards the Soviet Union or Red China (both communist) who killed many times more people than the Nazis did.

Solzhenitsyn estimates that the entire USSR prison camp system killed over 70 million people.
Red China, during their "revolution" killed over 48 million people.
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Having a local perspective on the situation, I believe the 'Nazi thing' is exaggerated. Every country has fringe groups, but it's not a societal issue. Check out this blog for an insightful, English-language take on what's happening.

So what is the Azov regiment?​

Azov is a far-right all-volunteer infantry military unit whose members – estimated at 900 – are ultra-nationalists and accused of harbouring neo-Nazi and white supremacist ideology.

The unit was initially formed as a volunteer group in May 2014 out of the ultra-nationalist Patriot of Ukraine gang, and the neo-Nazi Social National Assembly (SNA) group. Both groups engaged in xenophobic and neo-Nazi ideals and physically assaulted migrants, the Roma community and people opposing their views.

As a battalion, the group fought on the front lines against pro-Russian separatists in Donetsk, the eastern region of Ukraine. Just before launching the invasion, Putin recognised the independence of two rebel-held regions from Donbas.

A few months after recapturing the strategic port city of Mariupol from the Russian-backed separatists, the unit was officially integrated into the National Guard of Ukraine on November 12, 2014, and exacted high praise from then-President Petro Poroshenko.


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