diy solar

diy solar

What does this look like to you?

It is the new processing plant for cyberdyne systems manufacturing plant. The time travel facilities will be delivered shortly.
The time travel facilities were already delivered.. in the future.. and in the past. Obviously.
It's NOT a construction site, what's there is there and fully operational.

Any guesses we make are based on a large blue building with a lot of industrial electrical supply needed…

Could be anything from a lightbulb factory to the coolest new wire spinning factory…
I’m guessing a massive crypto mining facility.
DING! DING! DING! DING! We have a winner! That used to be a newspaper printer hence all the power lines comin in, but when it went defunct a company put all those boxes in place and started mining Bitcoin. So if you ever wondered where all the new video cards were, they're about an hour north of Spokane, WA.
DING! DING! DING! DING! We have a winner! That used to be a newspaper printer hence all the power lines comin in, but when it went defunct a company put all those boxes in place and started mining Bitcoin. So if you ever wondered where all the new video cards were, they're about an hour north of Spokane, WA.
You dont mine Bitcoin with video cards. You haven't been able to for many years. You mine bitcoin with ASIC's.

And theres no shortage of video cards anymore. They are plentiful and cheap(ish)
DING! DING! DING! DING! We have a winner! That used to be a newspaper printer hence all the power lines comin in, but when it went defunct a company put all those boxes in place and started mining Bitcoin. So if you ever wondered where all the new video cards were, they're about an hour north of Spokane, WA.
Yeah, a client of mine came to me wanting to revamp a large industrial complex and setup a massive crypto mining facility...
He wanted me to recommend a solar system to handle the gigawatthour monthly consumption...

I passed on the job.
Yeah, a client of mine came to me wanting to revamp a large industrial complex and setup a massive crypto mining facility...
He wanted me to recommend a solar system to handle the gigawatthour monthly consumption...

I passed on the job.
Always pass on those jobs lol
they're about an hour north of Spokane, WA.
Good location for Crypto mining because power is inexpensive in the NorthWest. A hundred and thirty years ago my Danish great grand parents ran a general store near Spokane. They often grubstaked miners heading to the Idaho gold or silver mines and ocassionally those investments paid off. They had a comfortable retirement on 3,000 acres of wheat farm which their nephews harvested for them.
Good location for Crypto mining because power is inexpensive in the NorthWest. A hundred and thirty years ago my Danish great grand parents ran a general store near Spokane. They often grubstaked miners heading to the Idaho gold or silver mines and ocassionally those investments paid off. They had a comfortable retirement on 3,000 acres of wheat farm which their nephews harvested for them.
I love hearing stories like that. Thank you!
Are you sure it isn't Wills? ;) Thought I remember in one of his video or live chats a while ago he was looking at setting up some mining facility in the NW because of the cheap power.
Good location for Crypto mining because power is inexpensive in the NorthWest. A hundred and thirty years ago my Danish great grand parents ran a general store near Spokane. They often grubstaked miners heading to the Idaho gold or silver mines and ocassionally those investments paid off. They had a comfortable retirement on 3,000 acres of wheat farm which their nephews harvested for them.
Eastern Washington... I miss the area. Spent my early childhood in Cheeney.
It's north of Newport, WA and was the old Newport News printing press, which is the large building in the background. Unfortunately with a population of about 1900, Google has a hard time finding Newport News, WA when compared Newport ship yards.
I tried doing the google sat view thing but I guess its too new to show up on that yet.
It's north of Newport, WA and was the old Newport News printing press, which is the large building in the background. Unfortunately with a population of about 1900, Google has a hard time finding Newport News, WA when compared Newport ship yards.
Cool. That was fun.
It looks like either a server center or energy storage system.

diy solar

diy solar