diy solar

diy solar

Sol-Ark - Inverter Monitoring

Let's further simplify the system. Plug the SH-U11F USB connector directly into a laptop and run modpoll using the COM port. That way mbusd is not in the picture at all and you can confirm that your wiring is correct.

Your test setup:
modpoll loaded on a laptop
The SH-U11F
The cable you made
Your SolArk inverter.

You are very wise to do the low level testing you are doing. I am the author of github repo you are trying to use. I use the setup documented there and have found it to be very reliable.

Please open a discussion over at the repo for further support on using the Home Assistant integration. I will help you further there. One thing you do not mention above is what you intend to plug your SH-U11F into in your final system. If you can plug directly into your HA box you will not need mbusd.
This is why I love this forum. Excellent help from excellent people. It is a testament to the cadre of smart folks we have here, and why is becoming the defacto place where like minds meet to share their experiences in everything Solar and energy technology.
Let's further simplify the system. Plug the SH-U11F USB connector directly into a laptop and run modpoll using the COM port. That way mbusd is not in the picture at all and you can confirm that your wiring is correct.

Your test setup:
modpoll loaded on a laptop
The SH-U11F
The cable you made
Your SolArk inverter.

You are very wise to do the low level testing you are doing. I am the author of github repo you are trying to use. I use the setup documented there and have found it to be very reliable.

Please open a discussion over at the repo for further support on using the Home Assistant integration. I will help you further there. One thing you do not mention above is what you intend to plug your SH-U11F into in your final system. If you can plug directly into your HA box you will not need mbusd.
Let's further simplify the system. Plug the SH-U11F USB connector directly into a laptop and run modpoll using the COM port. That way mbusd is not in the picture at all and you can confirm that your wiring is correct.

Your test setup:
modpoll loaded on a laptop
The SH-U11F
The cable you made
Your SolArk inverter.

You are very wise to do the low level testing you are doing. I am the author of github repo you are trying to use. I use the setup documented there and have found it to be very reliable.

Please open a discussion over at the repo for further support on using the Home Assistant integration. I will help you further there. One thing you do not mention above is what you intend to plug your SH-U11F into in your final system. If you can plug directly into your HA box you will not need mbusd.
Thank you for the help. I'm excited to get this working. Still having communication issues between the solark and SH-U11f. I will post over on the repo. Ultimately, I will be plugging the SH-U11f in a TP link ac1750 running Openwrt (wired bridge) and mbusd. The ac1750 access point is next to the solark, hard wired lan and has a usb port . HA device is in a completely different building.
Hi! This thread has been great, thanks for all of the info. I have an 8K outdoor, but I don't have a lithium battery, I'm using acid batteries. If I change the battery setting to "BMS Lithium Batt" that will affect how the inverter reads my battery bank, right?
My modbus based SolArk 12k monitoring has been working for 20 months now with no reliability issues at all. I have 2 inverters and each is connected via their own RS485 bus. Last night however, both stopped responding to all serial communications at the same time... is anyone else seeing anything similar? I'm suspicious of a firmware update or something.

Edit: Upon further investigation, a bug in my software made the failure of one manifest as a failure as both. In fact, one is still responding fine, so likely its a wiring or adapter issue...
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In short real-time monitoring is possible with the Sol-Ark!

I decided to post a dedicated thread on this topic given the ongoing interest and research that has been done by some members. I am pointing folks to the resources that I used for the primary setup but will highlight the Sol-Ark specific items that I discovered on my own that made everything work.

Background Info - I have been on the 'search' for a way to monitor my Sol-Ark 12k inverter since I bought it. I was unimpressed with the out of the box offering and discouraged with every firmware release that pushed monitoring frequency from 5min to 8mins and now 10mins per reading (today I am monitoring at 1 sec intervals). I had some limited experience with logging and graphing with my Batrium setup so I started looking and came across this site where the members had successfully accessed the SunSynk inverter, 'cousin' to the Sol-Ark. A cousin to the point that all the modbus registers are the same outside of the ones related to the grid phase side, SunSynk is single phase vs. Sol-Ark being two phased. See attachments.

  • Setup - I followed the steps that have been outlined in the following two posts (posting them for credit). Read these threads and read then again and you will be 90% of the way there setting up.

For my setup I used the following items:
  1. RPI - Zero W - Out of the box setup
  2. Modbus Interface - Biggest PIA was trying to troubleshoot the driver issues with the 1st two devices. Literally spent more time on this setup step then the actual connection to the Sol-Ark.
    1. WaveShare RS485 CAN HAT for Raspberry Pi
      1. Was unable to get it to work, I believe it is a driver issue
    2. Industrial USB to RS485 Converter Adapter Original FT232RL
      1. Did not work on the RPI but did work on my Mac
    3. JBtek USB to RS485 Converter Adapter ch340T
      1. Work with RPI and what I am using today
  3. Node-Red - Running on the RPI Zero W
    1. Established JSON flows are already available for download from the powerview threads listed above. make note they have to be updated for some items that relate to single phase.
  4. InfluxDB - Running on a RPI 4
    1. Standard setup
  5. Grafana - Running on a RPI 4
    1. Establish JSON dashboards are available for download from the powerview threads.
Sol-Ark Items - This ended up being the easiest item once I received the Modbus document from Sol-Ark. In the latest manual version they dedicate a section to the RS485 connections but leave out some key details unless you ask for them. They are contained in the attachment that I added to the post. In short depending on what version of Sol-Ark you have, 8k, 12k, indoor or outdoor model there are slight variations to the wire connections.

As of now I have been collecting data for the past couple of days and still in the process of building a dashboard but when it gets to a semi sold form I'll share it with the group. If you are looking for an example or a template you are better off grabbing one of the ones already posted and building from there (what I did).

NOTE - Some of the flows / setups that you may come across allow for the changing of inverter settings, modbus write actions. The Sol-Ark document excludes those settings but the SunSynk has them. For my own personal setup I only use the read only modbus options at this time to avoid any mistakes until I get a good handle on what is available and what I want to do eventually.

Good luck!

Thanks for the detailed writeup! I'm just starting down this path and am looking for someone to check my work. I've done the following:
  • Connected an Ethernet cable to the "Modbus/RS-485" port on my Sol-Ark 12k (the Battery/CANbus port is occupied by a connection to my batteries).
  • Wires 7 & 8 from that cable are connected to the A & B ports on the recommended JBtek USB to RS485 converter
  • USB converter is plugged into a Pi Zero. I see /dev/serial1 and /dev/usbTTY0 as valid devices.
  • Node-RED is installed and running, along with unmodified versions of the flows from
So far, no errors showing up.... but also no data. I'm wondering if there's a simple way to test that I've got the RS485 connectivity working correctly? This is a completely new protocol for me so I'm not sure how to troubleshoot.

Thanks in advance for any and all help! ("RTFM!" with links is also readily accepted :D )
Even sol-ark suggests using solar-assistant on their updated website.

View attachment 160530
Nice observation! Interesting that they have the picture of SA on that page, but no mention whatsoever of Solar Assistant. Wouldn't it be interesting if Sol-Ark buys Solar Assistant, since they are saying a new monitoring tool will be coming out?

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Nice observation! Interesting that they have the picture of SA on that page, but no mention whatsoever of Solar Assistant. Wouldn't it be interesting if Sol-Ark buys Solar Assistant, since they are saying a new monitoring tool will be coming out?

Nope, they would just raise the price, and not be as supportive of other brands.
The beauty of Solar Assistant is the innovative programming, and wide array of support across multiple brands and protocols.
Nope, they would just raise the price, and not be as supportive of other brands.
The beauty of Solar Assistant is the innovative programming, and wide array of support across multiple brands and protocols.
Okay, I can accept that. But why would they have the picture on that support page? Is it a "nudge nudge, wink, wink" to the keen observers, or will they officially be supporting it as an add-on?
Okay, I can accept that. But why would they have the picture on that support page? Is it a "nudge nudge, wink, wink" to the keen observers, or will they officially be supporting it as an add-on?
My guess is that they may partner with them, but doubt they would buy them. I believe SA is based out of South Africa, Sol-Ark is in the US, and their hardware OEM Deye is out of China.

Software companies very often partner with hardware companies for closer collaboration to enhance supportability or functionality, or give them more exposure within a specific market. They may even develop an OEM relationship, where the hardware company includes the software with or as part of their product.
Some people would suggest that Samsungs purchase of smart things made it much better and expanded their capabilities.

However, Solar Assistant staying agnostic has the benefit of working for more devices. However, I would like to see it open sourced and have them find a payment model that doesn’t wall out developers. If you look at the Home Assistant model, the largest home automation project in the world, it’s not growing at massive rates because they charge everyone $50 for it.

Im not saying the mass adoption of Solar Assistant is held back by $50, im saying if they allowed others to make their own reports, add features, skins, dashboards and get it running on x86 like home assistant so you could virtualize it, it would be soooo much better.
unfortunately Sol-Ark has no interest in real time monitoring. The best your going to get from them is 30 second sampling.
The vast majority of sol-arks sales are made to home owners who know zip about Solar, except that it produces energy. They get it professionally installed and if It works and their bill drops significantly they are happy.
I don't agree Sol-Ark has no interest, from my perspective they do, they just don't yet have the software muscle to build it. Victron has it and even Enphase has a real-time feature that only works 15 minutes at a time and lets you see those real-time spikes, etc.

You are however probably correct that most of Sol-Ark's sales are grid-connected, possibly sellback arrangements with the ability to have agnostic battery integration down the road.

A fast-growing part of the solar industry is the DIY, which by evidence of Sol-Ark, Growatt, Eg4, and even full retailers like Current Connected and Signature Solar shows there is a growing demand from people who have enough ability to do this work themselves if the vendors simply make the products easier for everyone, installers included and provide information freely to anyone.

I'm looking forward to the day when much of what used to be hundreds of parts is distilled down into perhaps a dozen or so pieces of equipment that work with one another and you can add on with ease additional software layers for additional functionality and management. I'm feeling pretty close to this now with my Sol-Ark 15K and the Eg4 batteries in a rack, but there is still some room to go to make things even easier to where you could also buy an entire kit, cables, enclosures, software altogether or individually and it's easy enough and dummy proof enough to anyone with basic electrical skills could install it.

Solar Assistant is so close to being great, they just need to give us a little more ability to make our own reports and customize the widgets/dashboards. They need to do more than copy part of the Home Assistant name and adopt the Home Assistant model which will really give us a platform that enables the DIY community to push Solar Assistant in new areas growing its global user base exponentially like the Home Assistant project.
since this thread was helpful to me, I thought I would give back. the easiest way I found was to hit the token api and then the direct API from the PV pro web api. Attached is a script I made to adjust the charging amps of my tesla based on the available juice in my house.


    5 KB · Views: 29
since this thread was helpful to me, I thought I would give back. the easiest way I found was to hit the token api and then the direct API from the PV pro web api. Attached is a script I made to adjust the charging amps of my tesla based on the available juice in my house.
The data in the PV Pro API is delayed 15 minutes right? In other words, it's not realtime?
Yes, that is my understanding that PV Pro is not realtime. That was one of the reasons I intalled Solar Assistant. Once I installed it I liked the graphical displays and all the data which was provided. I find it easier to navigate and drill down into the detail if needed.
Ok I think I need a little help here mainly from @audreez and @robby.

Here's my sw version :
M --/C 1.4.3.F

I'm trying to run the

USR-TCP232-410s RS232 / RS485 Serial to Ethernet​

I'm on a 15K, batteries are Lithium but has no connexion to the inverter.
The doc says :
So I wired
As my network is I setup and IP address and then got the adapter interface :
I'm not sure of these settings, especially
UART Packet time ??
UART Packet length ??
is TCP Server / Modbus TCP the right setting ?

If @audreez could post his settings it would be great.

Last question, am I supposed to see something in the Weeb to Serial panel

As you can see I have nothing and the modpoll gives me only timeouts

Thanks for your help
OK. I answer myself...

I urge anyone having the exact same problem as me to watch :

Then I tried every settings possible... No luck.
As suggested by @audreez I unplugged the Ethernet cable of the dongle (the one sending data to the web interface) from the Ethernet switch.

With these settings :

I'm getting

Now I have to install the integration to get these data in Home Assistant.

I have two Sol-Ark 12ks in Parallel. Do I need to have both connected over rs485 or can I just connect to the master?

I'll have 4 280ah 48v batteries with their own JKBMS connected via bluetooth to a raspberry pi and hopefully talk to the inverters over CAN to tell them how much voltage/amperage to charge with and report on battery data. It would be great if I could do it all with just one Pi 3.
I'm not sure what others are doing, but I combine the data from my 2 12Ks. Sometime add, sometimes average. Watts I generally add, voltages generally average. PV watts are special - handled individually so I can see what's going on with my strings.

Each Sol-Ark is on it's own RS-485 channel, I use 2 serial ports on a Nano 33 IOT for them.


I am in the same boat as you. I have fortress batteries closed loop on Mode 4 and I am using the Dongle and PV-Pro.
I want to use Solar-Assistant but I also want to be able to access PV-Pro and have the dongle for updates.
Two monitoring systems may seem like a lot but I do like the fact that Sol-Ark is monitoring my system and will supposedly call me if something happens. At the same time I need real time updates so we can shift loads to cut Grid usage to a minimum.

I have 3x(SA12k-P)+3x(eVaultMax) in parallel that i'd like to shake hands with an RPi4-Openhabian3. All 3 eVaultMax are "BMS" Daisy-CANBus'ed to the Master(Modbus SN: 01) inverter and the other two Slaves(Modbus SN: 02 & 03) are chained to the Master. The "CAN"-RJ45 port from the Master battery is connected to the Master inverter's "Battery/CANBus"-RJ45. However, I think I may be in the same boat because I can't find any signal on the "RS485" ports. Of course i get serial data from the wifi-dongle RS232 connection on all 3 inverters. It's funny how someone could probably replace all 3 (ESP32 Powered) wifi-dongles with basic RS232 serial connections to a single (ESP32 or RPi) MQTT Bridge. It would be ideal to have the ability to pull the data off the wifi-dongle over my intranet, but i tried some packet sniffing and couldn't figure it out or didn't know what i was looking at!

I do see a few Github projects that successfully implement RS232 to MQTT via ESP32. I have something similar set up to control my Pentair-EasyTouch8(pool controller) and i'm able to control it from OpenHAB, however it uses RS485 to MQTT via ESP32. What would you suggest i try, ESP32 or directly hooking them up to the RPi4 running OpenHabian via USB-RS232 and capture the data in OpenHAB with a serial binding?

How were you able to do it?
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My battery pack Manufacturer updated the firmare about a year ago and switched from RS485 to Canbus.
since then I have just used an Ethernet splitter and connected the Batteries to one end and the other to Solar Assistant.
My battery pack Manufacturer updated the firmare about a year ago and switched from RS485 to Canbus.
since then I have just used an Ethernet splitter and connected the Batteries to one end and the other to Solar Assistant.
My battery manufacturer is also Fortress Power, they make the eVaultMax, they did switch over to from the RS485 to the CANBus port, and that's how mine is configured. I am able to communicate with the "BMS" via a USBCAN-I tool but that only gives me the BMS/Battery status.

So are you polling the battery status/SOC off the BMS to perform load management instead of polling the SA12k? or are you able to read the RS485 off the same "Battery/CANBus"-RJ45 port/ethernet-wire with a splitter?

diy solar

diy solar