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diy solar

diy solar

2nd Buy from Amy Wan/Luyuan

Are you going to capacity test the assembled battery?

Not in any serious way. Because I'm full of fuckwithery, I'll probably deliberately run it down to near empty as a pseudo-cap test.

The battery will perform as good as the weakest cell, so I'm pretty confident that I'll get at least 300Ah out of it as my typical usage will be about 10A.
I'm glad you are happy. For all of us that is the main objective.

Thank you as well for this thread. When I purchase cells I personally am looking at the stated capacity as the goal. The old tests performed by Will followed a similar approach and if the assembled battery met cell capacity (e.g. 280) then it was considered a success.

When I purchase a simple thing like an an apple, I don't care about service. It will fade from existence fairly quickly. When I purchase something like battery cells, a case, BMS or components then I prefer service. This is the main reason I went with Current Connected for my Victron equipment. They have developed an excellent reputation on this forum. I feel the same way about Amy. When I made a recent purchase, I bought 304 cells. They were presented as such. The EVE values were presented after the sale was made so I didn't perceive any attempt to persuade the decision. In fact, I purchased some grade B cells from Amy for another application. She was careful to indicate that these cells were actually below the stated values which was appreciated. I made the purchase in this case because the cells served a need.

Amy has always been available to answer support questions both before and after the purchase. She patiently answers my questions and if she doesn't have it immediately will take the time to find out for me. In a world where others have expressed frustration about support issues, I find this refreshing and the reason I personally continue to utilize her services.

I wanted to thank you for all of the support and assistance you provide on this forum. Your help has been appreciated by many including myself. I look forward to future threads where you continue to explore the many products that are being used by members. Hoping you have a great day!
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Not in any serious way. Because I'm full of fuckwithery, I'll probably deliberately run it down to near empty as a pseudo-cap test.

The battery will perform as good as the weakest cell, so I'm pretty confident that I'll get at least 300Ah out of it as my typical usage will be about 10A.
do you have a link to "Amy Way @ Luyuan " that some one cand find their online store easy?
so what does contacting her directly do for you? I just added 16 cells to an order on the web page and it was 111.00 cdn per cell plus 500 in shipping.
Message her and find out.

When I contacted her on order #1, she gave me pricing less than on the website. I also got a slight discount for being a forum member. Also, any issues were explained to me, such as going to the size BMS I wanted versus what was listed on the sight.
so what does contacting her directly do for you? I just added 16 cells to a order on the web page and it was 111.00 cdn per cell plus 500 in shipping.
The instructions that I read on the Luyuan Alibaba website EXPLICITLY ask that you ignore the Alibaba shipping estimate AND that you CONTACT HER DIRECTLY by messaging for a more accurate shipping estimate.

For my location, the Alibaba shipping estimate was nearly 4x higher than the fee calculated by the shipping company that she uses when she gave them exact details. I used the cart to get a rough estimate to organize the items for her, but in the end, the cart was not used, she replied via messaging with specific (different) amounts for most items including shipping and then she created an Alibaba invoice. The cart ended up never being used and I deleted it after I made payment via credit card, which went through immediately and cleanly.

I would guess, that given how good she has been with my order, that if you went through and used the Alibaba cart, she might try to contact you anyway to let you know of adjusted pricing? Not sure what would happen if you ignored her messaging other than you could over pay?
ALWAYS get Direct Quotes from ANY Vendor on Ali Baba/Express !
The listed prices in the product pages get revised more often than the pages do.
Shipping & Handling is ALWAYS a GUESStimate with the automated system, it is Never Accurate... ALI* is NOT Amazon or EBay.
Also talking with a rep, can Save you Money because if you buy more of the smaller bits & pieces (BMS, wires etc) they can usually "Bundle" that into the rest of the order and save on S&H. That can add up REALLY FAST TOO !
Saving up for the next purchase. Looking to update to the battery cases, update my Overkill to JK BMS and likely add in a batch of 280s.
In case it's relevant for the UK market, had a very interesting chat with Amy for 15kWh of batteries and cases and BMS - very helpful and amenable on chat. However, the total cost to my door is about £350-400 less than I can buy a prebuilt battery from Fogstar, also delivered, with the advantage of UK warranty. To me, that makes it a marginal choice - it is cheaper, but not by much, and I'd have to learn how to build it (not too hard, but a mistake is costly), and take time to do it. Decided it's currently not worth the hassle. YMMV. I do appreciate £400 is 8 solar panels though!
For me warranty is kinda pointless as shipping would stop me from doing anything further. I’d much rather try and fix it on my own.

A cheap JK BMS is pretty much the only thing that could fail (other than a lose terminal that I’d blame myself). So $70-$90 for an 8s is a steal even if I have to replace it again.
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DANG! 70A is suhwheeeeet...

I'm using the 70A to charge from the ~33% as received SoC and then discharge. Takes just under 8 hours to fully cycle a cell, and it's totally hands-free. To keep that one cycling, once discharged, it's onto the 30A charger for 3 hours to get exactly 90Ah in them.

Results have been wicked consistent.

305.6 - 30A to 2.5V
306.1 - this one is likely a little higher due to the two separate discharges (70A to 2.5V followed by 30A to 2.5V) with an extended rest in between.
305.7 - 70A to 2.5V, hold 2.5V and taper current to 30A

Confidence is up, so I'll be starting a cycle before bed. I'll be able to test two cells per day. Looks like I'll be testng all of them... :)
From your capacity test results, the 280ah was actually testing 306ah and I want to ask, will the 306ah capacity remain till the battery lifespan start dropping?
I was told that if you purchase Grade A 125ah cell for example and the actual testing capacity from the test gives 130ah, it will certainly fall back to 125ah after the few months of usage. I don't know how true it was.
From your capacity test results, the 280ah was actually testing 306ah and I want to ask, will the 306ah capacity remain till the battery lifespan start dropping?
I was told that if you purchase Grade A 125ah cell for example and the actual testing capacity from the test gives 130ah, it will certainly fall back to 125ah after the few months of usage. I don't know how true it was.

I really have no idea. It seems most cells initially deteriorate fairly quickly and then smooth out to a lower rate.
I really have no idea. It seems most cells initially deteriorate fairly quickly and then smooth out to a lower rate.
From your experience, do you think your actual testing 306ah capacity gotten from the 280ah you purchased will remain till the battery lifespan start dropping?
I think people that have used similar products for some times now should be able to tell if the capacity has dropped to the original capacity or not.
Amy should have knowledge about it too.
Question - Why are you on 24v verse 48v that it seems most everyone else uses? Doesn't really matter from a cells and capacity standpoint, just how they are assembled.
Would you approach Amy regarding the ready-made batteries mentioned on the site? I'm looking to replace FLA on a Polaris Ranger EV, and as a beginner I'm reluctant to DIY right of the bat, given the high current draw (600A). TIA.

diy solar

diy solar