diy solar

diy solar

Advice on opening plastic battery case with least amount of damage, not Will style :-)

New Member
Sep 5, 2020
What's the best way & tools? For non destructive opening!! Sorry Will :)
Heat/chill .......Putty knife/plastic trim tools? Etc

Depends on how it's sealed and the type of plastic.
Often a heat gun or blanket with some WIDE flat pry tools will let you in. Just a long heat soak to loosen the glue then pick, wedge and spatula your way in.
Lithiumsolar on YouTube uses the putty knife and hammer method, and usually has minimal damage to the case.
Baked the black plastic case in the Sun & used a putty knife & old cutlery knives.
Didn't budge! :(
Renogy did too good a job with the glue on this one!
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Never been to India? This guy is at the top of the chain with shoes.
There's videos of dudes over there who work in heavy machine shops that don't wear shoes, or at best they wear flip flops.
Yeah, spend any time looking at the health effects of lead and this video becomes a human tragedy. But hey, that's every damn day in a huge swath of the world.
I once read an independent study on the analysis of Lead found in Birds and other game shot by hunters using Shot Guns. It was kind of frightening how much of those pellets disintegrate into dust like fragments inside the bird on impact.
The lead content of the meat was something like 100 times higher than the maximum allowed. So I guess even here in the good old USA a lot of people are getting their Vitamin L. Now don't even get me started on the water pipes!
Yeah, spend any time looking at the health effects of lead and this video becomes a human tragedy. But hey, that's every damn day in a huge swath of the world.
Reminds me of the gold miners in developing countries using mercury to extract the gold, then they cook off the mercury while standing over the pot.

I think I'd rather be the battery dude ?

As for the op's problem, they make blade tips for soldering irons, I'm sure you could persuade the case open with one of those. Don't know about putting it back together though.