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diy solar

diy solar

Are These What I Need and is the Price Fair


New Member
Oct 5, 2020
I am buying Lifepo4 batteries from Shenzhen Basen Technology Co., Ltd. (see attached invoice). Does this price look like fair market value as to the batteries and the shipping? Thank you.


  • Lifepo4 Batteries.jpg
    Lifepo4 Batteries.jpg
    45.8 KB · Views: 43
You need to use the Chat function, contact the seller directly and get a custom quote. Don't just use the Alibaba interface and its quoted shipping costs. Also, search the forum and see what others think of the seller; make sure you have the right expectations.
Okay. Thanks. I get a "Send Error" when I send to Alex Chen. Is the object of the custom order to bargain for a better price or something else? My goal is to increase my current storage which is two 12v 100aH Lifepo4 wired in series for my van.
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You don't bargain - you just get a custom quote based on what you need and where you are located. The shipping price calculator on Alibaba is always wrong - don't rely on it.

This is the one you want to contact:


Also, make sure you have DDP Incoterms. I noticed you have DAP in your original one. DDP makes sure you don't have any extra costs such as taxes.
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I bought 16 280AH Basen LF280K cells from another member here last week for $158.75 per cell. In other words, ~$1270 for 8 cells.
I'm still waiting on 20 Lishen cells from China that I ordered back in February that haven't even shipped yet. It felt like a relief to buy from a domestic reseller and have the cells in 2 days. I have nothing but good things to say about bossmav
After you get DDP price from your seller, it might be a good idea to consider your options.
If I bought eight cells how would that compare to the two BB 12v 100aH batteries I bought. I'm trying to power a portable air conditioner. I have a 24v system and wonder if I would be better off with a 12v system. How would 16 cells compare?
8 cells (280Ah each) would give you 2 x 280Ah @12V batteries, or one 24V 280Ah battery. Energy in both is the same: 7 kWh or thereabout, compared to 2 x 1.2 kWh for your BBs. If you make it 16 cells, you can go 48V 280Ah, for around 14kWh of storage. Or 2 x 24V or 4 x 12V with these 16 cells - energy stays the same.

To run an AC, how much does it draw? Suppose you have a 1kW load (continuously), 8 cells could run this for about 7 hours (not including inverter losses, it will likely be closer to 5-6 hours). If you have a 3kW load, you get 2 hours. Double the cells, double the runtime. The higher the load, the higher you want your battery voltage to keep the current low (P = U x I).
2 BB 12v 100Ah batteries = ~2.4 kilowatt-hours of capacity
8 280Ah cells = ~6.7 kilowatt-hours
16 280Ah cells = ~13.4 kilowatt-hours

In other words, a 16 cell 280Ah battery would have around five and a half times as much capacity as the set of 2 BB batteries that you have.

It's much more complicated to assemble a pack than it is to buy a premade unit like the battleborns.

edit: upnorth already covered it all, but It seems like he hit post 2 seconds before I did haha
If the batteries were available how many BMS's would be required for a 24v system. Are BMS's readily available? Would there be a easy guide for assembling the batteries? Any special equipment required? Suitable for installing in a van? Is this a path I want to go down given the price and availability of $500 batteries? Also, if I had 6 BB 12v 100Ah batteries or a $500 knock-off I would have 7.2 kilowatt-hours. Don't know how robust 6 batteries are but they come with a warranty in some cases.
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diy solar

diy solar