diy solar

diy solar

Building the sickest ® VAWT ever. Brilliant minds unite please!!

I am at a loss though why now the VFD does not make for funky gibberish waveforms. They look clean to me;
ahh of course. because the higher frequency now. If we would zoom in enough and increase the sample rate then the funk would be revealed again I am guessing.

Not that I am going to assess that though. I really do not care at this point in time. It is just a thought that I thought worth sharing. (be a part of this log book)
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Challenge accepted :)
ouch!! I ran into another road block again.

I do not have the skill/knowledge to use all of the 3+ KW of the VFD. I am getting stuck at 21 Hz at the PMA.

hahah yes guess who is back.
you saw it did not you? the funky waveform

this time around I am certain it is not a wiring issue


any ideas anyone?
it is important to note that the VFD was heating up. noticeably with smell as well.

Now there is a torque compensation setting though we could try adjusting.

I mean come on. 3+ KW.. We have not seen anything even close by AU's. (astronomical units)
ok ok ok.

I am not certain of anything other than life will procreate and end. And that my tax is not being spend as good as it should.

Please help me figure out where things are wrong.

It is ok to go down to the wiring level!!

I am never above pride.
so I still have hope.

The VFD is rated @ 7.5KW and can be fed with a 3 phase connection (currently only a single 220Vac line is connected). So that is going to give us more power I hope. Good thing I have 3 phase power available. It just takes a lot of effort getting that 3 phase connection into the gym (where the PMA is at the moment)

The motor though is but 3.3KW and I am a little worried that if the mismatch is too great then things will start heating up too much and produce bad smells again.
it is important to note that the VFD was heating up. noticeably with smell as well.

Now there is a torque compensation setting though we could try adjusting.

I mean come on. 3+ KW.. We have not seen anything even close by AU's. (astronomical units)
actually it was the motor that heated. Not the VFD.

I get excited at times and then fail at proper language.
So I will not make it before I have to go to a mental retreat.

In the mountains of Bali there are specialists that can reset ones mind. So I am going there for 6 weeks.

hahah of course this is BS I am going there to see if I can buy land so that Hedges and I can get a self sustaining thing going on :)

Now @Hedges is only semi aware that he is involved with this :) He never actually committed to it :)

So Nah this is just fun and games and like I said. Have as much as you can!!.

Why I am unable to beat the clock? I'll show you.


All contributors are welcomed when ever they are near pool side to come join a warm indoor pool.

BTW this is the second try . The first started leaking and we ended up heating the world rather than only the pool water.

And Hedges my brother. I love it how it still is OSB :) hahahah

I will go to the mountains though for a while. So this thread will go into hibernation.
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So I will not make it before I have to go to a mental retreat.

In the mountains of Bali there are specialists that can reset ones mind. So I am going there for 6 weeks.

hahah of course this is BS I am going there to see if I can buy land so that Hedges and I can get a self sustaining thing going on :)

Now @Hedges is only semi aware that he is involved with this :) He never actually committed to it :)

So Nah this is just fun and games and like I said. Have as much as you can!!.

Why I am unable to beat the clock? I'll show you.

View attachment 229262

All contributors are welcomed when ever they are near pool side to come join a warm indoor pool.

BTW this is the second try . The first started leaking and we ended up heating the world rather than only the pool water.

And Hedges my brother. I love it how it still is OSB :) hahahah

I will go to the mountains though for a while. So this thread will go into hibernation.

I didn't know you could make a pool from just painted OSB. I would figure like an aquarium for would it would need to be covered in fiberglass or have a liner in it.
I didn't know you could make a pool from just painted OSB. I would figure like an aquarium for would it would need to be covered in fiberglass or have a liner in it.
who just woke me from my hibernation? :)


and you would be correct though.

what we have here is OSB 3 18mm as the cup.

and then one layer of epoxy resin.
and then 3 laminated layers of epoxy resin with a 200 gram / m2 glass fiber sheet.

the last layer is being applied as we speak and it is the only layer that contains the pigment.

So for all intends and purposes what we have here is the hull of a non planning boat.

BUT OSB for the win non the less :)
I didn't know you could make a pool from just painted OSB. I would figure like an aquarium for would it would need to be covered in fiberglass or have a liner in it.
this bear can not get sleep yet :(

So let me get things perfectly clear.

Now I did ask any and all to challenge me and thank you for doing so.

There must be a distinction though.

Might you think I am a fraudster and are looking for ways to expose me as such?

I am an open book so there will be no surprises here to uncover.

Or could it be that you are actually interested in how to build an indoor pool that is met with tremendous ground water pressure?

In that case I am game and willing to sit down and compare plans. I know my sh^t regarding that in the meantime.

But please let us no longer sugar coat things.

Let's get it on yes?
this bear can not get sleep yet :(

So let me get things perfectly clear.

Now I did ask any and all to challenge me and thank you for doing so.

There must be a distinction though.

Might you think I am a fraudster and are looking for ways to expose me as such?

I am an open book so there will be no surprises here to uncover.

Or could it be that you are actually interested in how to build an indoor pool that is met with tremendous ground water pressure?

In that case I am game and willing to sit down and compare plans. I know my sh^t regarding that in the meantime.

But please let us no longer sugar coat things.

Let's get it on yes?

Snicker -

I had just never seen it done before like you are doing it that is all, no insult at all intended. I have seen aquariums built out of OSB and if you want to install a glass to let others see what a mermaid you can be I might be able to offer a suggestion on sealing it as well as how thick it would need to be for a given weight of water, but that is it.

Now that you mention ground water I can understand a little - our local rec center pool was closed for over a month while they drained the pool, folded back the liner and patched a hole in it, then spread a LOT more sand under it before reassembly. The clay around here was swelling enough to raise bottom near the hole by about 3ft...

I hate this s8t.

look these girrls that are totally clueless and selling out Bali

I have prerogative here and I deny them this blatant cloud.

Shame on you girls!!!
I think beter to not go to 12 m3 just yet.

I am a little worried of the big bang I heard while the pool is filling up so slowly :(

You see that we use ground water rather than tab water. And there is only so much volume I can suck out per unit of time.


should all go well then we will have 19 cubes to swim in and you contributors are welcome.
now for those that need reinvigorating of the faculties.

This one will blow your mind and I guarantee you will get unstuck!!

I am just sad that Kelly did not age so gracefully. But I am for ever thankful she lifted spirits.
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You did notice how he is sitting on a huge steel looking disk with what could be seen as magnets evenly spaced yes?.
And this all just before Kelly makes her entrance.
He even sings 'making electricity' a few times in the song.

I mean it is not easy to say soo much with words of other people and I tap my self on the shoulder being able to :)

I am just sad Danny Elfman is now involved in all kinds of nasty allegations and if true then shame on him. Yet his work on music should stay out what ever happens next.

Anyway this is most likely one of the last log book entries before a long and argues journey from which I might never return.

It is with fond memories I look back on all of you. Even those that I agitated against or agitated me. Without all of you this would have never been a thing.

Let's hope I make it back all well and reset and poised to strike again.

diy solar

diy solar